
美 [ˌbiː ˈəʊ]英 [.biː 'əʊ]
  • abbr.(=box office)(电影院,剧院)售票处
  • n.〈非正式〉【医】狐臭
  • 网络简称(Back Orifice);业务对象(Business Object);体臭(body odor)




1.汗臭,体臭(全写为 body odour/odor)the abbreviation forbody odour/odor (an unpleasant smell from a person's body, especially of sweat)

简称(Back Orifice)

BOBack Orifice)可以将主机中的信息自动发送到其他地方1>是2>不是id=47 gid=98 Sumrf攻击是通过将目的地址设置为被攻 …

业务对象(Business Object)

业务对象BO)包含复杂的逻辑关系,通过对业务对象及实体对象之间的关系的分析,将对象的关系简化为对象基本关系、对 …

体臭(body odor)

但一点点体臭BO)却是不可思议的春药。还有,手指甲上带有一些油污,就好象你刚在汽车修理厂呆了一天,摸爬滚打在汽 …


=CCC= - wxccc168 - 网易博客 ... ATE,*ATTEDIT( 编辑属性) BO,*BOUNDARY( 边界创建,包括创建闭合多段线和面域) …


魔兽争霸专业术语_百度知道 ... BM (战争磨坊) BO地洞) BT (牛头人图腾) ...

Bo went from his first home, in Washington, to the Kennedys' trainer in Virginia, and now to the White House, she said. 而波离开了他在华盛顿的第一个主人之后,就到了肯尼迪在弗吉尼亚的驯犬人那里,然后去了白宫。
This text should bo written yesterday, but for some reason did not write, so the subject was yesterday named the date of it. 这篇博文本应该昨天写的,但由于一些原因没写成,所以题目就起名为昨天的日期了。
Bo said, the mahogany furniture rental Yuan Henry, the only daily pay rent statistics, and maintenance of free rent period by businessmen. 杨波称,租用元亨利的红木家具,只需每日交纳万分之三的租金,而且租期内均由商家免费保养。
Ms. Dal Bo says she has no problem expressing her anger: Sometimes she gets so upset with her husband that she won't talk to him for days. 达尔-波说,她在表达愤怒方面没什么问题:有时她被她丈夫气得要命,以至于几天都不和他说话。
The boy named Bo Huang Yi, is said to watch the news on CCTV at the age of three, seven began to see references. 这个名叫黄艺博的少年,据说三岁开始看新闻联播,七岁开始看参考消息。
Do not know whether it into the semi-finals at best come, first I would like to thank Bo faithful encouraged me. 不知道能否进半决赛呢到时精彩来了,先谢谢博友们鼓励我。
Meanwhile, Bo began to realize his hypocrisy and placed God back in the "drivers seat" of his life. 同时,Bo开始意识到他的伪善,重新把上帝放回到他生命“做主”。
Mr Bo, tough, sophisticated and ambitious, comes from the Communist aristocracy - his father was one of Mao Zedong's leading comrades. 强硬、老练并且雄心勃勃薄先生,来自共产党的官宦世家。他的父亲是毛泽东的亲密战友之一。
To do a Bo, and do not know the operation, which is equivalent to a large extent, you do not you know how to dialogue with people like. 做一名博者,不知道经营,相当于你在很大程度上你不知道如何与人对话一样。
But it has always been lazy to bo, it was just a distant dream only. 但是这对向来好吃懒做的阿宝来说,也只是个遥不可及的梦而已。
It has the taste and texture of fish, and the inside of it is all white. bo是很美味的,它吃起来有鱼的味道和口感,它里面全是白的。
So I write down the time of own Bo text each time, I will let the person translate into for me English lets me study so much. 所以我每写下自己的博文的时候,我会让人帮我翻译成英文好让我学习。
"How dared him! " Jin Bo opened wide his big and fuzzy eyes, and swayed his fist across the air. “他小子敢!”金波瞪起一双大花眼睛,拳头在空中晃了晃。
Aomori branch's policy chief at the meeting expressed the hope that this Bo Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan resigned. 青森县党支部的政调会长今博在会上提出希望日本首相菅直人辞职。
Kar said Bo was one of the ten dialects used by the Great Andamanese tribe. 卡尔称,波族语是大安达曼部落使用的十种语言之一。
The bo told me that I don't have to come in tomorrow, or any other day. 老板告诉我明天和以后的日子都不用来了。
The first one was an old man from the Chu State, with a family name of Li, given name Er, and a studio name of "Bo Yang" . 第一个老子是春秋末年楚国人,姓李名耳字伯阳,曾担任周王朝的“守藏室史”,相当于皇家档案馆或图书馆的馆长。
By that standard, Bo's perception of his surroundings won't be all that different from any other well-pampered family dog, he said. 按照这个标准,波所察觉到的周围的事物和其他娇惯的家养狗没什不同,他说。
And while it may be the nation's "first puppy" , President Obama left reporters in no doubt about who was top dog in the household . 总统奥巴马毫无疑问的对记者提起谁将是家庭中的头要人物时说道Bo很有可能会成为美国“第一狗”。
It was one of these missions which carried that cutting of the Bo Tree, of which we have already told, to Ceylon. 我们已经谈过,把菩提树的一枝带到锡兰去的,就是其中的一个使团。
Kim Bo war: Gaocheng Kim Bo is a war drums , gongs for the accompaniment to dance gold cymbals for a group of men Arts Plaza. 金钹战鼓:藁城金钹战鼓是一种以大鼓、铜锣为伴奏,以金钹为舞具的男性群体广场艺术。
Event of a real physical threat to children and small bodies Li Bo, the general can only yield to the bad guys. 万一遇到真正的身体威胁,儿童身单力薄,一般只能向坏人屈服。
Bo met me at the front door in jeans and a white T-shirt over his ample girth. 博在前门与我见面。他穿着一条牛仔裤,一件白色的T恤衫遮住了他那肥胖的腰身。
The name " Lim Bo Seng" occurs prominently in records of events during the Japanese Occupation. Which of these bore the name? 在日本占领期间的历史事件中,“林谋盛”的名字最为突出。下列哪个与之相符?
Li Shuo was that the best way to stimulate the desire to micro-Bo activities have incentives. 李硕认为激发欲望最好得方式就是微博活动得奖励机制。
She will not be buying new clothes to wear in front of you intentionally just for you to enjoy the embrace Bo. 她不会再穿着新买的衣服在你面前故意晃来晃去,只为了博你欣赏的拥抱。
This day is often Bo-investment Day celebrations. 这种日子往往是博宏投资的庆典日。
However, some terms usually used in daily life like "Wei Bo" and "Xia Zai" will have to wait until the next edition. 然而,在日常生活中经常使用的一些词(如“微博”和“下载”)则需等到下一版字典才能收录。
In the early months early thanks to you, ladies and Bo and concerns of the Friends of my people and my teachers, everyone Happy New Year! 在提前给大家拜个早年,各位博友和关注的我人们,以及我的老师们,大家过年好!
Though Lu Xun and Bo Yang differ in their personal characters, they were all genuine intellectuals that form the backbone of China. 鲁迅和柏杨虽然人格建构有差异,但他们都是真正的知识分子,他们构成中国的脊梁。