


This is a powerful aspect known to cause sudden separations or breaks or to leave a permanent emotional scar with all that is said. 这个相位是很强的相位,可能导致突然的分离或者关系的中止亦或是在感情上留下刻苦铭心的伤痛。
"Can't stand to be in the city myself. Breaks me out in a sweat. People piled on top of each other like Japanese beetles on a cherry leaf. " “我可受不了呆在城市里。会让我浑身冒大汗。人挤人、人摞人的,像樱桃树叶上的日本丽金龟。”
The hairy frog or "horror frog" intentionally breaks its own bones to turn out a wicked set of cat-like claws. 为了长出一对猫一样的爪子,多毛蛙会不惜折断自己的骨头。
The concept of a single circular frequency breaks down in certain instances. 在某些情况下,单一的圆周频率的概念就行不通了。
Lam said he has worried his blogging staff might be burning out, and he urges them to take breaks, even vacations. Lam说他一直担心他的博客团队会崩溃,所以他一直敦促他们去休息一下,甚至给他们放假。
The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. 地震的力量取决于岩石断裂和多远它转移。
So the body breaks and no longer is able to give input up to the soul. 因此身体坏掉了,就不能再提供输入给灵魂了。
whereas the involuntary tremors of the palsied man, who breaks a glass, are appropriate to no action which he believes himself to be doing. 而打碎了杯子的中风的人的不自愿的颤抖,则与他相信自己正在实施的任何行为都不相适应。
An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background. 自海洋底部上升的气泡在受到波浪冲击时,扭曲、盘旋成一个半圆形。
Some experimental measurement comes along that seems to be ignorant of the established order and breaks the rules. 有些实验结果就是这样,它们似乎带着对已有规则的一种无视,似乎要颠覆这些规则。
My noble friend, it breaks my heart to see you like this, but I cannot come to your aid. 我亲爱的朋友,看到你这样,我心都要碎了,但是我没法帮忙。
Drive medium suddenly turn off the gasoline use up, besides which, , the great majority breaks down in the electricity system. 行驶中突然熄火除汽油用完外,绝大多数故障出在电气系统。
"It breaks my heart to see these people hurting and nothing is being done to help them, " she said. 他说,“当她看到这些人伤害其他人,但是自己什么也帮不了时,她的心很受伤害”
Candy : Wow, so how much did it cost then? (Breaks the antique plate) I'm sorry. 坎蒂:哇,那么它到底值多少钱?(摔破古董盘)我很抱歉。
That beast, which breaks into a set of comfy-looking chairs, was shown in the early 1970s at the influential Castelli gallery in New York. 这头犀牛能拆分成一套舒适的椅子,70年代初在纽约卡斯泰利画廊展出。
She cried for a few days, calling for her father. Just hearing this already breaks your heart. 她哭了好几天,叫喊著爸爸,听者都心酸。
Do a quick reset of the room you're in - Commercial breaks aren't long but it's amazing how much you can get done. 整理一下房间---广告时间不会很长,但还是能有很多事情可以做的。
Note: The line breaks make it easier for you to read your code and do not affect the XML. 注意:换行符方便您阅读代码,它不会影响XML。
The options that you select might be overridden , if adding spacing and line breaks will change how the control is rendered . 如果增加间距和分行符将会更改控件的呈现方式,您选择的选项可能会被重写。
Instead, work at a steady pace, allowing for breaks and opportunities to get out of your office chair. 相反,你只需以一个很稳定的速度去工作,允许自己有休息和出去透透气的机会。
Businesses and households would have to waste less effort trying to qualify for tax breaks. 企业和家庭将会花费较少的努力去争取减税优惠资格。
Edward keeps asking to come home. It breaks my heart. I can't take care of him anymore. I did what I thought was best. 爱德华一直要回家。这让我心碎。我无法再照顾他。我做了我认为对他最好的。
Unfortunately, deciding where to put those line breaks in when you are showcasing code that will be copied makes it a difficult decision. 不幸的是,当你显示这些即将要被复制的代码的时候,很难决定在那儿给这些行分开。
Conferences don't have to be a bunch of pasty white dudes in a hotel meeting room with boxed lunches and sponsored coffee breaks, you know? 会议并不是意味着一群纨绔子弟在宾馆的会议室中享用着上等午餐和赞助的咖啡,这你了解吧?
It said the company received a tax incentive from the city of Plano, but had not received any "monetary or tax breaks from the state" . 华为表示,该公司在普莱诺享受税收优惠政策,但没有受到“德州政府给予的任何货币扶持和税收减免。”
Eventually, Caesar breaks out, steals some of the medicine that made him smart and returns to give it to his ape comrades. 最终,凯撒破门而出,偷了一些让他变聪明的药,然后返回将药给了他的猩猩同伴。
Included in all this are features like the location tool, which breaks down search results within a particular geographical location. 所有的这些都像是定位工具的特征,打破了搜索结果在一个特定的地理学位置内。
He blows out the candles, by the light of which he kneaded the new loaves. Only the early morning sunshine breaks through the windows here. 靠著烛光他揉捏出一条又一条新做的面包,现在他将蜡烛吹熄。只剩下透过窗户照射进来的微微曙光。
When the sunshine breaks out, azure tones appear as the angry clouds chase over the sea, making it a patchwork quilt of color. 当阳光透过云彩照射下来,海水湛蓝的色调开始慢慢呈现,怒云追逐着海水,整个海面如同覆盖上了一床彩色的棉被。
When he told me the difficult job had to be finished by noon, it was the straw that breaks the camel's back. 他告诉我这件困难的工作要在中午前完成,这可实在让人难以承受。