
美 [bɔɪld]英 [bɔɪld]
  • adj.煮沸的;〈美俚〉喝醉的
  • v.“boil”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络煮的;煮熟的;水煮



蒸 炒 炸 煎 英文如何翻译?_百度知道 ... braised 炖 boiled roast 烤 ...


2012雅思词汇大全_百度文库 ... cuisine 菜色 boiled (用水)煮的 roasted 烤的(如肉类) ...


洛奇魔法释放卷轴接头 -    叶的日志 - 网易博客 ... 强风 Windy 煮熟的 Boiled 苦涩的 Bitter ...


PET词汇精练(8)_英语网 ... boiling 正在沸腾的 boiled 煮沸的 boiled water 开水(不一定正在沸腾) ...


薏仁加水煮(Boiled)至半软到场红豆(Red beans)煮熟,你不是仙人掌,又何必那么坚强。再插足冰糖,待熔化后熄火即可食用。


常用的英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... 红茶 black +V 水煮的 boiled 锅巴 sizzling rice ...

东北菜的英文翻译_萍水相逢_新浪博客 ... Grilled Lamb Chops 手扒羊排 Boiled Boiled Lamb Soup 炖羊肉 ...

Strain and refrigerate until ready to use. Fill cups about half way with each liquid. Add one teaspoon of the boiled cabbage to each glass. 应变和冷藏,直到准备使用。填充液体每杯约一半。添加一个煮白菜的每个玻璃茶匙。
Cook with medium fire for about 4 minutes. Don't let the boiled water spill out . There the noodle is ready and take it out of the water . 中火慢煮,使水沸不溢出,等4分钟左右,面条软硬适合食着口味,即可捞出。
Edamame, or boiled soybeans, are a great pick-me-up because they're easy to make, easy to transport, and fun to eat right out of the shell. 毛豆或煮熟的大豆是很好的提神食物,原因是它们易于制作,易于运输,而且剥了皮就能食用,容易令人高兴。
When attached to a second robotic device, he was able to pick up a boiled sweet and drop it into a technician's hand. 当与第二个机械设备连接时,他可以打开一个糖果罐头并倒在技术员的手里。
Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled. 食用面糊由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪
It's best for the meat to be cut as thin as paper, and that's why a sizable piece of meat often shrinks to a small bite after being boiled. 它的最好的肉要切的像纸一样薄,这就是为什么一个相当大的一块肉往往会缩小到一个小咬被煮沸后。
To boil such compounds, it is often better to lower the pressure at which such compounds are boiled instead of increasing the temperature. 要使这类化合物沸腾,最好是降低化合物沸腾时的压力而不是提高温度。
Mix bonito sauce, cold boiled water, soy sauce, white vinegar and sugar, dark soy sauce and keep in chiller until ready to use. 将日本鲣鱼汁、水、酱油、白醋、砂糖、黑酱油调和、冷冻然后备用。
Expected end of the frying pot, the next follow-up to the next chili pepper aroma, and then boiled together with the soup brine. 在炒火锅底料时,下辣椒后续下花椒增香,而后与汤卤一起熬制。
If I didn't stop him in time, these palm leaves would be boiled into pieces. 我要不及时制止,这贝叶早就被煮烂了。
Once upon a time, a poor traveler stopped under a tree to eat the boiled rice, which he had brought with him. 从前,有一个贫穷的旅行者停在一棵树下,吃起了自己随身携带的现成米饭。
And findings are further boiled down in an attempt to win media coverage. 这样的发现可以进一步归结为试图赢得媒体的报道。
Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled alive. 巴鲁特是孵化到一半的鸭蛋,蛋里的小鸭子刚刚长出羽毛和嘴巴,却被活生生煮熟。
Boiled some onions and left them on the coffee table for an hour, she is now walking around and I feel so much better. 水煮一些洋葱,并把它们在咖啡桌上放上一小时,她现在已经能到处走了,我也感觉好多了。
At the same time of entering the WTO, we shall wake up to that the boiled market competition will following with the opportunity. 但在加入WTO的同时,我们应该意识到,伴随机遇而来的还有日趋激烈的市场竞争。
Soon the sky was a sheet of flame, the sea boiled, the earth trembled, and the forests took fire and began to burn. 整个天空立刻火光闪耀,海水沸腾,大地震动,森林2起火,并开始燃烧。
So marriage has to be taken care of, just like the body which cannot be without the nourishment of plain boiled water. 所以,婚姻需要维护,就像身体离不开白开水的滋养一样。
Otherwise, between the whole life in an instant into a cup of boiled water, boring. 不然整个生命就在霎时之间变成了一杯白开水,索然无味。
Of all the dishes, this is the one most likely to be mistaken for a threatening message from the mob. It' a sheep' head. Boiled. 所有食物中,这道菜最容易被误认作是暴徒发来的威胁信息。一具羊头。煮熟的绵羊头。
She disputed with me a quarter of an hour yesterday about the cooking of the beef, she said I boiled it to rags. 昨天为了烧牛肉,她同我吵了一刻钟,说我烧得太烂。
It is awfully EASY to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is? ? another thing. 在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事。
It's awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing. 在白天,对什么都不动感情很容易,但到了夜里确实另外一回事。
She invited the children of Washington to roll hard-boiled eggs down the hilly lawn of the new Capitol building! 她邀请华盛顿的孩子到新国会大厦的小山坡草坪上进行“滚蛋”比赛。
Li : Well , you know I'm from Handan , I'm not keen on sea food . How do you think the instant-boiled mutton? 你知道我是邯郸人,我不喜欢吃海鲜。咱们去吃涮羊肉,你们意下如何?
Mother boiled the dumplings all by herself. The nearly cooked dumplings floated onto the surface like a herd oaf lambs. 饺子是母亲亲自煮的,饺子要熟了,像一群羊羔一样漂上来。
The liquid boiled quickly and a few drops shot out of the test tube and just missed Paul's face. 液体迅速的沸腾起来,几滴液体从试管弹出并刚刚好没打到保罗的脸。
Let me suggest boiled mutton. It's one of the specialities of this restaurant. 我建议吃涮羊肉,这是这家餐厅的特色之一。
The next day: breakfast, half a cup of boiled beans, a boiled egg and a English muffin. 第二天:早餐半杯炖豆子、一个水煮蛋和一块英国松饼。
The next step is to develop a message, which should be clear enough that, if necessary, it could be boiled down to one sentence. 下一步就是撰写信息,每一条信息都要非常清楚地表达出来;如有必要,甚至可以归结为一句话来表达。
Nicknamed "Three Lung Park" due to his stamina, something he puts down to the boiled frog juice his father fed him as a child. 朴智星体力充沛,被誉为“有三个肾”,但父亲说他有时候仍像个小孩子一样。