
美 ['bu]英 ['bu:]
  • n.蒲式耳
  • 网络波士顿大学(Boston University);溴尿嘧啶;绑定更新(Binding Update)




蒲式耳(bu) 配克(pk) 夸脱(qt) 品脱(pt) 英制液量和干量桶 蒲式耳 加仑(bal) 品脱(pt) 液量盎司(fl oz) 公制烹调制式汤勺(Table ...

波士顿大学(Boston University)

波士顿大学bu)2012年秋季入学托福要多少分啊!!!50 七夜、家 高级团 合作回答者:1人 2012-04-09 1.学历要求:高中 …


  5-溴尿嘧啶BU)、5-溴去氧尿核苷(BudR) 为胸腺嘧啶(T)的类似物   2-氨基嘌呤(AP) 为腺嘌呤(A)的类似物   马来酰 …

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血尿素(Blood Urea)

3)血尿素BU):体内尿素的生成不如肌酐稳定,且受肾外影响因素大,特异性,灵敏性均差; 4)血半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制蛋白C…

'I'm going to Woodford Green, ' I said to the conductor as I got on the bu' but I don't know where it is. ' “我要去伍德福德草地,”我一上车就对售票员说,“但我不知道它在那儿。”
The director Luis Bu? uel steadfastly maintained that this was a serious psycho-sexual study of bourgeois neurosis. 导演路易斯-布努埃尔一直坚称这部电影是严肃的对资产阶级神经症的心性。
When it's time for a rest, start with your eyes. Focus on something far away bu looking out of a window. 当到时候休息的时候,从你的眼睛开始,把眼睛集中到窗外远处的物体上。
Young people loudly said: "The adults xun bu Wei Liu murder or nothing to do with it is dry the next. " 年轻人大声地说:“巡捕魏大人被害一案与刘景升无关,是在下干的。”
Flushed with the glow of sunset earth seems like a ripe fruit ready to be harvested bu night. 大地被夕阳的绚丽应红了脸,好像一只丰润的果子等着让黑夜摘下。
They had no other means of getting the truth from the young man but bu torturing and threatening. 除了折磨和威胁,他们在没有其他的办法让这名青年说出真相。
Today, a number of endemic countries, researchers, nongovernmental organizations and donors are involved in activities to understand BU. 今天,许多流行国家、研究人员、非政府组织和捐助者正在从事各项活动以了解布鲁里溃疡。
I feel bad, Bu Xianghuo, how do the, ah, I would like to leave this city, and no longer any contact, including family. . . . . . line? 我心情不好,不想活了,该怎么办啊,我想离开这个城市,不再和任何人联系,包括家人……行吗?。
He is a relly good brother. He take good care of me not only because I am the only sister of him bu also that we are alike. 他是个很好的哥哥,他非常疼我,不仅仅是因为我是他唯一的妹妹。
For younger women in particular, the pill is "safer than it used to be, but it still has some adverse effects, " says BU's Rosenberg. 罗森伯格说,尤其是对一些年轻女性而言,口服避孕药“比起过去是要安全的多,可它仍然会带来一些不良反应”。
If you use the words UP and DOWN now, you are completely hooked bu the dark ages conspiracy! 如果你用上与下这两个字,就是受到黑暗时期阴谋的完全掌控!
"Bu Guo" is a connective, which is normally used at the beginning of a following sentence to restrict or revise the preceding sentence. “不过”是个连词,一般用在后半句的开头,作用是对上半句话加以限制或者修正。
Last summer holiday, when I watched "Three Kingdoms" TV play, I saw Lv Bu put a cloak on Diao Chan. There was a phoenix on the cloak. 去年暑假,我看“三国”电视连续剧的时候,看到吕布把一件披风盖在貂蝉身上,披风上绣着“凤凰涅槃”。
Yes, BU is expensive, and I would not recommend this place to students who aren't on scholarship or of rich parents. 就读波士顿大学的费用非常昂贵,如果你不能拿奖学金或者父母不是很富有,我建议你不要来这里。
Society and BU witch to do combine the time must be in ancient times, genetic so far. 做社与卜巫结合,其时必在上古,遗传至今。
The adhesive prepared by grafting SBS with Bu acrylate and maleic anhydride, with cyclohexane as solvent, can be used for shoes. 本文以环己烷作溶剂,以丙烯酸丁酯和顺酐对SBS接枝改性制鞋用胶粘剂。
Where those people were many gossip tube, bu you fen shuo, erbium-doped pushing all the way up to Liu promoted the Church House. 那帮人哪里管许多闲话,不由分说,一路推推掺掺把刘景升推进了府堂。
Lv Bu experience tells us: the frequent job-hopping, did not dare take you directly to the boss. 吕布的经历告诉我们:频繁的跳槽,直接导致没老板敢录用你。
selecting two typical negative words "bu" and "mei" , makes a comparative study of the negative semantic expression with the scope theory. 选取两个典型否定词“不”和“没”,对否定义的表达进行了一定的理论探索。
Nerve agent into the body, the rapid destruction of BU have chest tightness, reduce pupil wish of the vague and drooling. 神经性毒剂进入人体后,迅速破坏神经卜产生胸闷、瞳孔缩小、祝力模糊、流口水。
If confirmed, BU will be the only known mycobacterial disease to be transmitted by insects. 如果得到确认,布鲁里溃疡将是唯一已知由昆虫传播的分枝杆菌病。
But bu lin entrusts with its one kind of blood red, therefore gives the human one kind of belt blood bucktooth the impression. 而卟啉又赋予其一种血红色,所以给人一种带血獠牙的印象。
God wants us to be happy and live our life to the fullest, bu we have to do our share of exerting the effort to live the life of our dream. 上帝希望我们幸福快乐,生活圆满,但我们也要尽力为过上我们梦想的生活而努力。
Tiba make such a simple painting changed Bu Daoweng Mood in the far-reaching significance extraordinary. 这样的题跋使一幅简单的不倒翁画变得意境深远,意义不凡。
If met, BU is a friendship started: If you forget, BU is the best in the outcome: So let me, love you. 如果相遇,卜是友情得开始,:如果忘记,卜是最好得结局,:那么让我,在爱你。
Use to increase the taste, look, uniqueness and aroma of your food. Sincerely wish to establish long-term bu. 用来提升食品的味道、外观,使其独特。真诚地希望能与贵公司建立长斯的贸易往来关系。
After 30 years of no official report, an assessment carried out in south-eastern Nigeria in November 2006 confirmed some BU cases. 在30年无正式报告之后,2006年11月在尼日利亚东南部开展的评估确认了一些布鲁里溃疡病病例。
The article said when " bu zheteng " was just off the sound, came the knowing laughter of the audience in Great Hall. 文章说,当时,“不折腾”三个字刚落音,人民大会堂观众席随即传来会心的笑声。
The writers consider that brand is a permanent asset. For follow-up measurement of brand value, it cannot be amortized, bu. . . 认为品牌是一项永久性资产,其后续计量不应该摊销,而应采取逐年重估的方法确认重评估减值或增值。
Long Bu-old baby, giving it a 1. Teeth naive heart. 长卜大的孩子,流露着1.颗天真的心