
美 [bloʊ]英 [bləʊ]
  • n.吹;打击;(用手、武器等的)猛击;挫折;一击;殴打;意外的灾害;奇袭
  • v.吹;爆裂;刮;挥霍;(风)吹;(轮胎等)爆炸;吹牛;鸣
  • int.表示厌烦
  • 网络吹风;吹气;吹制

过去式:blew blown 过去式:blew 第三人称单数:blows 现在分词:blowing 过去分词:blown

heavy blow,severe blow,hard blow,deadly blow,serious blow
blow nose,blow horn,soften blow,blow trumpet,give blow


口from mouth

1.[i][t]吹to send out air from the mouth

风of wind

2.[i][t](+ adv./prep.)刮;吹when the wind or a current of airblows , it is moving; whenit blows , the wind is blowing

风╱口吹动move with wind/breath

3.[i][t](被)刮动,吹动to be moved by the wind, sb's breath, etc.; to move sth in this way


4.[t][i]~ (sth)吹,吹奏(哨子、乐器等);(哨子、乐器等)吹奏出音if youblow a whistle, musical instrument, etc. or if a whistle, etc.blows , you produce a sound by blowing into the whistle, etc.

使成形shape sth

7.[t]~ sth吹出(某物);把(某物)吹出形状to make or shape sth by blowing


9.[i][t]破裂;爆裂;爆胎to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make a tyre break in this way

炸药with explosives

10.[t]~ sth炸开to break sth open with explosives


11.[t](informal)~ sth泄露;暴露to make known sth that was secret


12.[t](informal)~ sth (on sth)(在某事物上)花大钱,挥霍to spend or waste a lot of money on sth


13.[t](informal)~ sth浪费(机会)to waste an opportunity


14.[t](informal)~ sb/sth(表示生气、吃惊或不在乎)used to show that you are annoyed, surprised or do not care about sth

突然离开leave suddenly

15.[t][i]~ (sth)突然离开(某地)to leave a place suddenly


blow your/sbs brains out

枪击头部自杀╱杀人to kill yourself/sb by shooting yourself/them in the head

blow chunks

呕;呕吐to vomit

blow a fuse

大怒;暴跳如雷to get very angry

blow the gaff (on sb/sth)

(尤指因大意)泄露秘密to tell sth secret, especially by mistake

blow hot and cold (about sth)

拿不定主意;出尔反尔to change your opinion about sth often

blow sb/sth out of the water

彻底摧毁;毁灭to destroy sb/sth completely

blow smoke (up sbs ass)

吹牛皮;说大话蒙人to try to trick sb or lie to sb, particularly by saying sth is better than it really is

blow your mind

使某人兴奋(或吃惊)to produce a very strong pleasant or shocking feeling

blow your own trumpet

自吹自擂to praise your own abilities and achievements

blow your top

大怒;暴跳如雷to get very angry

blow up in sbs face

事情失败,害了自己if a plan, etc.blows up in your face , it goes wrong in a way that causes you damage, embarrassment, etc.

blow the whistle on sb/sth

告发to tell sb in authority about sth wrong or illegal that sb is doing

翻译一下下列单词_百度知道 ... wash away, 洗掉 blowing causing 导致,引起 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... candle n. 蜡烛 blowing 吹风, 排泄, 鼓风 amazement n. 惊愕, 惊异 ...


计算机与网络英语词汇(B2) ... blow back 再送风 Blowing 吹气 Blue Ribbon Program 蓝带程序 ...


铸造英文词汇翻译-excel格式 - 豆丁网 ... (10-10米) Angstron unit 吹制 blowing 多角形砂 angular sand ...


冶金词汇英语翻译(A-G) ... blowhole 气孔 blowing 吹炼 blowing down 停炉 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... candle n. 蜡烛 blowing 吹风, 排泄, 鼓风 amazement n. 惊愕, 惊异 ...


韩钰 看过的单字 - VoiceTube - 看影片学英语 ... celebrity 名声,名人 blowing 喷出 hesitated 犹豫 ...


消防专业词汇英语翻译(A-C) -亿城英语 ... blowing agent 发泡剂 blowing 喷放 blown fuse 烧断熔丝 ...

Children kept blowing, out of tender little hands while trying to grasp that beneath the bitter spirits. 孩子不停地吹着,一边伸出稚嫩的小手,试图抓住那些飘飞的精灵。
I say let the seat for you by five hundred years when the wind blowing five hundred years insolation stone bridge. 我说愿为你当那座受五百年风吹五百年日晒的石桥。
Some of these plans will prove little more than red dust blowing in the wind. 最终将会证明,有些计划不过是风中弥漫的红尘。
The stuffy wind is blowing round the Styx River, blowing the Hell Door open, blowing through the Dark Hurricane Valley. 令人窒息的风拂过阿格龙河,吹开地狱之门,掠过黑色疾风谷。
It was now evening and a light wind was blowing , so I lowered the sails before climbing down a rope and into the sea . 现在已经是晚上了,微风轻拂,我降下帆,然后顺着一条绳子下到海里。
The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, the light and shadows were passing across the field, the birds were singing. 阳光明亮,和风吹拂,日影掠过田野,鸟儿在歌唱。
Frankly, I'm skeptical that productive use can be made of them in Afghanistan but that seems to be the way the political winds are blowing. 坦白的说,对于大面积在阿富汗驻军的行为我很是怀疑,但是这似乎就是政府的惯常之举。
The wind blowing a little orchard less than feeling like walking in a large steamer, to be baked at any time possible. 而果园里一点风也吹不到,那种感觉就像走在一个大蒸笼里,随时都有被烤熟的可能。
It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly appeared on the riverbank. 一个漆黑的夜晚,狂风大作,大雨倾盆,一位年轻的妇女突然出现在河岸上。
Quietly nourishing rain, the breeze blowing gently, then brown buds, so only the blink of an eye, they become yellow-green of the children . 细雨悄悄滋润,微风轻轻吹拂,那褐色的芽,只那么一瞬间,便变成嫩黄泛绿的园园的榆钱儿。
The wind was still blowing gently, stars are beginning to embellishes the dark sky. 风儿依然在轻轻地吹拂着,星星也开始点缀起漆黑的天空。
I would not like the waves impact of the strong to return to the island, I would think : If I go by the big waves blowing, the how do? 我不会像他在大浪的冲击下坚强回岛,我会想:要是我被大浪吹下海,那该怎么办?
Blowing clarinet like a tuberculosis patient looked away as the wind changed tone? 吹单簧管就像个肺痨患者一样四下走风变音?
These winds, if strong enough, can behead storm systems that are beginning to organize into a hurricane by literally blowing them away. 这些风,如果够强,可以斩断正在形成的风暴系统,即简单的吹散它们。
It was raining heavily. The wind was blowing. A group of soldiers were marching along the highway . . . 天下着大雨。风猛烈地刮着。一群士兵正沿着公路行军……
Heavy rain had started falling again, and the wind was blowing violently round the walls of the old house. 天又开始下雨了,狂风在房子周围猛烈地刮着。
On the day when the north wind started blowing, the little bird said he had to leave away for a warmer place in the south. 北风刮起的那一天,小鸟却说,它必须要离开了,飞往温暖南方。
With all this hype and anticipation, I would not be surprised if iPhone 5 sales end up blowing past sales records out of the water. 在如此的兴奋和期待下,如果iPhone5的销售额最终打破以往的销售纪录,我将毫不惊讶。
Rising lease rates prefigured the last big move in gold back in the spring of 2007 just as the two Bear Stearns hedge funds were blowing up. 早在2007年春,不断上升的黄金租赁价格就曾预示过上次金价的飙升。当时正值贝尔斯登(BearStearns)旗下两只对冲基金破产。
But a sudden burst of wind blowing, and she turned, but could not find traces of him . 但突然一阵狂风吹过,她转过身来,却再也找不到他的踪迹……
There was no sign the offshore eruption posed any danger to residents, he said, with trade winds blowing gas and steam away from the island. 他提及到:没有报告显示火山这次离岸喷发对当地居民造成威胁信风把火山喷发的燃气以及蒸汽带离了岛屿。
June blowing in the wind, cold shot to the bottom of my heart? 六月的风吹来,冷的我的心底直打颤?
Proposals include a picture of a woman blowing smoke in a baby's face, and an image of diseased lungs next to healthy lungs. 这些建议中包括一个妇女向婴儿脸上吐烟圈的图片,以及健康、病变肺部对比的图片。
"The first rule is, stay with the boat, but that's going to be tough with this breeze blowing, " said Conway. 安全准则第一条是要留在船旁边。不过今晚风大,要做到这点很难。
However, the wind does not always blow straight in towards the shore. Out in the ocean, it may be blowing from every direction. 但风并非常常向著海岸方向直吹,在海洋上可以有不同方向的风。
"You had better take the other piece, " he said, lighting his pipe between the words, blowing quickly at the paper spill to set it aflame. “你最好再拿上一个银币,”他一边说着,一边赶紧吹燃纸捻去点烟袋。
I wish to be a gentle breeze, blowing into your wavy heart across thousands of mountains and rivers and staying there forever. 我愿化作一缕轻风,飞越千山万水,飘进你那柔波似的心,在那里沉醉不醒。
Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as gloomy as I felt. 外面,天空灰蒙蒙的,海面上刮来一阵强风。天气看起来和我的心情一样的阴郁。
The capability of the sun shining, the wind blowing and the rain falling, simply isn't enough to add up. 阳光,风力,雨水的能力加起来,也不能满足人类所需。
Today, the weather in Gulangyu was some cool. Bursts of breeze blowing from the door, not only let me wrap the body by jacket. 今天的鼓浪屿有些清凉,从门口吹进的阵阵凉风,不仅让我裹了裹身上的外套。