
美 [bʌm]英 [bʌm]
  • n.屁股;流浪乞丐;无业游民;懒汉
  • v.提出要;乞讨;使不安;使灰心
  • adj.劣质的;错误的;没用的
  • 网络流浪汉;懒鬼;系统启动管理(Boot-Up Manager)

复数:bums 过去式:bummed 现在分词:bumming



2.流浪乞丐;无业游民a person who has no home or job and who asks other people for money or food

3.懒汉;游手好闲者a lazy person who does nothing for other people or for society


bums on seats

观众(或听众)的数量大(尤用于强调吸引大量观众的需要或愿望)used to refer to the number of people who attend a show, talk, etc., especially when emphasizing the need or desire to attract a large number

give sb/get the bums rush

赶走某人;被撵走to force sb/be forced to leave a place quickly


淡淡的英文单词怎么写?-外语-天涯问答 ... boudoir n. 闺房 bum n. 屁股 caprice n. 怪想法 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... companion n. 同伴, 伴侣 bum n. 游民, 叫化子 keen a. 热心的, 渴望的 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... quench( 淬火,熄灭,用水灭火); bum乞讨); suffer( 受到损失, …


The Descendants《后裔》精讲之一[1]-英语点津 ... 11. stinginess: 吝啬。 12. bum: 流浪汉。 13. stuntmen: 杂技演员。 ...


Godfather Marlon Brando_在线英语听力室 ... ) perpetual 永久的 ) bum 游民,懒鬼 ) reclusive 隐居的,独处的 ...

系统启动管理(Boot-Up Manager)

安装体系 启动措施管理 器 Boot-Up Manager (BUM) sudo apt-get install bum 运行管理 器: gksudo bum 指给运行的图形界面 …


中英文对照:建筑专业词汇 ... 质量低劣 bum;inferiority of quality;inferior quality 质量低劣的 bum 质量第一 quality first ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... carts n. 大车, 手推车 bum n. 游荡者, 游民, 闹饮 memorizejammer n. 干扰发射台[机], U型钢丝芯撑 ...

But the little bum had more patience than I had and just lay there most of the time chewing his cud in forlorn bitter-lipped thought. 但小老头比我更堪忍,他很多时只是躺身那里,咬着孤苦伶仃的嘴唇反复思量。
Years of living in New York City had trained me: The distress you hear is nothing serious. It's only a drunk or a bum . 在纽约居住多年的经历训练了我,你所听到的根本没什么大不了的,那只是个醉汉或游民。
Certain parts of the body should not be touched initially, like the breasts or bum. 开始时,某些身体部位不该接触,比如胸部和臀部。
larinax: You know, there used to be this cartoon - bum-looking, emaciated Marx and Lenin are begging for money in the street. 你知道,过去曾有种流浪者的漫画形象,它画的是憔悴的马克思和列宁在街上乞讨。
That passenger tapped the person sitting in front of him. "Tell the bus driver there's a bum in the restroom, " he said. 前面的乘客拍了拍他前面的人的肩膀说,“告诉司机有一个流浪汉在洗手间,”
"And I say, 'I am working. If it were reversed, would you say your daughter is a bum? ' I'm a great father. Try to respect that. " “我跟这些亲戚说,‘我正在工作。如果是我出去工作,你女儿在家照看孩子,那么你会说她是乞丐吗?’我是一个了不起的父亲,请尊重这个事实。”
If you enter their offices they are unlikely to ask for a bribe or to pinch your bum. 如果你走进他们的办公室,他们不大可能索取贿赂,也不会捏你的屁股。
If do not ask for, that opponent bum the on the prowl in the bottom layer slowly. 如果不惹,那对手就慢慢在下层游荡徘徊吧。
but he felt he was getting something of a bum rap. 他挨了一顿臭骂,但他觉得受了委屈。
Kang In, Ki Bum and Han Geng did not show up in all the award ceremonies. 强仁,起反,韩庚在年末颁奖礼上并没有出现。
Then, young friends began to look around bum, that look like a cold knife, even the young inadvertently see shiver all over though not cold. 接着,少年的朋友开始环视四周的混混,那目光就似一把阴寒的匕首,连少年无意间看到都不寒而栗。
But it turned out to be a bum steer, just a rumor spread by one of our competitions to make trouble for us. 但是,这个消息是假的,是我们竞争对象之一为了给我们制造麻烦而散布的谣言。
No sooner had his mother died than Jim began to go on the bum. 母亲刚过世,吉姆就开始过流浪生活了。
The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves. 老流浪汉先领我走到一张桌子前,请我坐下稍等片刻,他则到一排排的书架上去翻找那些特别的东西。
The bum then asked ME if he could buy ME a cup of coffee. I told him, "No, sir, but a soda would be great. " 然后那个流浪者问我他能请我喝咖啡吗?我回答说:“不,先生,一杯汽水就可以了。”
Everyone has a gift, even the person you think is a total bum. Look at what Harry's aunt and uncle ended up discovering about him! 每个人都有天赋,甚至是那些你认为非常吊儿郎当的人。看看哈利的姨夫姨妈,他们最终发现了他的了不起之处。
He seems to make a living. He is no idler, lollygagger or bum. He can look with condescentsion upon the states to which men fall. 他似乎可以以此谋生。他不再是懒惰者、消磨时间者或者是游荡者。他可以带着超然的态度看待他人的没落。
Jimboob . . . left university and is now a bum who keeps asking Nick to meet up with him. . . creepy. Jimboob . . . 离开大学,现在是谁使范要求尼克,以满足了他…不寒而栗。
"My in-laws think I'm a bum and I'm fine because I worked, already had a career, " he said. “我妻子那边的亲戚认为我是一个乞丐,我不这么认为,因为我在工作,我已经有了我的职业,”格雷格说。
He came only once, in white knickerbockers , and had a fight with a bum named Etty in the garden. 他只来过一次,穿着一条白灯笼裤,还在花园里跟一个姓艾蒂的二流子干了一架。
After conversing for a few minutes, the friendly bum told me to follow him. 在闲聊了几分钟后,这个平易武士的老落难汉要我跟他走。
That bum didn't look like any spy I've ever seen though, and I would pay money to see him get into that psychiatric ward's vent system. 那个流浪汉不像我所见过的密探,我情愿付钱把他弄进精神病房里的通风管道里。
But I get a little worried when the boys start fancying me. I dont have anything against ga. ys as long as they dont touch my bum. 但我会有点担心当男孩子们开始幻想我并不是针对同志只要他们不碰我的屁股。
It had its bum wedged right in there meaning it couldn't get out. 它的屁股刚好被卡在那里,所以它没办法出来。
She leaned forward and said conspiratorially, "It's like having a bunch of grapes hanging out of my bum. " 她身子往前倾,悄悄地说:“我的屁股好像挂着一串葡萄。”
Or even if he did exist how do you know that he wasn't a liar or a magician, or just a bum? 或者就算他存在过,你怎么知道他不是个骗子,术士,或是个流浪汉呢?
I can remember walking into the dressing room and the first thing I saw was Zola's bum as he reached for his towel! 我还记得走进更衣室时,第一眼看到的是佐拉(前切尔西球员---译注)的光屁股,他正要取他的毛巾!
I knew it was a mistake to stop my pseudo-goddaughter putting sand up her bum on my last visit. 我知道上次去探访我的假教女时,不该阻止她把沙子塞进屁股。
Coincidentally, a bum shows up in a later scene that has The Voice's. . . umm, voice. 巧的是,后面的情节中一个流浪汉出现了,这个声音……。
What Would happen if I put the paper on the fire? -It Would bum. 我若把纸放在火上会怎么样?--纸就会烧着。