
美 [bɜrd]英 [bɜː(r)d]
  • n.鸟;禽;姑娘;妞
  • abbr.(=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)(联合国)国际复兴开发银行
  • v.去观鸟
  • 网络小鸟;波导;鸟类


see bird,feed bird,shoot bird,protect bird,find bird
young bird,small bird,wild bird,rare bird,dead bird


n. v.

1.鸟;禽a creature that is covered with feathers and has two wings and two legs. Most birds can fly.

3.(informal)某类人;(尤指)古怪的人,不寻常的人a person of a particular type, especially sb who is strange or unusual in some way


be (strictly) for the birds

不重要;不实际to not be important or practical

the bird has flown

要抓的人逃掉了the wanted person has escaped

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林(满足于现有的总比因过分追求而失去一切好)it is better to keep sth that you already have than to risk losing it by trying to get much more

the birds and the bees

(尤指跟儿童讲的)性的基本知识the basic facts about sex, especially as told to children

a birds-eye view (of sth)

鸟瞰;俯视a view of sth from a high position looking down

birds of a feather (flock together)

同类的人(聚在一起);物以类聚people of the same sort (are found together)

give sb/get the bird

(被)喝倒彩to shout at sb as a sign of disapproval; to be shouted at

人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... camera 照相机 bird rain 下雨 ...


初一英语下册单词表_百度文库 ... camera 照相机 bird 小鸟 Steve 史蒂夫 ...


波导(BIRD)I800手机详细信息尽在IT168,IT168参数页为广大网友网罗波导I800手机价格参数、支持参数、参数细节,了解波 …


字典中 羽 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ feather] (4) 鸟类[ bird] (6) 鸟虫的翅膀[ wing] ...

英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... biology n. 生物学;生态学 bird n. 鸟, birth n. 分娩,出生;出身 ...


鸟牌BIRD)4304A功率表-深圳市昕雁仪器商行(杨小姐:13713931091)光功率计LP-1 激光功率计(订做1mw-1w) 中国 型 …


伯德bird) 等 疯狂总教练 主演 胡比·戈德堡(Whoopi Goldberg) nba明星 很多但都是配角 还有一部罗德曼(rodman)的自 …


牛津大学英语词典 ... false shirt-front 衬衫的假襟. bird 鸟儿. 2 not healthy or strong 不健康的; 虚弱的; 不结实的; 脆弱的: ...

Bird smiled and said: "Friend, you are mistaken. Do not believe that you look at it out of the wellhead. " 小鸟也笑了,说:“朋友,你是弄错了。不相信,你跳出井口来看一看吧。”
and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber : for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. 在你卧房也不可咒诅富户。因为空中的鸟,必传扬这声音。有翅膀的,也必述说这事。
Just as the man was going to kill the bird, the ant bit him on one of his feet. 就在人要射死鸟的时候,蚂蚁咬了一口他的脚。
Others are calling for boycotts of his movies and of a concert next month planned at Beijing's "Bird's Nest" National Stadium. 其他人则呼吁抵制他的电影和计划下个月在北京“鸟巢”举行的演唱会。
FAO reminded consumers that avian influenza is not a food-borne disease and that the bird flu virus is killed by the heat of normal cooking. 粮农组织提醒消费者注意,禽流感不是食物传播的疾病,正常烹调的温度即可杀死禽流感病毒。
He heard a little noise close to his feet. He looked down and there was a wee brown bird fluttering in the grass. 他听见脚边有声音,低头一看,原来是一只棕色的小鸟在草丛里扑腾。
With a cutscene of the hunter hightailing it out of there and getting picked up by a big blue bird called a banshee, the demo was over. 演示版的最后,你会看到猎人逃出那里并被一只叫banshee的蓝色大鸟带走。
Then she picked up one gift, held it in her hand as if it were a fragile bird, and walked toward me. 这时她拿起一件礼物,放在手中,就像捧了一只脆弱的小鸟,向我走来。
With a sort of reverence the daisy looked up to the bird that could fly and sing, but it did not feel envious. 怀着一种崇高的敬意,小雏菊抬头望向那只能飞能唱的鸟儿,却没感到一点妒忌。
He posted a photo of the bird on his Facebook page, along with a list of the dishes he made from it. 他把这只鸟的照片放到了自己的facebook主页上,配上了他用它完成的菜单。
How much for the. . . . How much to save the bird? 这要多少…救那只鸟要多少钱?
Tests performed during an investigation to determine the source of exposure found a duck positive for bird flu in the woman's household. 有关人员在调查感染源的过程中发现,这名妇女家中有一只在禽流感病毒检测中呈阳性的鸭子。
A trace of love, growing in the greasy drizzle, on the heels of the Bird of Happiness, pursues that dream of you in the wind. 一缕柔软的情思,种在蒙蒙细雨里,紧跟着青鸟的芳痕,以风的姿态追寻着那个关于你的梦。
If he had been a bird yesterday , . . . . . . 假如昨天他是一只鸟。
She gazed silently, and seemed to be borne upward like a floating sea-bird on the long heaves and swells of sound. 她默不作声地注视着,似乎像一只盘旋的海鸟在汹涌澎湃的声涛中扶摇直上。
If I were a bird yearning after the sky, you are the hands releasing me to fly. 如果我是一只向往天空的鸟,母亲便是那双放飞的手。
It did not sink, but instead walked across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting more than his paws wet. 他没有跳入水中,却走过水面叼回了鸭子,四个爪子一个也没有打湿。
He took the bird by the neck, threw it to the ground and started kicking and stomping on the peacock, said worker Felicia Finnegan, 19. 十九岁的员工费莉西亚.费妮冈说,男子掐住孔雀脖子,把牠摔向地板,再开始用力踢踩。
The hunter did not move for a moment, then he began to follow the bird. 猎人有一会女出动,然后开端追赶小鸟。
There was one bird in particular that came whenever the monk chanted sutras. It would perch on a branch near by and listen carefully. 有一只鸟很特别,和尚每次念经,它都来。它停在近旁的一只树枝上,专心致至地听着。
It became popularly known as the Bird's Nest because of its unusual design of interlaced steel girders like the twigs of a bird's nest. 由于它的设计不同寻常,其交错的钢梁像一个鸟巢上的树枝,而被人们广泛称为“鸟巢”。
"If Archaeopteryx were discovered today, I don't think you would call it a bird. You would call it a feathered dinosaur, " says Carrano. “如果始祖鸟是在今天发现的,我觉得古生物学家们肯定不会说它是鸟类,其实它就是一种带羽毛的恐龙,”卡里诺说。
The child, with the bird-like motion which was one of her characteristics, flew to him, and clasped her arms about his knees. 那孩子,以她特有的鸟儿一般的动作,朝他飞去,还搂住了他的双膝。
A man's heart is like a bird locked inside the cage of the body. When you dance, the heart sings like a bird aspiring to a fusion with God. 人的心就像是一只被关在肉体牢笼中的小鸟,当你跳舞的时候,心就会歌唱起来,想一只渴望与神结合和小鸟。
Mrs. Peters : ( Glancing around . ) Seems funny to think of a bird here . But she must have had one , or why would she have a cage ? 彼得斯夫人:(扫视四周)想到这里有只鸟似乎有点可笑。但她一定养了鸟,要不为什么有一只鸟笼呢?
Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and of every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive. 你还要带上各种动物和飞鸟,每种都雌雄一对,和你一道登舟,使它们能生存下来。
The perforation, which misinterpreted as eyes, actually is a gap between the body of a bird and its talon. 被看作是眼睛的穿孔,其实是鸟的身体与爪之间的空隙。
People are often surprised that you can spot over 20 bird species in a single afternoon there with a pair of binoculars. 人们常常会吃惊于在那里呆一个下午就可以用一副双筒望远镜观察到20种鸟类。
The captain's wife told the captain had a child paradise, she was the bird's description, extremely fascinated to see for myself. 船长的太太给孩子讲船长有一只天堂鸟,她被这只鸟的描述迷住了,极想亲自看一看。
If you were to put a bird in school, would it learn anything? 如果放一只小鸟在学校里,它会不会学东西呢?