
美 [brɪŋ]英 [brɪŋ]
  • v.带来;产生;导致;引来
  • 网络将;拿来;提出

过去式:brought 第三人称单数:brings 现在分词:bringing

hope bring,help bring,bring luck,bring gift,bring news



《Friends》词汇表A ... High Explosive-Anti-Tank, 破甲弹 bringing vt. 拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼) baby n. 婴孩 ...

KONY 2012 - VoiceTube - 看影片学英语 ... boys 男孩 bringing brother 兄弟 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... High Explosive-Anti-Tank, 破甲弹 bringing vt. 拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼) baby n. 婴孩 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... High Explosive-Anti-Tank, 破甲弹 bringing vt. 拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼) baby n. 婴孩 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... High Explosive-Anti-Tank, 破甲弹 bringing vt. 拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼) baby n. 婴孩 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... High Explosive-Anti-Tank, 破甲弹 bringing vt. 拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼) baby n. 婴孩 ...


The Student... ... Being a good leader 作一个好领袖 Bringing art 让艺术重现生命 Lessons for 健康午餐课 ...


请告诉我最好100以上的英语单词... ... (屈曲) bending bent bent (携带) bringing brought brought ...

Bringing the loathsome Saddam Hussein to justice should have been a propaganda victory for the United States. 将臭名昭著的萨达姆·侯赛因正法,本应是美国一次宣传上的胜利。
A wintry blast is bringing cold air down and dumping up to a foot of snow on some parts of the region. 寒流带来了冷空气,并给部分地区带来一英尺的降雪。
Mr. Wen made trade a main focus of his three-day trip, bringing with him a delegation of some 300 business officials. 温家宝把贸易作为他对印度进行三天访问的重点。随行的中国代表团包括大约300名商界代表。
I suspected it was on her orders that you were bringing him here. 我怀疑你是遵照她的吩咐要把他带到这儿来的
He said it could have been 'tricked' into bringing allegations against three senior managers. 他说,公司可能被戏弄从而起诉了三位高级管理人员。
You had a maid. If I had a normal family, and a good up-bringing, then I would have been a well-adjusted person. 你有个女仆。如果我有一个正常的家庭,接受好的教育,我会成为一个好品格的人。
I was already thinking of bringing him on and when Bianco got injured I threw him into the mix without a moment's hesitation. 我早已有让他上场的打算,比安科受伤以后,我毫不迟疑地派他替补出场。
Then his head started to become a little unclear and he thought, is he bringing me in or am I bringing him in? 接着他的头脑有点儿不清楚了,他竟然想起,是它在带我回家,还是我在带它回家呢?
If you feel woozy, you might consider bringing some candy with you to give you a little lift, or some water to drink. 如果感到头晕,可以吃些糖果提提神,或者喝一些水。
Welfare makes it too easy to do nothing; schools have to do a better job of bringing pupils with foreign backgrounds up to academic speed. 福利政策使它太过容易以致于不能再无所事事了,学校必须做的更好以使有移民背景的学生能跟得学习进度。
The Nobel Committee has achieved something of a first by bringing the fractious Twitterverse into such widespread agreement. 而诺委会首次使难以调和的Twitter达成如此广泛的共识,他们真的做到了。
Forecasts predict no let up in rainfall over the next three days, bringing greater risks of flooding and other geological disasters. 据气象台预计,未来三天仍将出现降雨,加大了洪涝和其他地质灾害的可能性。
The pope said terrorism is all the more deplorable when it "hides behind religion, bringing God's truth down" to the terrorists' own level. 教皇说,更应谴责的是,恐怖主义打着宗教的幌子,把上帝的真理降低到了恐怖分子自己的水平。
This official said the Pakistani leader has made clear he is prepared to go all the way in bringing true democracy to his country. 这名官员说,穆沙拉夫已经说得非常清楚,他准备毫不保留地把真正的民主带给他的国家。
One mother, Zeng Liping, told me that teachers had frowned upon her bringing her sixth grader to Europe. 有一位母亲,曾丽萍,告诉我学校老师们不是很高兴她把六年级的女儿带来欧洲旅游。
It was a defining moment in my career to be a part of bringing the steel-string guitar into the concert hall with an orchestra. 把钢弦吉他带入音乐厅和交响乐团一起演奏是我事业中一个重要的里程碑。
Nothing gets your ideas across better than bringing a group of developers (or other architects) into a room and whiteboarding your ideas. 召集一组开发人员(或者其他的架构师)到一个房间,在白板上写明你的想法,再没有比这更加有效的方法了。
Those steps appeared to be bringing down the dangerous pressures that had built up in the container, a Tokyo Electric spokesman said. 该公司一位发言人说,这些措施似乎正在降低核反应堆容器内积聚的危险压力水平。
Sometimes, bringing the kundalini to balance requires the releasing of karma, and my angels will work with you to bring this forth. 有时要将昆达里尼带入平衡则需要释放业力,而我的天使们将与你一起工作来将其实现。
The company reopened, but it was not as strong as before. In 1935, it closed forever, bringing economic disaster to the town and its people. 年,它终于正式退出营业并为该镇及镇上居民带来了经济的灾难。
Along with bringing it a higher valuation, the move will make it easier for Vanke to raise financing for foreign acquisitions. 除了借此得到较高的估值外,此举还将使万科更易于为海外收购进行融资。
A: Yes. My wife is back in London right now. She's bringing her mother with her to Beijing for a visit. 是的。我的妻子现在回伦敦了。她将要带她的妈妈一起来北京。
my soft greeting, bringing my best wish to you. it is like the warm sunshine, filling your eyes and your heart! 轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝愿化作太阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中、您心中。
Deep within you know that success will be yours, but you still have to work at it by bringing to Earth as much Light as possible. 在心灵最深处你都知道胜利是属于你们的,但是你们还要继续工作把更多的“光”尽可能的带到地球。
The government is trying to provide supplies by air, bringing in food and medicine, but it's like dropping a little salt into the ocean. 政府正在试图空运提供物资,运来食品和药品,但它就像海洋中的一小撮盐。
I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I'll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. 我希望这是许多中的其中一次,在我们开始着手把《破晓》搬上大荧幕时,我能向你们汇报。
Bringing something of context to her will show that you not only are attentive, but are proactive about it. 给她带点有隐含意义的东西表明你不仅细致而且积极。
We began to bridge the distance that had been between us, bringing our shared love for Miles into the unknowable middle ground. 我们开始弥合过去存在于我们之间的那种隔阂,把我们对迈尔斯共有的爱带进一个未知的中间地带。
From Beijing's perspective and that of the migrants, they are bringing money and progress to an underdeveloped region. 北京和这些移民的观点的观点是,他们给这个不发达地区带来资金和发展。
Regardless of what you may think of him, there is no reason to suspect him of bringing about this horrible accident deliberately. 不管你怎么看他,都没有理由怀疑他是蓄意造成这一骇人事故的。