black hole

  • n.黑洞(宇宙中包括光线在内的任何东西都无法逃逸的强引力区域)
  • 网络黑洞理论;感情黑洞;牢房

复数:black holes

black holeblack hole

black hole


1.黑洞(宇宙中包括光线在内的任何东西都无法逃逸的强引力区域)an area in space that nothing, not even light, can escape from, because gravity(= the force that pulls objects in space towards each other) is so strong there


黑洞Black hole)是根据现代的广义相对论所预言的,在宇宙空间中存在的一种质量相当大的天体。黑洞是由质量足够大的恒 …


当代英国物理学家霍金(Harkin)是黑洞理论Black Hole)的专家,他也是罹患ALS,已经与病魔挣扎了数年,病情每下愈况 …


赛琳mp3试听下载,赛琳歌词-搜狗音乐 ... Who Loves You 那个人 爱你 Black Hole 感情黑洞 If It's Alright 如果可以 ...


有趣的颜色单词 ... Black eye 丑事(不是“黑眼睛”) Black hole 牢房(不是“黑洞”) Blackleg 工贼(不是“黑腿”) ...


宇宙黑洞(Black Hole)》已集成Mame32k 模拟器,安装后运行...宇宙黑洞里斯本Rui Toscano的宇宙黑洞“异常”理论展览里斯 …


作为动力设备,格兰宗已经使用异星人技术的黑洞引擎Black Hole),以保证提供足够的对消灭能量来提供给所搭载的高耗能 …


...核心总质量约 70,000,000 倍 太阳质量 超大质量黑洞 (black hole) 高速膨胀呈现为数可观的巨大泡沫状 X 光辐射源 。

Initial observations that the size of a black hole and the size of its host galaxy were matched are turning out to not always be the case. 最初人们认为,黑洞的尺寸和其宿主星系的大小是成比例的,但这个观点现在看来并不尽然。
His goal over the next decade is to determine how the spin of a supermassive black hole evolves over time. 他打算在今后10年研究超大质量黑洞的旋转怎样随时间演化。
So, I wanted to say a few words about what an ordinary black hole is, as if there could be such a thing as an ordinary black hole. 因此,我要说常规黑洞是什么好像有这样一个可以作为常规黑洞的东西。
This illustration depicts how the catastrophic destruction of a star that wandered too close to a supermassive black hole may have occurred. 这幅图描绘的是,当一颗恒星太接近一颗超级巨型黑洞时可能发生的灾难。
Solar masses within a few light weeks. Only a black hole allows the presence of so much mass in such a small region. 个太阳质量,但直径只有数光星期之内的物体,只有黑洞才可能这么重而同时又这么细小。
The radio waves (and lots of other radiation) are the result of matter being drawn into the black hole and releasing energy as it falls. 物质被吸入黑洞的过程,以及其下落时释放能量的过程,都会产生无线电波(还有大量其他射线)。
I had to call the Las Vegas police, who sent me to another websit, where my e-mail went into the black hole of cyberspace. 我不得不给拉斯维加斯警方打电话,他们把我打发到另一家网站,我的电子邮件在那儿被网络黑洞吞噬了。
Depression in a family can suck up all the energy of a household, turning a home into a black hole of swirling negative emotions. 在一个家庭中抑郁可以吸干整个家庭的活力,把一个好好的家变成翻滚着消极情绪的黑洞。
And, of course, you are bound to bump into some astral entities or a black hole. You could get lost forever, and that would be terrible! 当然一定会卡在阿修罗境界或是陷入黑洞中,也许会永远迷失在那里,那实在太可怕了!
His mouth had swollen into a shapeless cherry-coloured mass with a black hole in the middle of it. 他的嘴巴肿得像一片樱桃色的没有形状的肉块,中间有一个黑洞。
The black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is a behemoth with a mass four million times that of the Sun. 银河中心的黑洞是一个有着四百万倍太阳质量的庞然大物。
In the last decade, Murphy has climbed out of the black hole created by his monstrous narcissism and has begun to sparkle again. 在过去的十年中,墨菲已经不再自恋,重新开始闪耀自身光彩。
Michelson said the Fermi telescope has also discovered many of what he calls "active galaxies" centered around a massive black hole. 迈克尔逊称费米望远镜还观测到许多围绕大质量黑洞的天体,称之为“活跃星系”。
"A large chunk of the multibillion financial black hole facing TfL is a direct result of the failure of tube privatisation, " he said. “大伦敦交通委员会面临的几百万亏空中很大一部分是地铁私有化失败的结果,”他说。
A black hole exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter. 黑洞产生很强的引力,而它却没有物质。
The outburst might have been generated by a star torn to shreds when it ventured too close to a black hole in its host galaxy, he suggests. 他猜测,这次爆炸可能是因为一颗被撕成碎片的恒星过于靠近其所在星系的一个黑洞引起的。
All you would have to do is use an extremely strong gravitational field, like that of a black hole, to bend space-time. 所有你要做的就是利用一个极其强大的引力场,象黑洞那样的地方,来制造时空扭曲。
"The black hole" very easy to let the human imagine one literally "the greatly black hole" , be in effect it is not so. “黑洞”很容易让人望文生义地想象成一个“大黑窟窿”,其实不然。
A reddish saliva soiled the corners of her lips, and she had a black hole in her mouth. 一条红口涎挂在她的嘴角上,嘴里一个黑窟窿。
The singularity is located at the heart of a black hole, and is the place where the laws of physics and space-time break down. 奇点位于黑洞的中心,物理和时空法则在这里失去作用。
So, if I were to take the sun and compress it down to the scale of the University of Oxford, it would become a black hole. 因此,如果我把太阳压缩至英国牛津大学的大小,太阳会成为一个黑洞。
Sending out resumes is like "throwing paper airplanes into the galaxy. . . . they seem to go into a big, black hole. " 中文英文投出简历就像“把纸飞机扔进了银河系……它们似乎飞进了巨大的黑洞。”
Essentially, the leading edge of the chasing pulse sucks it in, acting like the event horizon of a black hole. 从本质上来讲,后来追逐的脉冲的主导边缘将慢脉冲吞噬了,就像一个黑洞的视界那样。
The closer matter gets to a supermassive black hole, the more gravity compresses the matter. 这种物质越接近超重黑洞,承受的引力越大。
Up to now, the concept of spacetime travel by way of black hole can only be regarded as subjects of sci-fi and not a serious science. 所以到目前为止,利用黑洞时空穿梭等概念只可以被视为科幻作品的题材,而不属于认真科学研究的范畴。
If it had been slightly more dense, it might have undergone gravitational collapse, just like the matter falling into a black hole. 假如它的密度比临界密度再高一些,将会导致重力塌缩,就像掉入黑洞的物质一样。
None of them carried out the due diligence that might have indicated the money was disappearing into a black hole. 但是这些银行都没有那份应有的勤奋和谨慎,没能发现他们的资金正在消失在一个黑洞里。
Since the 1960s some theorists have floated the idea that when a massive star collapses into a black hole, it gives rise to a new universe. 自上世纪六十年代以来理论物理学家间流传着这样一种说法认为当大质量恒星塌陷为黑洞时,从中便诞生出了一个新的宇宙。
For the first time, we now have a complete fossil record of how much material such a newborn black hole can eat. 现在,我们第一次拥有一个完整的关于像如此新诞生的黑洞能吞噬多少物质的化石记录。
Previously, only the supermassive black hole there was thought to be able to produce these " hypervelocity " stars. 先前仅仅只认为超大质量黑洞才能制造这些高速恒星。