
美 [bɪˈsaɪd]英 [bɪ'saɪd]
  • prep.在旁边(或附近);与…相比
  • adv.〈古〉同“besides”
  • 网络在……旁边;靠近;在…附近



1.在旁边(或附近)next to or at the side of sb/sth

2.与…相比compared with sb/sth


新概念英语第一册词汇_百度文库 ... Berlin n. 柏林 beside prep. 在...旁边 best a. 最好的 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... belt n. (皮)带 beside prep. 在… 旁边;靠近 besides prep. 除 … 以外(还有) ...


英语二级词汇_百度文库 ... bend 弯曲,俯身 beside 在…旁边,在…附近 besides 而且,此外 ...


高中英语单词表 ... best-seller n. 畅销书(货) beside prep. 在...旁边,在...附近;和...相比 Berlin n. 柏林(德国首都) ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → aside 在旁边 → beside 在…的旁边 She put the money inside her bag. 她把钱放在包里。 ...


主要英语语法填空的介词 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... except 除…之外 beside 与…无关 of 具有…性质 ...

When he had swum about a hundred yards out he paused, treading water, and saw that the girl who had been beside him was nowhere to be found. 他游出一百码远后便不再往前了,他踩着水,发觉一直在他身旁游的姑娘不见了。
So Joanna sat down beside the well and took the head gently in her lap, and she thought that a look of gratitude came over the face. 乔安娜在井边坐下来,把那个头轻放在膝上,发觉到有种感激的表情掠过它的脸。
Merrick stood up beside his table. He did not smile, because his face could not smile, but his eyes looked happy. 麦里克从桌子旁站了起来。他没有笑,因为他的脸不会笑,但从他的眼睛里能看出他很高兴。
Did you hear what I said? Walk. . . beside Him in the kingdom of heaven. 你听到我说的话了吗?同行…与他在天国同行。
Everyone loves this movie , distribute a lot of our love and power to me, stand beside me with a lot of care and optimism to me. 每个人都很爱这部电影,并且把你们的爱和力量以及乐观向上的心态传递给了我,站在我身边,关心我。
Love, so soft and warm beside me, If I were to give my heart, It would have to be to you. 爱,围绕在我的身边,如此温柔,如此温馨;如果我要奉献我的心,那它只属于你。
So the king stood beside the gate while all the men marched out in units of hundreds and of thousands. 于是王站在城门旁,军兵或百或千地挨次出去了。
That first night I lay in our bed, Ilaria beside me in her cot and I talked to you. "Jo, you should be here, I need you, " I said. 那天晚上我第一次独自躺在我们的床上,Ilaria睡在婴儿床里,我对你说:“乔安妮,你应该在我身边,我需要你。”
3 What are those who have been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name doing beside the sea of glass? 问题3.那些胜了兽和兽的像并它名字数目的人站在玻璃海上做什么?
Jonas stowed his bicycle beside Mother's and made his way through the throng to find his group. 乔纳斯把他的脚踏车停在妈妈的脚踏车旁然后走向群众去找他所属的团体。
On entering it now, she found him in his chair beside the fire, entertaining himself with a cigar and the evening paper. 进门后,她看见父亲正坐在壁炉旁,一面悠然自得地抽着雪茄,一面浏览当天的报纸。
I walked through the street and sat down in the cool grass beside IT. 我穿过街道,坐到她旁边的清凉的草地上。
I felt very anxious, too, that he would be taken again, and was beside myself one time when he went running off in the supermarket. 我也处于极度忧虑之中,担心儿子会再次失踪。有一次儿子在超市走丢了,我差点疯掉。
When the lady came down to the kitchen the next morning she found a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the picture of the cheese! 第二天早上,这位女士下楼到厨房时,发现鼠夹里奶酪图片旁有一张画有老鼠的图片!
She had already finished washing. Seated on a stone beside the stream, she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic. 她已经洗完了衣服,坐在小溪边的石头上撩起布衫揩脸上的汗水。
It was truthfully not much of a village, just an inn and a few houses crouching beside the road within a stone's-throw of the woods. 这确实不能称作真正意义上的村镇,因为这里只有一个酒馆,几间房子,低矮地建在路旁,距离森林,也只有一箭之地。
He took a screwdriver out of a drawer and squatted down beside the telephone. 他从抽屉里拿出一把起子,在电话旁边蹲下来。
To many who would discredit American capitalism, this sort of cold-hearted number-crunching is beside the point. 对于许多质疑美国资本主义的人来说,这样冷冰冰地捣弄数字有些离题。
An SUV pulls up beside the other trucks. SKINNER is driving. SCULLY gets out of the passenger side and walks up to DOGGETT. 一辆SUV听到了其他卡车的旁边。斯金纳在开车。史高丽从乘客位置下车走向道根。
Jimmie was there, his face red as a beet, and beside him was his spouse, a fine buxom Frenchwoman with glittering eyes. 吉米在店里,脸红得像棵甜菜,他太太站在他身边,是一个眼睛明亮、胸脯丰满的漂亮法国女人。
If I die young, I don't want to see you go down, I may beg Jesus to let me turn into my eternity, still standing beside you. 如果我过早死去了,我不想看到你消沉下去,我也许会请求耶稣让我转世,依旧站在你身边陪着你。
Then, he thought that it would be nice if there would be a beautiful young girl beside him who would massage his sore legs. 然后他又在想如果身边有一个漂亮的女孩替他按摩大腿那该多好呀!
"Look, " she said softly, her eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the dresser. “看,”她轻声说,顺着她的眼神,我向梳妆台边望去。
If the enemy is about to attack your base, which just so happens to be beside a Tiberium field, move your harvesters away. 假如游戏玩家你的敌人打算攻打游戏玩家你在泰矿旁边的基地,那么赶快把游戏玩家你的矿车移开。
An old Muslim man beside me whipped off his prayer cap and stuck his head far out the window, like a Labrador. 我身旁的一位老年穆斯林脱下礼拜帽,把头伸出窗外老远,像一条拉布拉多犬。
And I knew Mr. Dobrynin very well, and I said, "I'm going to sit beside Mrs. Gorbachev tonight. What shall I talk to her about? " 我和多布日林先生很熟,所以我对他说,“今晚我会坐在戈尔巴乔夫夫人旁边。我该和她谈些什么话题呢?”
Beside it, a broken tarmac road runs as far as the eye can see through fields of demolished houses and debris. 此外,一条被破坏的沥青公路延伸之处,眼睛所能看到的皆是成片被摧毁的房屋和残骸碎片。
And she sat down beside the reapers ; and he reached her parched corn and she ate and was sufficed and left. 和她在收割人旁边坐下,和他伸手到焦谷粒和她吃,满足和留下。
Perched beside the dusky, heavy-lidded Abdullatif, he looked like an egret about to snack on a lizard. 他站在皮肤黝黑、眼皮松弛的阿布杜拉提夫旁,像一只正要捕食蜥蜴的白鹭。
When Zi Sang was eating, Zi Yu sat beside him. Zi Yu closed his eyes and pondered on the question of destiny. 子舆利用子桑吃东西这段时间,坐在一旁闭目打坐,并专心思索命运这个问题。