
美 [breɪk]英 [breɪk]
  • n.刹车;制动器;车闸;阻力
  • v.用闸减速;刹(车)
  • 网络煞车;刹车器;制动系统

复数:brakes 现在分词:braking 过去式:braked

brake system,hydraulic brake,automobile brake,automotive brake
put brake,apply brake,hit brake


n. v.

1.刹车;制动器;车闸a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle

2.~ (on sth)阻力;障碍a thing that stops sth or makes it difficult


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器 catalog n. 目录(册) ...


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器 catalog n. 目录(册) ...

2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... brain n. 脑(子) brake n. branch n. 树枝;分枝;分 公司,分店;支部 ...


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... board drop hanmmer 板落锤 brake 煞车 camlachie cramp 铸包 ...


自行车中英文对照-自行车配件英语 - 豆丁网 ... 分体式中轴部件 cottered crank set 5. 刹车器 brake& 变速器 derailleur ...


四级高频词汇_百度文库 ... boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器 v.刹住(车) 35. catalog n. 目录(册) v.编目 36. ...


极品飞车:保时捷之旅_百度百科 ... High performance carbs 高性能汽化器 Brake 制动系统 Standard brake package 标准制动 …

"Last dinner" a few words brake occurs when the heart, empty, is sad, sad, don't give up, I also points are not clear, I haven't got a clue. “最后一次聚餐”几字刹时出现,心里空空的,是伤心,难过,不舍,我也分不清,我也搞不清楚。
and he took the seven loaves and the fishes; and he gave thanks and brake, and gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitudes. 拿着这七个饼和几条鱼,祝谢了,擘开,递给门徒;门徒又递给众人。
Honda said the brake problems were due to the gradual accumulation of air over time in a part of the braking system. 本田表示,刹车的问题是由于制动系统中的一个零件随着时间推移而逐渐积累了空气。
He said the cause of the accident, which also left more than 55 injured, was brake failure. 他说,该事故造成至少55人受伤,事故原因是刹车失灵。
And he brake in pieces the images, and cut down the groves, and filled their places with the bones of men. 又打碎柱像,砍下木偶,将人的骨头充满了那地方。
He took his feet off the brake. 他的脚离开了刹车板。
The Rear Derailleur barrel adjuster is the same as found on the brake calipers, and is large and super-easy to adjust. 后变速器的只线张力调整部分与煞车夹器部分相同,够大且超级容易调整。
Set of horns on the handlebars like a shiny black slip cover, new brake winding around the body. 牛角似的车把上套着乌黑发亮的防滑套,崭新的车身绕着弯弯曲曲车闸。
When the body has too tilted in danger of slipping when the front brake had a death grip. # Wear eye protection. 当车身过于倾斜有滑倒之虞时,得一次将前刹握死。#配戴护目镜。
GEORGE: I need a brake, Jerry, ya know, I gotta get out of the city, I feel so cramped. . . 乔治:我晕!杰瑞,你知道吗,我必须离开这座城市,我感觉很压抑……
The driver started the engine, released the brake, and was on his way. 司机发动了引擎,松开了刹车,开车上路了。
The IMF warned the turmoil in global credit markets was likely to be "protracted" , putting a brake on five record years of global growth. IMF警告称,全球信贷市场的动荡很可能是“长期的”,从而刹住全球经济连续5年的创纪录增长。
That's what's selling is all about. In a way, these people are buying you, not just brake pads . -Hey everybody, it's Tony Robbins! 那就是销售的全部。从一个角度讲,这些人是在买你,而不仅是刹车垫。-大家好,我是托尼•罗宾斯!
The company is the only supplier which can research and develop the whole set of brake system domestically . 国内唯一自主研发生产整套汽车制动系统的大型专业零部件供应商。
But he seems to have tapped on the brake. He no longer talks about increasing the number of new markets the firm enters to 50 and beyond. 不过他似乎已踩了刹车,不再谈论要将新涉足市场数目增至50个或更多。
English was scarcely written down in this time - writing acts as a brake, and a language that isn't written down changes much faster. 当时英语是很少被人写下来的。书面文字就象一个刹车,没有文字记录下来的语言变化最快。
As you max the dial, you'll have more brake at middle, but brake at high speed is still on the line of magnet profile, not exponential. 当你把报盘调到最大,在中速时的制动会更大,但是刹车在高速时仍然按照线性的刹车参数,不是指数参数。
With what she once called her "kitty eyes" and her high, wide cheekbones, Mme. Bruni is also celebrated for her emotional hand-brake turns. 她不仅拥有自己所称的“猫一般的眼睛”、高耸而宽阔的颧骨,还以情绪多变而著称。
If the velocity curves of load are given, the moment function of magnetic powder brake can be obtained by means of numerical value method. 若给定负载的速度曲线,则可通过数值方法求得磁粉制动器力矩函数。
Regardless, we were able to see the LED brake lights pretty clearly in the video, just before it makes its first turn. 无论如何,我们能够看到的LED刹车灯相当清楚的视频,就在它的第一个转弯处。
As you know, there are two major brake systems, centrifugal and magnet systems. 正如你所知道的,有两个主要的制动系统、离心式和磁铁式。
At this point I hit the brake, noticing that I had picked up speed in my car as I got lost in the beauty of this new experiment! 此时我踩下刹车,我意识到我的已加快了我的车速,在这美丽新体验之中迷失方向。
Jamming on the brake, he pulled a young walnut seedling out of his cold frame and asked me if I knew which one it was. 他急踩刹车,从玻璃温室中拿出一株幼小的胡桃树苗,问我是否知道它是哪种树苗。
He persisted for a couple of years with a different brake material and it does seem to have helped him. 这几年里他都是使用不同的刹车材料,更换后好像对他有所帮助。
The bike has no chains or gears, making hills extremely difficult to climb and dangerous to descend due to its small brake. 这辆车没有链子,也没有排档,因为它的刹车闸很小,所以骑着它爬山非常困难,而下坡又异常危险。
Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb? 海水冲出,如出胎胞,那时谁将它关闭呢。
This requires guiding into and along the surface (pipe) floats, as well as propulsion and a parking brake. 这要求导入和沿着表面(管)漂浮,既需要推力也需要停止闸。
Several months later, some evidence indicates that the widespread desire for a brake on executive pay might be beginning to be realised. 几个月后,一些迹象表明,限制高管薪酬的普遍愿望可能正逐渐实现。
Since the front ends of the springs are anchored to the pins on the structure, they will transmit drive thrust and brake drag. 因为弹簧的前端部分被锚定在结构的销栓上,它们会传送驱动推力和制动阻力。
The bank's monetary policy risks letting inflation get so far out of control that there won't be any way to gently step on the brake. 央行当前的货币政策冒着使通胀失去控制的风险,除了轻踩刹车外没有任何措施。