
美 [bru]英 [bruː]
  • v.酝酿;沏;酿制(啤酒);沏(茶)
  • n.(尤指某地酿造的)啤酒;(茶)一次的冲泡量
  • 网络调制;煮;手机下载

第三人称单数:brews 现在分词:brewing 过去式:brewed

brew beer
brew coffee,brew tea


v. n.

1.[t][i]~ sth酿制(啤酒)to make beer

2.[t]~ sth沏(茶);煮(咖啡)to make a hot drink of tea or coffee

3.[i]冲泡;沏to be mixed with hot water and become ready to drink


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常春藤解析英语【55】星巴克传奇_在线英语听力室 ... 15. setback n. 挫折 brew vt. ,泡(茶、咖啡) rural a. 农村的 ...


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I tried several cups of Susanto's brew, which had been roasted by hand in an earthenware pan over a wood fire for seven to 10 minutes. 我尝了几杯Susanto煮的咖啡,他将咖啡豆放在木头火堆上的陶土锅里,手工炒了7到10分钟。
They brew the best beer in the world and yet seem to care nothing about business. 他们酿造出世界顶级啤酒,却对这项买卖淡然处之。
Oolong toa is only partly fermented and a brew from Oolong tea has some of the characteristics of both green and black tea. 乌龙茶只是经过部分发酵的,所以乌龙茶的茶汤兼有绿茶和红茶和某些特征。
With a bamboo pole support from sort of a small window, porting brew good tea, relying on the windows side bar. 用一只长竿支起不大不小的竹窗,端起沏好的茶,依靠在窗栏边。
"Chai, " he said to me with a cigarette clenched in his teeth, as he squatted in the hot sand to brew some mint tea. 他蹲在炽热的沙地上煮著些薄荷茶,“茶,”他嘴里咬著雪茄对我说。
The origin of the the hybrid yeast used for making the popular golden brew has been a persistent mystery. 用来酿造普通金色啤酒的混合酵母的起源一直是个谜。
He went on to say "We are no brewers. We are monks. We brew beer to be able to afford being monks. " 他继续说到:“我们不是普通酿酒者,我们是修道士。酿造啤酒是为了有足够的资金做修道士。”
I'm trying to brew the most gorgeous color all the time. I truly believe that it is about to penetrate outwards and spread around. 我一直在努力酝酿一种最为绚烂的色彩,我相信它就要渗透出来,蔓延开来。
Mix all this together with long-standing fears about outsourcing, and a potent brew can be concocted before the US mid-term elections. 加上长期以来对外包的担忧,再把以上这些因素混合,正好能在美国中期选举之前调配好了一杯烈酒。
Storms brew on the sun when pent-up energy from tangled magnetic field lines is released in the form of light, heat and charged particles. 复杂磁场中的隐藏能源以光、热和带电粒子释放,形成太阳风暴。
Handy and easy to use. Just put tea leaves in the strainer, put strainer in a cup and add hot water, allow tea to brew to your taste. 结构说明:泡茶的好用具,方便随身携带,容易使用。把茶叶放入过滤器,盖好后放进杯子,加热水。
Mornings begin with the smell of my "get up and go fast" brew in the kitchen before I fly out the door on my way to a run or the gym. 每天清晨在我冲出家门去跑步或者去健身房之前,我是闻着厨房的“起床快跑”的煮咖啡的清香开始的。
The company pegs the Africa home brew market at triple that of traditional beer. 根据南非米勒酿酒公司的测算,非洲本土化啤酒市场规模将是传统啤酒市场的三倍。
In college I would endure long massages, believing that it would flush the evil brew out of my muscles, taking my soreness with it. 在大学时,我经常做长时间的按摩,相信这样可以把我肌肉中的恶魔赶出去,同时带走我的疼痛。
I told him to choose either one of them, but he wanted to brew both. 我告诉他,他只可选择其一,但他两者都想酿造。
In Chinese Medicine, this brew was used to battle many conditions, and is still used today as both a helpful preventative and cure. 在中国的医学上,绿茶用于治疗许多症状,即使在今天也仍被用做一种预防和治疗疾病的良方。
In nineteen century, British government began to brew a thought about to provide insurance for everyone in the nation. 在十九世纪,英国政府开始酝酿一个思考,为在全国每个人保险。
So good was the brew that many fine folk were given to retire to that place for a fortnight's holiday when the new casks were breached. 每当酿好的啤酒桶被打开时,总有大量的游客蜂拥而至,享受为期两周的休假。
Pushed open the door of fortune Xu Yan, imagination began to travel, the Grains thoughts back to the beginning of a new brew time. 推开际遇虚掩的门,想象开始远行,思绪回到新醅初酿的时光。
My second question would be Steve, and your club, because it is called Home Brew Club or something like this. 我的第二个问题将是史蒂夫,和你的俱乐部,因为它是所谓的家庭啤酒俱乐部或者类似的东西这一点。
A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning. 一个男人和他老婆在争论谁应该每天早晨煮咖啡。
For some time I have been living out of my coffee cup, drinking a brew so strong it is like a thin syrup. 我有一段时间嗜咖啡如命,喝上一杯咖啡非常地提神,就像喝薄糖浆一般惬意。
Young people wondering said: "The cup with warm water, a cup with boiling water, red water in different brew. " 年轻人思忖着说:“一杯用温水,一杯用沸水,冲沏的水不同。”
They were told to brew up a foul mixture of chicken and goose grease, pine, rosin, pitch and turpentine in an earthenware pot. 手册教导他们,在陶罐中,调配一种混合了鸡和鹅的脂肪、松木、松香、树脂以及松节油的茶。
If that queasy feeling keeps bothering you, brew some of that mint tea I left in the kitchen. 如果还是感到恶心,就泡点我放在厨房的薄荷茶喝。
Like most witches here, he melds European and native traditions in his work, a special brew of occultism he learned from his uncle. 像大多数巫师一样,他的工作方法融合了欧洲和本国的特点,这是他从他叔父那里学来的特殊神秘学。
Pectinase is widely used in juice production and wine brew fields owing to its ability for degrading pectin. 果胶酶能降解果胶质,在果汁制造、果酒酿造等方面有着广泛应用。
Like the home-brew computers of the late 70s and early 80s, robots used for research today often have a unique operating system (OS). 正如七十年代末到八十年代初的自制计算机一样,现在的研究用机器人差不多个个都有一个独一无二的操作系统(OS)。
One jug of the precious brew had sold for forty dollars at the end of the war. A man just might get fifty these days. 一壶珍贵的酒在战争结束时可以卖到40美元,而一个男人在这些日子里可能就只能赚50美元。
In general, the delicate of tea contains less tea, brew slightly put a little more; coarse tea with tea and more, to put less. 一般说,细嫩之茶含茶汁较少,冲泡时要略多放一点﹔粗茶含茶汁多,要放少些。