break down

  • v.分解;抛锚;分析;划分
  • 网络损坏;出故障;瓦解

第三人称单数:breaks down 现在分词:breaking down 过去式:broke down 过去分词:broken down

break downbreak down

break down


介词短语_百度百科 ... turn off 关上;出产;解雇 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 break in 闯入;打断,插嘴 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... turn off 关上;出产;解雇 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 break in 闯入;打断,插嘴 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... relative 亲属;亲戚 break down 停止运行;出故障 fool 白痴;欺骗 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... turn off 关上;出产;解雇 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 break in 闯入;打断,插嘴 ...


仁爱英语九年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... giraffe 长颈鹿 break down 破坏;分解;抛锚 neck 脖子,颈 ...


关于break的用法_百度知道 ... break back 【体】突然反向行进扰乱对方防御 break down 失败; 落空 break forth 突然发出, 迸发 ...


英语必备短语_百度文库 ... blow down 吹倒;吹落 break down 出故障;失败;崩溃; 分解 bring down 使下降;使泄气 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... electricity n 电;电学 break down 毁掉;坏掉;中止 planet n 行星 ...

Another time, a small, wiry man in combat boots and shorts was apprehended trying to break down the front door. 还有一次,一个个头矮小、精瘦结实、穿着军靴和短裤的男子,因为企图损坏官邸的前门,被逮捕了。
I could also be given a death blow as a result of a break down in services and economic networking due to a severe upheaval. 也有可能,金融会因为一场强烈地震所引发的服务业和经济互联网的衰退而遭受致命一击。
He had to break down the bell into parts before he was able to carry them back to his home. 后来,他想到了一个办法,那就是把钟敲碎之后分别搬回家。
To break down this barrier with all implications - not just the physical barrier - one has to go deeply into this question of action. 为了全面摧毁壁垒---不仅仅是物质意义上的壁垒---他不得不深入了解行动的问题。
The first time Guardiola faced Sporting as a manger, his side won 6-1, but it has not always been so easy to break down Preciado's teams. 瓜迪奥拉在主教练时期第一次面对希洪时就赢了个6-1。但普雷西亚多的球队并非总是那么好对付。
"The white has no and tightly stares at her, " you what all good, be deed impetuously too many, hesitant, will break down important event. 白无及紧紧地盯着她,“你什么都好,就是太感情用事,犹豫不决,只会坏了大事。”
My heart, even their own will not be able to determine, for your trust, just a little break down. 我的心,现在就连自己都不能确定,对你的信任,开始慢慢的一点点瓦解。
BHP, although a smaller player in the iron ore market than Rio, is just as keen to see the old model of iron ore pricing break down. 虽然必和必拓在铁矿石市场上的实力不如力拓,但它也同样渴望看到传统铁矿石定价模式瓦解。
The sextile of Jupiter and Uranus tends to break down orthodox tendencies and add more of a metaphysical or liberal attitude. 木星与天王星的六分相倾向于破除一陈不变的倾向,增加了一点形而上学或民主的意味。
However, keep in mind that it's up to you to decide how to break down your output into these categories. 然而务必要记住,如何将输出划分为这些类别取决于您自己的决定。
Much of it has to do with his natural impatience, his wish to break rules and break down boundaries. 这其中的大部分因素都是与他天生的急性子,以及他打破陈规与破除界限的愿望有关。
To put it simply, protein takes a lot of effort for the body to break down and digest. A lot more than, say, fat. 简而言之,蛋白质会产生大量的能量提供身体来分解和消化,过量了就是脂肪。
It cannot be done by the eye alone, since sand which locks firm may suddenly break down and trap anyone who ventures out on it. 2仅用眼睛是无法完成的,因为牢固的砂子可能突然坍塌把冒险者困在里面。
There was a complete break-down in investors' confidence and fear dominates in such record high volatile markets. 投资者信心完全粉碎,恐惧冲积在这极度波动市场。
The singularity is located at the heart of a black hole, and is the place where the laws of physics and space-time break down. 奇点位于黑洞的中心,物理和时空法则在这里失去作用。
Mr. Baoding warded off bones to subtly break down cattle. His way reveals the benefit that we ward off obstruct to accomplish tasks. 庖丁避开骨头,巧妙地分解牛体的做法,告诉我们避开障碍以完成任务的好处。
Lead does not break down in the body, but builds up over a lifetime of exposures. 铅在体内不会分解,但是会在体内形成积累效应,终生携带。
It would be easy to sweep through and break down all the walls they build, but he only teases a little. 他能不费吹灰之力穿过或打破他们造的墙,但他只弄坏了一小部分。
The body was weak, as if not careful it will break down the middle. 那柔弱的身躯,仿佛不小心就会拦腰折断。
The European giants continued to press as the game wore on, but they were unable to break down a supremely disciplined DPR backline. 欧洲大妹在比赛中继续施压,但是她们无法突破严格训练的朝鲜防线。
When you break down, everyone with you is as disappointed, frustrated and angry as you are. 如果你精神崩溃,你周围的每一个人都和你一样失望、沮丧和愤怒。
His muscles burned up all the sugar and I'd be forced to break down some of my precious fat into its component fatty acids and glycerol. 他的肌肉消耗完了所有糖分,我还得被迫把自己珍贵的脂肪分解成脂肪酸和甘油。
In 2001, Landy produced his best known work Break Down in which he examined society's romance with consumerism. 2001年,兰迪创作了他最著名的作品《分解》,以探讨社会与消费主义之间暧昧微妙的关系。
I left quickly, not wanting to break down in front of the children. 我概缦悝分开了,因为我不想在孩子们面前大哭。
One expert believes the best sun protection combines physical sun blocks with chemical ones, as many sun screens break down in the sun. 一个专家深信防护日光最好是将物理防护与化学防护相结合,因为很多防晒霜在日光下会被分解。
Their centralized management of the company started to break down in the late 1990s as Microsoft grew in complexity. 随着公司结构的日益复杂,他们这种集中化的管理方式在上世纪90年代末开始瓦解。
Beijing has also begun to break down barriers that have prevented foreign companies from investing in highly regulated areas of the economy. 北京还开始撤消防范外企在一些控制严格的服务业区域投资的障碍。
And then sit them down and help them browse through some of the Web pages on those topics, I can see that they're starting to break down. 然後坐着他们下而且帮助他们浏览过一些网络那些主题上的页,我能看见他们正在开始崩溃。
By using lasers, says Kuznetsova, they were able to break down the molecules without compromising the data encoded in them. 通过使用激光,库兹涅佐娃说,他们能够在不影响数据编码的同时把分子分解成单原子。
Today, he is a prisoner who has lost everything and did not break down in a tough Siberian prison camp. 而今,他不过是一个一无所有的阶下囚,只是在恶劣的西伯利亚监狱里还未崩溃罢了。