
美 [bɪɡ]英 [bɪɡ]
  • adv.大大;给人印象深地
  • n.大亨;大公司
  • adj.巨大的;年龄较大的;重大的;严重的
  • 网络最大的;长大的;大的吓吓叫

比较级:bigger 最高级:biggest

big mistake,big thing,big Fan,big brother,big surprise



1.(体积、程度、数量等)大的,巨大的large in size, degree, amount, etc.




3.[obn]重大的;严重的important; serious


4.(informal)庞大的;宏大的needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed


5.(informal)大受欢迎的;成功的popular with the public; successful


6.(informal)热衷于…的;狂热的enthusiastic about sb/sth

大量做doing sth a lot

7.经常(或大量)做某事的doing sth often or to a large degree


8.~ of sb大方的;慷慨的kind or generous


be/get too big for your boots

自视过高;妄自尊大to be/become too proud of yourself; to behave as if you are more important than you really are

a big cheese

大人物;要员an important and powerful person, especially in an organization

big deal!

没什么了不起used to say that you are not impressed by sth

the big enchilada

首要人物(或事物)the most important person or thing

a big fish (in a small pond)

(小圈子里的)大人物an important person (in a small community)

a big girls blouse

懦弱的男人;胆小没自信的男人a weak man, who is not brave or confident

a big noise/shot/name

大人物;要人an important person

the big picture

整个局面;大局the situation as a whole

the big stick

大棒政策(以武力或权力相威胁)the use or threat of force or power

the big three, four, etc.

三(或四等)强;前三个(或四个等)首要的国家(或人物、公司等)the three, four, etc. most important countries, people, companies, etc.

give sb/get a big hand

给某人╱受到鼓掌喝彩to show your approval of sb by clapping your hands; to be applauded in this way

have a big mouth

嘴不严;爱泄露秘密to be bad at keeping secrets

me and my big mouth

我真多嘴;真不该说出来used when you realize that you have said sth that you should not have said

no big deal

没什么大不了;无所谓;没关系used to say that sth is not important or not a problem


最高级表示最高的程度,如最大的biggest),最高的(tallest),最好的(best)等等  形容词或副词的最高级规则有以下几条, …


洛皮塔 in English,洛皮塔的英文,洛皮塔... ... river n.河,江 biggest 大的,长大的 chaung 缅甸语>n.河道,水道 ...


专辑歌手 : 合辑 (V.A.) 专辑名称 : 大的吓吓叫 (Biggest) 发行公司 : 华纳音乐 唱片 发行日期 : 2007 年 09 月 14 日 档案大 …


NDS [PGDS]《主题公园ds》上手篇攻略 - 电玩巴士 ... exciting 最刺激奖 biggest 最大奖 amenities 最愉快奖 ...

But I told him that, looking back at my life, my biggest asset was the 11 years I spent in China as a child. 但我告诉他,回首往事,我最大的财富就是我在大陆度过的11年少年时光。
Volcano experts said the Friday blast was the biggest since the 1870s. 火山专家说,星期五的火山喷发是自1870年代以来最大的一次。
One of my biggest mistakes when I started running was trying to run early in the morning. 我开始跑步时最大的错误就是曾试图在早上很早的时候跑步。
has created some of the biggest superheroes of all time, but it seems to me that he has run out of good ideas. 我知道斯丹-李(见译者注)总是创造一些最伟大的英雄,但在我看来他已经才思枯竭。
It also happened to be the biggest meal of the day, with a lighter meal coming later known as supper. 这也是一天中的最隆重的一顿饭,晚些时候吃的饭被称作“supper”。
He, his wife and first lady and, of course, President Obama all spoke in one of the biggest receptions around 10 tonight. 他自己,他的妻子和第一夫人,当然,奥巴马总统都表示最大的一个招待会是在今晚10点。
Rachel also gives great advice on packing light and her biggest time saving tip of having a toiletries bag ready to go at all times. 雷切尔还对如何轻装上阵有着极好的建议,还有她节约时间的法宝:随身随时携带化妆包。
He said some of the biggest price hikes were rice and wheat, which are not used for biofuel production. 他说,价格上涨幅度最高的一些粮食品种是大米和小麦,而大米和小麦并未用于生物燃料的生产。
Over the last three decades, we have worked well on multiple fronts making China one of the Bank's biggest and best partners. 在过去30年里,我们在多条战线开展了良好的合作,使中国成为世行最大也是最好的合作伙伴。
He also signed off on creating the company's PlayStation unit in the early 1990s, which became one of its biggest businesses. 在上世纪90年代初期,大贺典雄还签署文件创建了索尼PlayStation业务部。PlayStation后来成为该公司最大的业务之一。
THE biggest surprise of the Finnish election was that it was such a surprise. 芬兰选举最大的意外就是这真的是个意外。
On a per-capita-emissions basis, the U. S. is expected to remain the world's biggest greenhouse gas producer over the next two decades. 按人均排放量统计,预计美国在今后20年仍将是全球最大的温室气体排放国。
The biggest is trying to keep at it on a normal pace. 最大的问题是如何保持一个正常的步伐。
No one wants to see their salary reduced, but at least in this case those at the top are making the biggest sacrifice. 罗伯.卡兹说,“没人想看到自己的收入减少,但至少这时公司的高层正在做着巨大的牺牲。”
The IIF said the biggest share of private capital flows is likely to come from portfolio equity investments by foreigners. IIF称,民间资本流入中最大份额可能来自于海外的股票投资。
The boss of one of America's biggest banks says that, if he were faced with Swiss-style capital surcharges, he would try to move. 美国一家大银行的老板说,如果面对瑞士那样强加资本附加费,他一定会试图离开的。
But what used to be the biggest advertising moment of the year is no match for ads in the digital age. 但是曾经的年度最盛大的广告时刻在数字时代的广告面前也只能算是小巫见大巫。
One of the biggest marks of an amateur site is trying to put too much information on each page. 一个不成熟的网站最大特点就是总是在每一页上放太多的信息。
He was the biggest kid in the class, but he was the timid type, the kind of kid who'd always end up the target of pranks and insults. 他的体格虽然是全班最宏伟壮硕,个性却非常胆小畏缩,是那种很容易招惹好事者半开玩笑欺负他的类型。
The chief executive of WestLB quit his job abruptly after falling out with the German bank's biggest shareholder over restructuring plans. WestLB首席执行官在与德国银行的最大股东就改组计划发生争吵后突然离职。
Then the stars came out, with Winfrey's producers making good on their promise of the biggest celebrities of movies, music and television. 之后大牌明星纷纷亮相。温弗瑞的节目制作人兑现了承诺:影视、音乐、电视明星星光云集。
To the United States and European Union, business uses an aircraft is a few the biggest are one of oriented industries with exit. 对于美国和欧盟来说,商用飞机是最大的几个以出口为导向的行业之一。
HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe's biggest bank by market value, is ready to list its shares on the proposed international board in Shanghai. 日前,欧洲市值最大的银行汇丰控股已做好准备在上海国际板上市。
Polish roads have improved hugely since then, but the biggest change is the border crossing. It used to take up to a week to cross. 波兰的马路从那时起有了巨大改善,但是最大的改变是边境,用了一个星期才通过。
The White House, doubtless expecting a Reagan-like vindication, noted that this was the biggest four-month drop since 1984. 白宫肯定希望能像里根那样让这一说法变成现实,他们注意到这竟然是1984年以来连续4个月的最大降幅。
One of its biggest creditors is Royal Bank of Scotland, which recently became a ward of the British state after a bail-out of its own. 而它最大的债主则是皇家苏格兰银行,这家银行最近才刚刚在接受了一份援助后被英国政府监管。
How much capital banks should have is one of the biggest questions around right now. 当前的一个最大问题是,银行应当持有多少资本金?
At the very least, the risks that VaR measured did not include the biggest risk of all: the possibility of a financial meltdown. 至少,VaR的计量漏掉了最大的风险:发生全面金融海啸的可能性。
The biggest grosser of 2008, "The Dark Knight, " was one of the better Batman adventures, but it didn't make the cut. 2008年最卖座的电影---《黑暗骑士》,就是蝙蝠侠系列中较卖座的一部,但是并没有被PK掉。
Hear him give her just a hint of what to expect from this movie that's sure to be one of summer's biggest blockbusters. 他只是向她说了一些值得期待的看点,这些看点足以使其成为今夏最具轰动效果的影片之一。