
美 [bend]英 [bend]
  • v.弯曲;(使)倾斜;(使四肢等)弯曲;把…弄弯(或折起);弄弯;屈(膝);弯(弓);(耳,目等)转向
  • n.弯道;(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病;曲;弯曲部;倾向;屈服
  • 网络过界;弯管;潜水夫病

过去式:bent 过去式:bended bent 过去式:bended 第三人称单数:bends 现在分词:bending

bend knee,bend will


v. n.

1.[i][t](使)倾斜,偏向to lean, or make sth lean, in a particular direction

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使四肢等)弯曲if youbend your arm, leg, etc. or if itbends , you move it so that it is no longer straight

3.[t]~ sth把…弄弯(或折起)to force sth that was straight into an angle or a curve

4.[i][t](使)拐弯,弯曲to change direction to form a curve or an angle; to make sth change direction in this way


bend sbs ear (about sth)

向某人唠叨诉说(尤指自己的难处)to talk to sb a lot about sth, especially about a problem that you have

bend your mind/efforts to sth

致力于某事;专心致志to think very hard about or put a lot of effort into one particular thing

bend the truth

扭曲事理;歪曲事实to say sth that is not completely true

on bended knee(s)

下跪(请求…);央求;苦苦哀求if you ask for sthon bended knee(s) , you ask for it in a very anxious and/or humble way


2013年5月19日讯,戛纳,当地时间5月18日,第66届戛纳电影节香港影片《过界》(Bends) 首映。女导演刘韵文携监制施南生 …


产品中心—上海龙耐高压管件有限公司 ... 翻边短节 Lap Joint Stub Ends 弯管 Bends 45度斜三通 Lateral ...


潜水夫病(bends):从压力高的地方突然到压力低的地方,未经减压程序,则血中溶解的氮气因压力突然降低,而变成气泡出来,在体内 …


石油词汇英语翻译--矿产.资源.能源.环境-... ... bendover price 炼厂所付每桶油价 bends 潜水病 bendway 深水槽 ...


...难以忍受的剧痛,患肢保持弯曲位,以求减轻疼痛,又称屈肢症或弯痛bends),疼痛部位在潜水作业者以上肢为多,沉箱 …


盘字的解释--... ... 盘倒〖 beaskedspeakless〗 盘道〖 windingmountainpaths;bends〗 盘底〖 trytogettotheheartofamatter〗 ...

If possible, he never bends his mind to do cause. He derides common people who bustle all day. 如果可能,绝不钻营事业,他嘲笑那些整天忙忙碌碌的俗人。
As in all the forward bends, the emphasis is on lengthening the front torso as you move more fully into the position. 在所有的前屈中,重点是当你更多地进入这个体式时,要拉长前侧的躯干。
A motorcycle must be angled over to take bends and corners, it is not steered by the front wheel alone. 转弯时须靠侧,因为电单车并非只靠扭转前轮方向来转向。
As she bends, she look as if she's going to break, like a naiad after the school of Bernini. 在她弯腰的时候,她看起来就像是快要崩溃,就像贝尔尼尼画派(theSchoolofBernini)之后的一个水中仙女(naiad,那伊阿德)。
They form when the sun is near the horizon and ice crystals high in the sky line up in a way that bends the solar rays like a prism. 当太阳处于接近地平线的高度且云层中冰晶较多时,就会像多棱镜一样折射太阳光而产生“假日”。
This time also allows you to feel the effects of the back bends more clearly and absorb the after-taste of these postures. 在这段时间里,你可以可以去感受后弯让意识更加清晰,并且回味这些体式。
Denise stops running. Red faced, she bends over, hands on knees, trying to catch her breath. Richard stops too, enjoying the scene. 丹妮丝停下不跑了。她弯下腰,双手搁在膝盖上,满脸通红,拼命呼着气。理查德也停了下来,欣赏着这画面。
Yes, there will be unexpected bends in the road, shocking surprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point, don't you think? 是的,路上会有让人意想不到的曲折,令人措手不及的惊讶,但是这正是生活的真谛?你不这么认为吗?
And the sudden change in air pressure would lead to a nasty case of the bends, as if you were scuba diving and came up too fast. 而气压的突然改变也会引起严重的减压病,就好像你在戴着水肺潜水而上来的太快一样。
At this point the heart is a tube. In the coming days, it grows and bends into the shape of the heart. 这时心脏还只是一个管状器官。在接下来的日子里,它慢慢发育,并弯曲成心脏的形状。
The vice jaw on the flat hook at the front end of the hand handle bends inwards matching the relative flat hook. 在手柄前端的平钩上的钳口向里弯曲,形成与其相对的平钩相互吻合。
Still another condition is called a bowing fracture. This happens with a bone that bends but does not break. It happens mostly in children. 另外还有一种状况被称为弓形骨折,这种情况发生时,骨头被弯曲了,但并未断裂,大多在儿童身上发生。
Usually just before the zip, there is a pose where the characters raises a leg and bends both arms as if he's about to run. 角色在奔跑前,通常会先抬起一条腿,弯曲他的胳膊即使他马上就开跑了。
Still another condition is called a boning freacherbowing fracture. This happens with a bone that bands bends but that's does not break. 另一种情况,叫做弯曲(弓型)性骨折,是指骨折弯曲但未折断的情况。
Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. 你所看到的不是勺子在弯曲,而是你自己在弯曲。
Perhaps he thinks that his own future may be much like this path; full of bends and curves, thorns and traps. 也许他想到了自己的未来就像这条小路一样,充满曲折、荆棘和陷阱。
The right hand picks out with the sharp chopsticks the stuffing heart the left hand to hide, the left middle finger bends the whereabouts. 右手用尖筷将馅心剔进左手皮子中,左手中指屈起下落。
I openmy eyes and he bends down and kisses the little cigarette burn scar, and in thedim night light I touch his face. 我睁开了眼睛,他弯下身亲了亲那个被香烟烫的小伤疤。在午夜漆黑的房间里,我轻抚着他的脸庞,说道:“谢谢你。”
PAOLA, Kansas (Reuters) - Farmer Mark Nelson bends down and yanks a four-foot-tall weed from his northeast Kansas soybean field. 佩奥拉,堪萨斯州(路透社)-美国农夫马克·尼尔森弯下腰从他的大豆田中拔掉一根四英尺长的杂草。
Loop the river bends around the circle, the more the longer around, finally into a central basin Wang Blue Lake. 河弯河套越绕越圆,越绕越长,最后注入盆地中央的一汪蓝湖。
Sperm whales, also found in the Antarctic, lie at the surface blowing repeatedly so as not to get the bends. 在南极也发现有抹香鲸,它们躺着海面上不断喷水,以至不会因为从水中上升太快而得“潜水病”。
A week later the top of this tube bends over, creating the basic structure of fore, mid and hindbrain . 一个星期之后,官顶端弯曲,形成了基本的大脑前、中、后期结构。
The person comes into the room, and letting one arm fall straight down at the side, he bends one of his legs and makes a graceful dip. 当一个人走进房间的时候,他把一手伸直在一边,然后弯下一腿,做一种很优雅的行礼姿态。
It bends. So when the earthquake hits the building, it's able to just bend and move with that earthquake force but not break. 所以当地震来临时,大厦可以顺震力弯曲,但不会折断。
It passed, and was no more than the shadow which bends the summer grasses. 它过去了,就象夏季笼罩在小草上的阴影。
The light reaches the film of a camera through the lens. It leaves the air and goes into the glass; then it bends. 光通过镜头投射到照相机的胶卷上,它穿过空气进入镜头就会发生折射。
Situated adjacent to a curving road, the linear volume bends slightly towards the north end to hug around the site's infrastructure. 项目位于弯曲道路的一旁,线性的体量稍稍向着北侧弯曲,以环绕场地的基础设施。
It is "hang on" to your seats and watch out for the stream of bikers who roar past and take the bends almost horizontally. 这是“挂”到你的座位,观看了谁的骑自行车的轰鸣声,走过去几乎横向弯曲流出来。
a ray of light usually travels in a straight line; but sometimes it bends. it leaves the air and goes into the glass, then it bends. 一束光线通常走直线,但有时也弯曲,当离开空气进入玻璃时,它就弯曲。
Every person in this town bends over backward to make Bianca feel at home. Why do you think she has so many places to go and so much to do? 镇上的每一个人都尽心竭力地让Bianca感受家的温暖,你觉得哪来那么多地方让她玩,哪来那么多事情让她做?