
美 [ˈbrʌðər]英 [ˈbrʌðə(r)]
  • n.(同父母的)兄;(称男性的共事者或同道)同事
  • int.表示生气或吃惊
  • v.和…结成弟兄
  • 网络兄弟;兄弟牌;哥哥

复数:brothers 复数:brethren

elder brother,big brother,young brother,dear brother
see brother,visit brother,kill brother,brother marry,bury brother


家庭in family

1.(同父母的)兄,弟a boy or man who has the same mother and father as another person

其他男性other men

2.(称男性的共事者或同道)同事,弟兄,伙伴used for talking to or talking about other male members of an organization or other men who have the same ideas, purpose, etc. as yourself

宗教团体in religious group

3.(同一宗教团体的男性)教友;(尤指)修士a male member of a religious group, especially a monk


兄弟brother)MFC-7360 黑白激光多功能一体机(打印 复印 扫描 传真)24页/分钟,这年头,效率才是王道!特价: 立即抢 …


兄弟牌(BROTHER)BR-8008 360度扭腰腹部健美机 健美王子2013最新款企鹅液压踏步机HT-019 NIKE耐克 秋季新款 STRIKE …


牛津英语7A全套教案 - 豆丁网 ... father 父亲 brother 哥哥;弟弟 mother 母亲 ...


虞啸卿_百度百科 ... All( 世界) Brother弟弟) Careful( 谨慎的) ...


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... broom n. 扫帚 brother n. 兄弟;同胞;教友;同事 brown a.&n. 棕色(的),褐色(的) ...


北野武_互动百科 ... 《菊次郎的夏天》( Kikujiro,1999) 《大佬》( Brother,2000) 《玩偶》( Dolls,2002) ...


基础英语单词_百度文库 ... sister 姐妹 brother 兄妹 let’s=let us 让我们 ...

Now then, my son, do what I say: Flee at once to my brother Laban in Haran. Stay with him for a while until your brother's fury subsides. 现在我儿,你要听我的话,起来逃往哈兰我哥哥拉班那里去,同他住些日子,直等你哥哥的怒气消了。
Brother said that in fact no big deal, do not think too much, or your psychological endurance of these girls are a little less bad. 哥哥说,其实没什么大不了的,不要想太多,或者你们这些女生的心理承受力是差那么一点点。
His brother advised her to have nothing to do with it. 他哥哥劝她不要管那件事。
In a message to his brother-in-law last week, he said he was "in the thick of it" . 他在上周发给他姐夫(妹夫)的一条消息中说他“正处于最紧张激烈的时刻”。
Most recently, Leonard elected to pursue something of substance with Priya, despite the protests of her big brother, Raj. 最近,莱纳德对普利亚展开了实质性的追求,尽管她的大哥拉杰曾极力阻止。
Less than a month after turning 30 in 1962, Mr. Kennedy declared his candidacy for the remaining two years of his brother's Senate term. 1962年,肯尼迪满30岁不到一个月,就宣布参选其兄还剩两年参议员一职。
So each night he took a sack of grain from his bin and crept across the field between their houses, dumping it into his brother's bin. 于是每天晚上,他都从自己粮食中拿出一袋,蹑手蹑脚的穿过空地,把粮食倒入他兄弟的粮仓中。
For John had been saying to Herod, It is not lawful for you to have the wife of your brother. 约翰曾对希律说,你不可娶你兄弟的妻子。
You know of a product that meets your needs, but you are worried that your brother owns the company that produces the product. 你知道有一种产品可以满足你的需求,但你担心的是你的兄弟是生产这种产品那家公司的老板。
I feel you take more careful with your brother, I believe he must trust in you. but, you are the example of me . 我感觉到你更加照顾你弟弟了,我相信他会信任你的,但是,你是我的榜样。
My parents are always asking me to help out with my little brother. 我的父母经常要求我帮助我的小弟弟。
But for her brother's help, Mary would not be able to tide over the difficulties. 如果没有她兄弟的帮助,玛丽是没法渡过难关的。
Her brother told us that she was the last of a family of three to be plucked from the rubble. 她的兄弟告诉我们她是这家三口人最终最后一个废墟从中挖出的人。
As a kid, she alternated days doing dish-washing duty with her big brother, Craig. It was also her job to clean the bathroom every Saturday. 小时候,她与哥哥克雷格轮流洗碗。每周六她还要清扫卫生间。
When bringing up the elder brother that I just was born, they often a minute of money is broken two make partly. 在抚养我刚出生的哥哥时,他俩经常一分钱掰成两半使。
And her brother and her mother said, Let the damsel abide with us [a few] days, at the least ten; after that she shall go. 利百加的哥哥和她母亲说,让女子同我们再住几天,至少十天,然后她可以去。
come on. Your brother isn't as bad as you make him out to be. 拜托你哥哥没有你描述的那么糟糕。
Aided by his brother John, a member of Congress from Ohio, he reluctantly left the South for a Union commission. 他的兄弟约翰在俄亥俄州作议员,在约翰的帮助下,他无奈离开南方在联邦军队谋了一个军职。
Fauna was a minor Roman goddess but her brother was more famous, his Roman god name was Faunus but in Greek he was known as Pan. Fauna是一位罗马的小女神,不过她的兄弟很有名气,他的罗马名字是Faunus,在希腊人们都叫他Pan。
Mary worked at the store all day and on top of that she had to baby-sit with her brother. 玛丽整天在商店里工作,除些之外她还必须临时照顾她的小弟弟。
The Reds said he could go unarmed into any village of the country, announce himself to the Elder Brother Society, and form an army. 红军说,他可以手无寸铁地到全国任何哪个村子里去,向哥老会说出自己的身份后,组织起一支部队来。
He felt in the quiet presence of his mother, brother, and sister a force, inarticulate and unconscious. 他母亲、弟弟和妹妹不声不响地站在他面前,使他感觉到一种不可言喻的、不自觉的力量。
Mm, not so much. Hey, if it's any consolation, You happen to be the illegitimate half brother Of the guy we do care about. 恩,不是这样。噢,如果对你有所安慰的话,你的确是我们所关心的家伙的,同父异母的兄弟。
John's mother told him to see after his younger brother. 约翰的母亲告诉他要照顾好弟弟。
She had to take care of her brother, because her mother who have been hospitalized. 她不得不自己照顾她弟弟,因为她妈妈生病住院。
Bibi lost her leg below the knee from a rocket attack 5 months ago that killed her sister and brother, injuring her mother as well. 5个月前,在一次火箭袭击事件中,比比的一条腿从膝盖以下被炸掉,她的姐姐和弟弟被炸死,母亲也受了伤。
The first brother traveled on for a week more, and reaching a distant village, sought out a fellow wizard with whom he had a quarrel. 老大走了一个多星期,来到一个遥远的小山村,跟一位巫师争吵起来。
One defector testified that while in a camp, he had witnessed his mother and elder brother publicly executed for attempting to escape. 一叛逃者证实他亲眼目睹他的母亲和兄长因试图越狱被处以枪决。
One day, there was no food in the burrow for their breakfast. The brother was very hungry and began to cry. 有一天,家里没有食物做早饭了(这里怪怪的…),弟弟饿得哭了起来。
is really angry, his mother was able to resurrect five elder brother! Five brother pity. 真是气愤,五阿哥他娘居然能复活!五阿哥真可怜。