
美 [blʌd]英 [blʌd]
  • n.血;血统;有…类型的血的;家世
  • v.让(新人)初试
  • 网络血液;血战;鲜血

复数:bloods 现在分词:blooding 过去分词:blooded

shed blood,give blood,blood pump,draw blood,let blood


n. v.

1.[u]血the red liquid that flows through the bodies of humans and animals

2.有…类型的血的having the type of blood mentioned

3.[u]血统;家世family origins


bad blood (between A and B)

(甲、乙之间的)仇恨,厌恶feelings of hatred or strong dislike

be after/out for sbs blood

恨不得伤害(或惩罚)某人;恨不得放某人的血to be angry with sb and want to hurt or punish them

be/run in your blood

是与生俱来的(或遗传的)特性to be a natural part of your character and of the character of other members of your family

blood is thicker than water

血浓于水;亲属关系最牢靠family relationships are stronger than any others

sbs blood is up

怒气冲天;怒从心上来;怒不可遏somebody is very angry and ready to argue or fight

blood, sweat and tears

血汗;艰苦奋斗very hard work; a lot of effort

have sbs blood on your hands

对某人的死亡罪责难逃to be responsible for sb's death

like getting blood out of/from a stone

水中捞月;缘木求鱼almost impossible to obtain

make sbs blood boil

使某人怒不可遏to make sb extremely angry

make sbs blood run cold

使某人不寒而栗(或毛骨悚然)to make sb very frightened or fill them with horror

new/fresh blood

新成员(尤指年轻、有新思想或方法的);新生力量;新鲜血液new members or employees, especially young ones, with new ideas or ways of doing things


血液blood)约占体重的7%,在成人循环血容量约5L。血液由血浆(plasma)和血细胞(blood cell)组成。


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大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... block n. 块,街区 blood n. 血,血统 bloody adj. 有血的,血腥的 ...


共有鲜血(Blood)、邪恶(Unholy)和冰霜(Frost)三种符文。 死亡骑士还有第二种资源叫做「符文力量」(Runic Power),是使用符 …


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... block n. 街区 blood n. 血,血液;血统 bloom n. 花;开花,开花期 ...


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Opposition web sites and television channels have repeatedly aired the video, which shows blood gushing from her body as she dies. 反对派网站和电视台不间断地滚动播放着这段视频,视频中死者的血液大股大股地从伤口涌出。
We Blood Knights; We whose lives are written in blood, both that of our enemies and of ourselves. 我们是血骑士;我们的生命由敌人与我们自己的鲜血写成。
The invention discloses a natural product composition used for reducing blood fat and a preparation method thereof. 一种用于降低血脂用的天然产品组合物及其制备方法。
In the next five years, Rosenberg expects to see blood tests available to measure the presence of proteins linked to Alzheimer's disease. 在未来五年里,罗森堡预期血液测试能应用于检测与阿尔茨海默病相关的蛋白。
He then calculated how much energy the creature would require in order to pump around blood at this high pressure. 他然后计算这家伙在这样高的压力下把血液输送全身血管需要多少能量。
A time that turns to come over, we see its mouth up is all a blood, the basic nobody dares to close to save the person barehanded. 那只老虎头转过来的时候,我们看到它嘴上都是血,根本没人敢徒手靠近救人。
The parts of the body associated with this chakra include the heart and lungs, and the blood circulatory system as a system. 身体同该脉轮有关的部分包括心和肺,以及血液循环系统。
This will be enough to slow the heartbeat, lower the blood pressure and improve the functioning of the all the body's systems. 这已足够减缓心跳,降低血压,提高所有身体的系统的运作。
She said they found a sexually tra mitted disease in my blood test, and then she began to call me a slut. 她说医生在我的血检里面发现了一种性病,然后她说我是个婊子。
it ' s a tiny amount of blood , you ' ll make it up in a day. 那不过是一点点血而已,只用一天的时间你就可以恢复过来。
Any high elves who did not view the blood elves in such a way once they learned of them likely ended up joining them. 如果有高等精灵不是这么看待血精灵的,通常都会去加入他们。
He awoke to find that a toe which had been giving him pain was gone, and a pool of blood had formed between his foot and Kiki, his dog. 他醒来时,发现一个脚趾,刚给没了,他疼痛了血液的池子之间形成奇奇,他的脚和他的狗。
"I said to the animal trainer, 'I'm fine, ' and he said, 'Look at your arm, it's not fine' and all this blood is coming down, " said Chan. 成龙说,“我告诉动物训练师,‘我没事’,他说,‘看看你的胳膊,这个不叫没事’,血都流下来了。”
He had a daughter by the second wife, but the first wife's child was a little son, and he was as red as blood and as white as snow. 时光流逝,第二个妻子生了一个女儿,她非常呵护这个女儿,但前妻生下的儿子长得越来越惹人喜爱,像雪一样的白嫩,透着血一般的红润。
I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail. 我不知道我的血液中蕴藏了何种力量,但我向你发誓,我绝不会让白城沦陷,也不会让我们的人民落败
Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. 在未来的时代,可能极少有人相信,这样一个血肉之躯曾经在地球上匆匆走过。
European researchers said the salt reduction has led to lower blood pressure, fewer heart attacks and strokes, and lives saved. 欧洲研究人员说减少食盐量已经导致血压水平降低,心脏病和中风发作减少,并挽救了生命。
One second later, she die. 1. 25L blood come out from her mouth, just like the dragon flying to the sky. 1秒钟后,她死了。1.25升的血浆从她嘴里喷出,就像龙婆飞上了九云霄。
Now, a new genetic test may be able to pick up the disease with a simple blood sample from the mom-to-be. 现在,一项新的基因检测技术只需用一点准妈妈的血液样本就可筛查出这种疾病。
When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms, his face, like the child, was inundated with blood. 当马吕斯抱着伽弗洛什走进棱堡时,他象那孩子一样,脸上也是鲜血淋淋。
Rage is not good for your health: it elevates blood pressure, places stress on the heart and suppresses the immune system. 愤怒无益于你的健康:它使血压升高,增加心脏负担同时抑制免疫系统。
'Just as you get your cholesterol or your blood pressure measured, you'd get your telomeres checked. ' 他充满热情地介绍:“正如你给你的胆固醇或者血压做测量一样,你也会去检测你的染色体端粒。”
The green-tinged part of a chicken breast fillet is the result of a damaged blood vessel. This condition is known as green muscle. 鸡胸肉中出现的局部绿色缘自鸡肉中血管的受损。这个现象称为绿色胸肌。
Synthetic vessels made of Teflon exist, but they are prone to infection and blockage by blood clots, and tend to work for only a few months. 现已存在聚四氟乙烯制成的人造血管,但它们很容易感染和形成血栓,且往往只能起几个月的作用。
I had never spoken to her, except for a few casual words, and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood. 除了几句不经意的寒暄,我从来没跟她说过别的话,然而她的名字却能唤起我全部愚蠢的热血。
After working in these rich houses, I know the bestway to get blood out of the trunk of a car is not to ask any questions. 在那些富人的房子里工作了几年后,我知道把车子后备箱里的血渍弄掉的最好的方法就是什么也别瞎问。
In the custom of men who have pledged blood brotherhood, each called the other, not by the other's name, but by his own. 结拜兄弟都遵守一个规矩,称呼对方,不叫对方的名字,而叫自己的名字。
And He is clothed with a garment dipped in blood; and His name is called the Word of God. 他穿著蘸过血的衣服,他的名称为神的话。
It has been stained fully with blood on top of , every person who owns it may be subject to misfortune. 它上面沾满了鲜血,每个拥有它的人都会遭到不幸。
You, however, are not a vampire bat. Because humans did not evolve such an iron-extracting mechanism, drinking blood can kill us. 然而,你可不是吸血蝙蝠。因为人类没有逐步形成这样一个提取铁质的机制,喝血会杀死我们。