
美 [brid]英 [briːd]
  • v.交配繁殖;饲养;孕育;导致
  • n.品种(尤指人工培育的狗、猫或牲畜);种类
  • 网络养育;产生

过去式:bred 第三人称单数:breeds 现在分词:breeding

breed mouse,breed animal,species breed,breed cattle,breed dog


v. n.

1.[i]交配繁殖to have sex and produce young

2.[t]~ sth (for/as sth)饲养,培育(动植物)to keep animals or plants in order to produce young ones in a controlled way

3.[t]~ sth孕育;导致to be the cause of sth

4.[t][usupass]~ sth into sb以…方式教育;使养成to educate sb in a particular way as they are growing up


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... bacteria n. 细菌 12. breed n. 种,品种 budget n. 预算 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... brand 燃烧着的木头 breed 生产; 繁殖 brewery 啤酒厂 ...


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... proceed vi. 继续进行 breed vt. 培育 wretched a. 悲惨的 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... occur vi. 发生 breed vt. 饲养 vote n. 选票; 选举(权) ...


2012年六级高频词汇(1)_百度文库 ... bewilder v. 迷惑,弄糊涂 breed v. 培育,养育 n. 品种 ...


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... broken 破碎的;坏掉的 breed 繁殖;饲养;产生 bred 繁殖;饲养;产生 ...


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... breathe v. 呼吸 breed n. 种类,品种 breeze n. 微风 ...

Things might be better for the bluefin if it were possible to breed them in captivity, as well as raising them there. 如果不仅能够人工养殖蓝鳍金枪鱼,还能够让捕获的鱼在喂养状态下进行繁殖,则蓝鳍金枪鱼数量下降的局面可能就会得到改善。
One of a breed of American domestic fowl having gray, barred plumage, yellow legs, and a rose - colored comb. 多米尼加鸡;芦花纹鸡一种羽毛灰色有花斑、腿黄、冠玫瑰色的美国家禽。
The first fact to emerge from the study was that the New Breed parents had not changed their views about family life. 这次调查所反映的第一个事实是这些新式父母没有改变他们对家庭生活的看法。
But I tell you, if that Burm doesn't eat them P. D. Q. , you're going to see how fast these things breed. 不过,我得告诉你,如果蛇不尽快吃掉它们,你就会发现这些东西繁殖相当快了…
We point with pride to the fact they are the only draft horse originated and recognized as a breed in the United States. 我们点自豪的事实,他们是唯一的马起源草案,作为一个在美国的品种认可。
This is an attempt to avoid the fact that while familiarity can breed liking, over-familiarity tends to breed contempt. 这样做的根据是:熟悉引起好感的同时,烂熟则会招致不屑。
Another was using a humidifier for a child who was allergic to dust mites; a humidifier tends to be a place where dust mites like to breed. 另一种常见错误就是为对尘螨过敏的孩子购买加湿器;孰不知加湿器是尘螨最易于繁殖的地方。
For this you need to be a serious student of the breed and devote years of your life to it. No "in one day, out the other" . 为了做到这点,你必须投注长年时间认真学习所有和此品种相关的知识,不可以一天打渔,三天晒网。
The next advance in evolutionism is to be able to begin with a human-designed pattern and then arbitrarily breed from there. 进化(程序)的下一步是能够从人为设计的样式开始,然后从那里随心所欲地繁育开去。
Almost all adult females breed, so a mother will get at least some of her genes into the next generation by producing them. 因为几乎所有的成年雌性都会繁育,所以,如果母亲生育雌性,那么她至少能够将它的基因在下一代中保留一些。
Both nations are large enough to be self-contained and to breed a bit of arrogance in their citizens. 美中都是大国,都有足够的资本能做到自给自足、并在民众中孳生出些许傲慢心态。
His career began when he took over his parents' zoo in Queensland to help breed endangered creatures, such as the Sumatran tiger. 史蒂夫·欧文的职业生涯开始于他接管自己父母位于昆士兰的一家动物园,他在该动物园内一直致力于诸如苏门答腊虎等濒危野生动物的繁育工作。
The one economic bright spot in the town has been a small group of oyster farmers, who produce a local breed called Hirotawan. 一直以来,这个小镇经济上的亮点是一小群养殖牡蛎的农民,他们培育了一个名叫Hirotawan的本地品种。
If the female is impressed, she will walk down and join him at the entrance of the nest, to see if it's good enough to breed in. 如果雌鸟被吸引,她会走下来和他一起坐在巢穴入口处,看看是否好到能够繁殖。
It probably also had a problem to breed, or to land on a flower, because its weight would burden anything it landed on. 也许它要产仔,或要落到一朵花上,恐怕这都会有问题,因为它的体积落到哪儿哪儿就会感到有重负。
If my uncle was certainly a miser, he was one of that thorough breed that goes near to make the vice respectable. 如果说我的伯伯是个不折不扣的吝啬鬼,他倒是这帮人物中出类拨萃的一位,几乎使人对那种坏习惯也感到可敬。
Pig perceptual easy to have to virus each age of characteristic , sex and breed being in popular. 盛行特性各个春秋、性别和种类地猪对本病毒都有易理性。
Although there was no difference in the percentage of excessive barkers between males and females, there was a breed difference. 虽然没有明显差异的比例过高barkers之间的男性和女性,有一个品种差异。
The lack of a master, of a name, of any particular breed, and even of a definite colour, by no means troubled the purplish -grey dog. 它没有主人,没有名字,甚至种属也不明,毛色也不清,所有这一切,似乎并没有使那条蓝灰色的小狗为难。
This off-the-shelf Darwin Chip would then be a module you could plug into any computer, and it would breed stuff for you, fast. 这样,这个现成的进化芯片就成了可以插进任何计算机的模块,它能为你迅速繁殖东西。
used for any of a breed of beef cattle developed from a cross between the Brahman and the aberdeen angus. 从婆罗门牛和亚伯丁安加斯牛的杂交品种发育而来的一种肉牛的商标。
I'm privileged to work with some of the best of the new breed of software companies, and I can tell you they're really good at what they do. 我有幸与世界上最好的一些软件初创公司合作过,我可以告诉大家,他们的确擅长当前的业务。
We really need this particular trait for our program to improve or to breed a particular crop for a particular area and climate. 我们真正需要的可用这和气候特点对我们的节目特别改进或某一特定区域作物品种的。
This is because assertiveness tends to breed assertiveness, so people are more likely to work with you, rather than against you. 果断行为引发果断行为,人们会更愿意和你合作,而不是反对你。
He said the breed would be a " perfect fit for the Obama family" , as the dogs have a " can-do and hopeful spirit" . 他说这种狗将会“非常适合奥巴马家”,因为它们拥有“干劲和乐观精神。”
The hope was that development tool industry leaders would adopt Eclipse as the underlying platform for their best-of-breed tool offerings. 它的愿望是开发工具行业领头人能够采用Eclipse作为最佳血统工具的底层平台。
"There is a considerable increase in the popularity of smaller-breed dogs and a decrease in the popularity of larger-breed dogs, " he said. “小型犬数量有明显增加,而大型犬的数量则在减少,”他说。
Aboard she meets Captain Henry Gifford, a dependable Yankee mariner who was the best of his breed. 会议上,她船长亨利吉福德,可靠的洋基水手谁是最好的品种。
She felt completely innocent about not being able to walk, like a puppy that has no idea if it is a mongrel or champion of the breed. 她没觉得无法走路有什么大不了的,就像一只小狗,完全对自己是杂种还是纯种没有概念。
He said the global fight should not focus on specific religions, but rather on eradicating the root causes that breed terrorism. 他说,全球反恐战争不该只集中在特定地区,而应当铲除滋生恐怖主义的根源。