
美 [bɪld]英 [bɪld]
  • v.建造;创建;建筑;开发;建造;筑;建筑;确立;建;建造;筑;建立
  • n.构造;成形;肉体美;体格;身材;体形;造型;成形;肉体美
  • 网络构建项目

过去式:built 过去式:build-ed 过去分词:builded 第三人称单数:builds 现在分词:building

build system,build house,build society,build bridge,build relationship


v. n.

1.[t][i]建筑;建造to make sth, especially a building, by putting parts together

2.[t]~ sth创建;开发to create or develop sth

3.[i]逐渐增强to become gradually stronger


...2公司培训资料PPT+实例maven2的主要功能 构建项目Builds) 可以构建 jar war ear zip ejb 类型的项目文档编制(Docume…


中考英语单选题_百度知道 ... is building C. 正在建筑 C 。 builds 建立 will be done C. 意志被做 C 。 ...


...可用于播放CSS编码的DVD文件的输入模块随同 xine一起发行。 第三方的建造(builds)里内建有这样的模块, 但都不属于Free…


战T听写第十天!TPO0905 GEOLOGY ... low-lying 低洼的 builds 构造,体格 torrential 汹涌的,急流的 ...


战T听写第十天!TPO0905 GEOLOGY ... low-lying 低洼的 builds 构造,体格 torrential 汹涌的,急流的 ...

The concept and nature of tradename is premise and sills of this text, is also a foundation that builds up the legal system trade name. 商号的概念和性质是本文研究的前提和基石,也是建立商号权法律制度的基础。
Builds the smoking room not to be able to reduce in the air the deleterious substance. is final, smoking waste resources. 建立吸烟室不能减少空气中的有害物质。最后,吸烟浪费资源。
When glucose builds up in the blood, it can damage the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, heart, eyes, and nervous system. 当葡萄糖在血液中堆积时,它便能够损伤肾脏、心脏、眼睛以及神经系统等诸多部位的小血管。
He suffers most, say, from thirst. He hollows out a place in the sand to collect rain water, or builds some crude receptacle. 比方说,极度焦渴最为令他痛苦,于是他在沙地上挖坑收集雨水,或者做个简陋的容器蓄水。
The tool builds the configuration tasks into the image at this point, but they do not run until image deployment time. 工具在此时把配置任务构建到映像中,但是在部署映像之前并不运行它们。
But I should really hold my tongue until I see some more advanced builds of Catalyst to give it a fair review. 或许我真的应该保持沉默,除非看到更棒的Catalyst之后再给出合理的评价。
Capacitance fuze builds up a static electric field around the detecting electrode through the action of an oscillator . 电容近炸引信是利用振荡器在探测电极周围建立一个静电场进行工作的。
Builds only those project items for the selected combinations of project configuration and platform that have changed since the last build. 针对选定的项目配置和平台组合,只生成自上次生成以来发生更改的项目项。
It's also worth pointing out that this controversial theory of depression builds on a growing literature on the mental benefits of sadness. 同样值得指出的是,这种饱受争议的抑郁理论依赖于有关忧郁带来心理益处的文献在数量方面的增长。
Stress builds up in the rock on both sides of the fault and causes the rock to break and shift in an earthquake. 压力在断层两侧的岩石中产生,并且引起岩石在地震中破裂和滑动。
Merkel acts like she's doing so much. But Germany still builds coal-burning power plants and has no speed limit. 默克尔似乎采取了很多措施,但德国依然在建燃煤发电站,仍没有速度限制。
The Bali Breakfast builds on an initiative taken by Indonesia at the time of the U. N. meeting on Global Climate Change. 巴厘岛早餐会建立在联合国全球气候变化会议上印尼提出的一个动议的基础上。
The hot magma, or lava as it is called, cols and builds up on the surface of the earth. 滚烫的岩浆,或者叫熔岩,经过了冷却以后就形成了地球的表面。
Over thousands of years, that urine crystallises and builds up in accumulations that the scientists refer to as "middens" . 经由数千年,那些尿液不竭结晶并聚积堆集成科学家所谓的“粪堆”。
If it allows you to express the SSMS that builds afresh to make any changes through asking to be opposite, so you need not check it. 如果它允许你通过要求对表重新建立的SSMS来做任何改变,那么你可以不检查它。
Over time, the body becomes less and less able to process enough insulin to meet the body's needs, and glucose builds up in the bloodstream. 过不了多久,人体吸收这些胰岛素的能力越来越低,人体的正常需要便不能满足,血液里的葡萄糖便会上升。
If the valve becomes very stenotic and insufficient, severe pressure builds up in the left ventricle, which can injure the heart. 严重的主动脉狭窄和关闭不全,会使左室压力升高从而损伤心脏。
At present, when caching is on, AXIOM builds the tree as if the user were accessing those parts of the tree through the document API. 目前如果启用缓冲,AXIOM就会像用户在通过文档API访问树的这些部分一样构造树。
As the Rage bar builds up, the warrior is able to perform special moves and abilities which cost a certain amount of Rage. 在狂怒值的不断增加下战士可以使用一些特殊攻击和技能,当然它们会消耗一定狂怒值。
All that's left is to "make" the program, which builds and compiles the code, and install it into the proper places on your system. 接下来您只需要完成用于生成和编译代码的程序,然后将其安装到系统恰当的位置上即可。
If He builds the bridge a rod ahead, it would not be a bridge of faith. That which is of sight is not of faith. 如果祂先替我们建筑好了,那就不能称作“信心的桥梁”了,眼见的不能算作信心。
A big portion of your anger builds up, trying to get you to recognize a problem. 如果你的怒气积累到一定程度,那你应该意识到它成了一个问题。
God does not make a sunset glory in a moment, but for days may be massing the mist out of which He builds His palaces beautiful in the west. 神并非在片刻之间构成落日时的彩霞,他要经过好几天的积聚云雾,才在天的西边造成了那美丽的宫殿。
Cadmium is highly toxic, builds up in the body, and can cause stomach pains, vomiting and diarrhea. 镉毒性很高,在体内积累,可能导致胃痛,呕吐和腹泻。
Perhaps a worthy cause, but not the sort of thing on which one builds a middle class. 这也许是个有价值的事业,但不是建立一个中产阶级所应做的事。
But it's the part that everything else builds on top off, and is as such a very important part of it. 但是程序的其他部分都是构建在它之上的,因此它是非常重要的一部分。
Help Jessie in this tasty time management adventure as she builds her business and grows her small caf into a delicious empire. 在这个洋溢著蛋糕香气的模拟游戏中,帮助杰茜发展她的事业,把一间小店发展成美味王国吧。
E-mail marketing makes it easy to establish a regularly scheduled communications program that builds your brand and your business. 通过电子邮件营销易于建立定期制订的沟通计划,该计划用于创立品牌和组建业务。
If your trouble builds up to the point where you can not put up with it, it is advisable for you to follow the instructions as given below. 如果你的麻烦到了忍无可忍的时候,建议你按照下面的说明去做。
Who builds the computers that our government uses in places like the Pentagon, White House, military bases and Department of Defense? 五角大楼,白宫,军事基地的电脑业是谁造的,是中国造么?