
美 [bent]英 [bent]
  • n.爱好
  • adj.弯曲的;(因年老或生病)驼背的;不诚实的;不正派的
  • v.“bend”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络弯的;倾向;半路情缘




1.弯曲的not straight

2.(因年老或生病)驼背的,弯腰的not able to stand up straight, usually as a result of being old or ill/sick


bent on sth/on doing sth

决心要做,一心想做(通常指坏事)determined to do sth (usually sth bad)

get bent out of shape (about/over sth)

(为某事)生气,焦虑,烦躁to become angry, anxious or upset


北师大版高中英语选修7 ... approval 赞成;赞许 bent 弯曲的 a piece of bent wire 一段弯曲的金属丝 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... benefit n. / v. 优势,益处,使… 受益 bent a. 弯的 beside prep. 在…旁边;靠 近 ...


新东方GRE词汇 - 豆丁网 ... benign ? adj. 良性的, 仁慈的 bent ? n. 倾向, 爱好 bequest ? n. 遗产,遗赠 ...


新东方GRE词汇 - 豆丁网 ... benign ? adj. 良性的, 仁慈的 bent ? n. 倾向, 爱好 bequest ? n. 遗产,遗赠 ...


曾主演过NBC台《半路情缘》(Bent)的马格·哈什曼(Margo Harshman)加盟《生活大爆炸》第六季。她将扮演谢尔顿( Sh…


...一系列虐心电影,我将他们罗列下来,《暹罗之恋》,《生命中不能承受之情bent)》,《生日快乐(泰)》,《再见哥哥 …

Sand-packing and hot-slab forming starts with packing pipe to be bent with a fine sand, then capping the ends. 砂包装和热板形成始于包装管弯曲的细沙,然后封盖的目的。
As soon as they took her to the tree, the branches bent down and placed the pomegranates right in her hands. 她刚被送到树旁,树枝就垂下来,把石榴果送到她的手上。
She bent her head down, so he don't noticed how red she was and how her eyes were starting to fill with tears. 她低下了头,以免让他看到自己羞红的双颊以及满溢泪水的双眼。
The sun slowly rose up, like an old woman, bent over, carrying things up bit by bit, give us light came. 太阳缓缓的升起来了,像一个老太婆,弯着腰,一点一点的背着东西上来,给我们来照明来了。
Summer brimmed over the sky, and sunshine reached out her arms everywhere to the top of her bent. 那些天空里匆忙盛开的夏天,阳光有了最繁盛的拔节。
The librarian, a globular being with a thousand eyes and one mouth, bent some of his eyes upon Dr. Thaddeus. 图书管理员是一个球状的生物,有一千只眼睛但只有一张嘴。它把一千只眼睛中的几只弯向泰迪斯博士。
One morning, I shuffled downstairs and was startled to see a snowplow clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman shoveling my walk. 一天早上,我慢吞吞的下楼,却吃惊的发现一台扫雪机正在清扫我的车道,还有一个女人正弯腰铲去走道上的雪。
It has put itself (in the phrase of a Coca-Cola executive with a literary bent) "always within an arm's length of desire. " 它这样形容自己:「渴望,总在一个手臂的距离之内」(这句话来自爱好文学的可口可乐执行官)。
Rail equipment was shown bent and broken, with a cab of one of the cars pressed into a sharp bend. 画面显示,铁路设备弯曲断裂,其中一辆列车的车厢受压折成很大的角度。
Joanna bent to look down, and as she did so a head rose from the water and spoke to her. 乔安娜弯腰往下瞧,这时一个脑袋冒出水面,并且对她讲话。
His sleeves were rolled over his fat forearms, and the two flaps of his unbuttoned vest dangled as he bent to bail out the boat. 他把袖子捋过肥胖的前臂,当他俯身从船里往外舀水时,身上的马甲因为没有系上扣,两片襟子在荡来荡去。
In this pose, your stomach is almost touching his bent knee; use it for support and leverage as you rock back and forth, and up and down. 这种姿势,你的腹部几乎接触到了他弯曲的膝部;利用它做支撑保持平衡,你可以前后或者上下摆动。
She made no answer. Her lips trembled into a smile, but the eyes remained distant and serious, as if bent on some ineffable vision. 她没有回话,双唇绽出一丝微笑,但眼神依然淡漠庄重,仿佛正凝神于某种抹不去的幻象。
She bent to let these sensitive land covered with small biotechnology. However, much of the land, after all, she worked for a long time. 她一心要让这些灵敏的小生物布满大地。但是,大地毕竟太大了,她工作了许久。
She put her hands to her face and bent her head low-and then he knew that she was silently crying. 她双手掩住脸,低下头来,这样他知道她是在隐隐啜泣了。
He worked out just how much the light would be bent. 他计算出了光线将会弯曲到什么程度。
He bent, the basketball in his hands before and after non-stop around patting, yo eyes turning to look for the "break" . 他弯着腰,篮球在他的手下前后左右不停地拍着,两眼溜溜地转动,寻找“突围”的机会。
After you open a collection, to upload documents, click the icon that looks like a bent piece of paper with a plus sign next to it. 打开一个集合后,要上载文档,可单击看起来有点像一张弯曲的纸、旁边有一个加号的图标。
Is slightly bent over, his hands covering the breasts from the bottom of the post (not lower) to the nipple for pulling initiatives. 要稍稍弯腰,双手罩住乳房后从底部(不是下部)往乳头方向作提拉举措。
After all, our bent is to see misbehavior as psychopathology that needs treatment; there is no such thing as a bad person, just a sick one. 毕竟,我们的长项是把不端行为视作需要治疗的精神病理学行为;其中并没有类似‘坏人’这种定义,而只有病人之说。
Whilst you're at it, it would be a good idea to get your wheels balanced to determine if your rims are indeed round and not bent. 当你在它,它会是一个好主意,让你的车轮平衡来确定你的钢圈的确是圆的,不弯曲。
Then he took his plaster, rubbed the axe with it, and dealt a mighty blow, but as the iron had changed into silver, the edge bent. 他取出那个布条,在斧子上擦了擦,然后猛地一斧头砍了下去。由于铁已变成银子,所以斧刃卷了起来。
What a martyr she was! Dirty and deaf and bent and coughing all the time, nothing but a burden to herself. 她受了多少活罪!又脏,又聋,又驼背,又是不停地咳嗽,她只是自己的一个累赘。
We've just pulled off the biggest con of the century and we're sneaking out of a hotel for paying the bill with a bent credit card. 我们刚刚胜利完成世纪最大的骗局之后我们就偷偷溜出旅馆只因用信用卡付了账单。
if you had bent down eary to pick up the horseshoe, it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries . 如果您能早点弯腰捡起马蹄铁,你就不会多次弯腰去捡(掉了的)樱桃。
and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 有一个女人被鬼附着,病了十八年,腰弯得一点直不起来。
but he scowled at her with an expression of anger and at the same time of anguish , and bent over the child with the glass. 可是他凶狠地同时苦恼地对着她现出阴郁的神色,拿着高脚杯向孩子弯下腰来。
One knocked the bottle out of my hand and I bent down to pick it up and there's a big rattlesnake looking right at me. 一只狗把我手中的水壶撞掉了,我弯下腰去捡,看到一条巨大的响尾蛇正直直地盯着我。
The arrow head is made of high strength steel, it is not easy to be bent or distorted thus increases its using life . 箭头使用高强度钢材制造,不容易弯曲,变形,增加使用次数。
Gerry: She got all bent out of shape when I suggested that she was wrong about him though. 杰瑞:当我告诉她她的想法是错的时,她气疯了。