
美 [bɪˈtwin]英 [bɪˈtwiːn]
  • prep.(空间上)在…中间;(时间上)在…之间
  • adv.(空间或时间上)在中间
  • 网络在之间;在两者之间;在……中间



1.(空间上)在…中间,介于…之间in or into the space separating two or more points, objects, people, etc.

2.(时间上)在…之间,在…中间in the period of time that separates two days, years, events, etc.

3.(数量、重量、距离等)介于…之间at some point along a scale from one amount, weight, distance, etc. to another

4.分隔着;在…之间separating one place from another

5.从(一地)到(另一地);往返于from one place to another

6.(表示联系或关系)used to show a connection or relationship

7.合用;共享shared by two or more people or things

8.通过共同努力;一起by putting together the efforts or actions of two or more people or groups

9.~ doing sth(同时进行几项活动时用)used to show that several activities are involved


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... else 别(的),其他(的) 400 between 在(两者)之间 402 tall 高的 403 ...


六级单词表_百度文库 ... bestow vt. 把…赠与 between ad. 当中,中间 beware vt.&vi. 谨防,当心 ...


介词有哪些?越多越好~~_爱问知识人 ... near: 近的,不远的 between在两者之间 behind: 在...后边 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... attention 注意,关心 between 在(两者)之间;在……中间 stamp 邮票 ...


选股公式 ... ABS 求绝对值 BETWEEN 介于(介于两个数之间) MAX 求最大值 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... next to 紧靠---的旁边;贴近;最接近 between 介于---之间 front 前面;前边 ...

From the beginning, then, the building of the transcontinental railroad was set up in terms of a competition between the two companies. 因此,从一开始,横贯铁路的修筑就置身于两家公司的浓重的竞争氛围中。
With your head level, hold up a finger between your eyes and the screen, with its tip centered between the stereo pair. 你的脑袋水平,举起你的眼睛之间的手指在屏幕上,与两人之间的立体中心的一角。
The company also established a wireless connection between the EPLRS network and its high-capacity, beyond line-of-site troposcatter system. 该公司也在EPLRS网络和其高容量、超直线对传对流层散射系统之间架设了无线联接。
At work, shut the door to your office between meetings, take a few deep breaths and let them out very, very slowly. 在工作中,非常关上到在会议之间的你的办公室的门,作一些深的呼吸而且放出他们,非常慢慢地。
he faced about and , standing between the awnings , held out his right hand at arms length towards the sun. 他掉转身去,站在两个布篷之间,朝太阳伸直了右臂,张开手。
There was no evidence for a strong association between moderate alcohol consumption and HF without antecedent coronary artery disease. 没有明证据表明适量饮酒与无冠心病病史的心衰之间具有很强的关联。
While the activities within those disciplines might be largely automated, the interactions between them often are not. 虽然那些规程中的活动可能自动化程度很高,但是它们之间常常没有相互作用。
I have to tell you frankly that the business between us in the last two years has not been satisfactory. 作为老朋友,我坦率地告诉你,近两年来我们双方的业务并不令人满意。
He looked calmly down on her bulk and between her large soft bulbs, sloping within her nightdress like a she goat's udder. 他安详地俯视着她那丰满的身躯和睡衣里面像母山羊奶子那样隆起的一对绵软柔和的大乳房之间的缝隙。
They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. 他们一直挖,直到他们已经出现,从一个果园的一头到另一土壤,圆了树的根和他们之间。
Mr. Gunton is now starting work on a series about Africa. He said each of the series take "between three and five years to make. " 迈克·冈顿正在准备拍摄一部关于非洲的系列纪录片,他说每部这样的纪录片都要拍摄“三到五年的时间”。
M: It's meant to be a secret Captain, between the children and me. 玛:上校,这可是我和孩子之间的秘密。
We, collectively, seem to think there is some sort of contradiction between job growth and regulation when there isn't. 民主党人妥协得太快。我们所有人看起来都觉得就业增长和监管之间存在矛盾,而实际上没有。
Harry stuffed his rucksack and broomstick down by his feet and rammed Hedwig's cage between his knees. It was extremely uncomfortable. 哈利把背包和扫帚塞在脚边,又把海德薇的笼子夹在膝间,真是太不舒服了。
"What about this village here, between the Teats? " Jaime tapped the map with a gilded knuckle. “双乳峰中间这个村子怎么办?”詹姆用他的金手指敲了敲地图。
Ask the children what the three persons are doing, guess the relationship between them. 向学生提问,猜猜三个人在做什么,他们的关系如何?。
Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is creek between us. 在我们之间原来是一片草地,上星期他用推土机推倒了河堤,现在这儿就变成一条小溪了。
Managers have to strike a balance between expenditure and efficiency and between the cost of anticipation and that of repair. 管理人员必须在支出和效率、预防成本和维修成本之间谋求平衡。
If such a deal were to be struck between the UAW and Chrysler, GM and Ford would demand something similar. 如果这样的交易真的在UAW和克莱斯勒公司之间达成的话,通用和福特也会要求享有同样的待遇。
But people may have to pay a little more for their holiday bird this year. How much more will depend on competition between stores. 但今年,人们在火鸡上的花费要多些,但具体多多少将取决于各商家间的竞争。
There is no doubt that the relationship between Diana and her sons was a very close one. 毫无疑问,戴安娜生前和她两个儿子的关系非常好。
Communications processes should ensure the flow of appropriate information between all levels of the company. 沟通流程应确保公司内所有层次间的适宜信息流
A good bit of misunderstanding between our militaries can be cleared up by reaching out to each other. 通过互相沟通,我们两国军方之间小的误解就可以得到消除。
Dynamic Transformation Dynamic transformation operates at some time between the JVM request for a class and the loading of that class. 动态转化动态转化运转一段时间之间的JVM请求为工人阶级和载货一班。
Therefore, a flexible means of load assignment to multiple parallel traffic trunks carrying traffic between a pair of nodes is require. 要实现这一过程,就必须要设计一种能够对多条并行的流量主干灵活地进行负载分配的技术。
He assured me that was impossible because he traded unrelated markets, and there was no correlation between Swiss francs and pork bellies. 他安慰我说,已经用不相关的市场测试了,不会发生这样的事。瑞士法郎和猪肉之间也没什么关系。
"There has been a disconnection between fashion students and the person who'd be wearing their clothes, the consumer, " he said. 他说,“在时尚设计生和那些将会穿上所设计出衣服的真正顾客之间,他们的关系是脱节的。”
Self Carrel's grief as a pack mule carries the side bag, being careful between the trees to leave extra room. 色尔夫卡洛尔像一匹两边挂著驮袋,小心翼翼不要碰到树枝的骡子那样悲哀。
What about the wars that took place in Europe between the different Christian sects, including the Catholics and the Protestants? 如何看待发生在欧洲的基督教不同派别之间,天主教和新教派之间的战争?
Soil three-phase structure distance (STPSD) between the ideal 3-phase condition and that of a given soil was calculated in 2-D space. 同时根据二维三系图中土壤结构相对理想三相点变化的趋势,计算了土壤三相结构距离(STPSD)。