
美 [baɪ]英 [baɪ]
  • v.买;购买;收买;贿赂
  • n.购买;合算的商品;买进(或出售)的东西
  • 网络团购;购买物品信息表;买卖

过去式:bought 第三人称单数:buys 现在分词:buying

buy ticket,buy goods,buy pair,buy equipment,buy everything
probably buy


v. n.

用钱with money

1.[t][i]买;购买to obtain sth by paying money for it

2.[t]~ sth够支付to be enough to pay for sth

3.[t]~ sb买通;收买;贿赂to persuade sb to do sth dishonest in return for money


4.[t][usupass]~ sth付出极大的代价而获得to obtain sth by losing sth else of great value


5.[t](informal)~ sth相信(尤指不大可能的事)to believe that sth is true, especially sth that is not very likely


(have) bought it

被杀死;(尤指)在事故中丧生,阵亡to be killed, especially in an accident or a war

buy the farm

死;死亡to die

buy time

拖延时间to do sth in order to delay an event, a decision, etc.

写出下列动词的中文和过去式_百度知道 ... 8.读 reads 9. buys 11.游泳 swimms ...


高级听力词... ... steak 肉排; 鱼排; (尤指)牛排 buys 购买; 所购的物品 a good buy,ie a useful purchase or a bargain 便宜货 ...


收乐网... ... 打折信息 Discount 团购 Buys 商家 Business ...


...ds)、 关注物品信息表(attentions)、购买物品信息表buys)、公告栏信息表 (announce)7个数据库表。


《Friends》词汇表A ... intimidated v. 胁迫 buys v. 买n.购买, 买卖 pennsylvania n. 宾夕法尼亚州(美国州名) ...


六年级英语_百度知道 ... assistant 助理 buys 买得的东西;便宜货 factories 工厂 ...


魔乐-中国就业率最高的JAVA学习基地 ... click 点击数 buys 已卖出数量 imgb 大图 ...

How much influence this buys the Americans is debatable: they tread a fine line between giving advice and appearing to dictate. 购买美式装备有多大影响尚无定论:美国人在给出意见和莅临指导之间如履薄冰。
My neighbouring supermarket of dwelling place that can be member of you tomorrow entrance waits for you , buys a dish together with you. 我明天会在你的住处附近的超市门口等你,和你一起买菜。
At weekends, her mother always buys a lot of food for her, but she can't eat all of them for she has eyes bigger than the stomach. 周末,妈妈总给她买好多食品,可她眼馋肚饱,想吃又吃不下。
The pesticide control plan would also be a way to produce better records about who buys how much pesticide and from what source. 农药控制计划还可以更好地纪录农药购买人、购买量和来源。
Sure. A good father never scolds his child. He buys lots of toys for his child and he never quarrels with his wife. 当然。一个好爸爸从不责骂他的孩子。他给他的孩子买很多玩具,而且他从不与妻子吵架。
This would be a departure for her because she buys "20 or 30 new books a year, all paperback, all fiction" . 这有点违背她的消费习惯,她一般每年购买20到30本新书,不过都是平装本。
But at least when a local bookie has money, he goes out to the local restaurant, he buys a new suit. 但至少当一个地方赌博有钱,他接着指出,以当地的餐厅,他买的新西装。
If she buys a new car, she'll have to take a lot of money out of her bank account. 如果她买新车,她就会从银行帐户取出很多钱。
He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you. 如果他购买了你的产品或服务之后,当他告诉别人时别人会怎么想。
But it does not always pay to follow Mr. Buffett's moves, at least when he buys preferred shares rather than common stock. 但追随巴菲特在市场上的投资举动并非每次都能使普通投资者有利可图——至少当他购买的是一家公司的优先股而不是普通股的时候。
Nicaragua buys $1 billion a year of Venezuelan oil, and gets half of it back in low-interest, long-term loans. 尼加拉瓜每年购买委内瑞拉10亿美元的石油,其中可以通过低利息的长期贷款收回五亿美元。
When I'm feeling bad, he takes a day off to take me to see the doctor, and buys me an ice cream on the way home as a reward. 不舒服时,请假带我去看医生,回来路上买冰淇淋做奖励。
There's a reason a country with a population one-fifth the size of that of the United States buys millions more newspapers each week. 一个人口仅有美国人口总数五分之一的国家每周购买几百万份报纸是有原因的。
So a U. S. consumer who buys what is often considered an American product will add to the U. S. trade deficit with China. 所以购买通常被认为是美国产品的美国消费者,增加了美国对中国的贸易逆差。
He said the cockles and crab that he buys from North Korea had been getting smaller every year over the last decade. 他说,过去10年间,他从朝鲜买的鸟蛤和螃蟹的个头一年比一年小。
Even if it buys no more shares, the state will increase its economic stake in the company, a sort of partial de-privatisation. 按照“局部去私有化”策略,即使不再增持,巴西政府也会扩大其在该公司的经济权益。
He is a great friend of mine, buys all my pictures and that sort of thing, and gave me a commission a month ago to paint him as a beggar. 他是我的好朋友,买我所有的作品等等,而且在一个月之前他给了我一笔佣金,叫我把他画成个乞丐。
Typically. . . Lingerie is bought by a man to please a man. . . a woman buys it herself to look and feel sexy for her partner. 有代表性的是,男性买了内衣来取悦男性,女性买内衣则是让她自己看起来够性感。
At the moment, it mostly buys grain and doles it out in areas where there is little or no food. 现在,他所做的只是买来粮食发放给那些没有粮食或者粮食很少的地区。
Uncomfortable, he asks for leave to take me to see a doctor, and buys an ice-cream as an award on back way. 不舒服时,他请假带我去看医生,回来路上买冰激凌做奖励。
This sounds an awful lot like a heroin addict who robs his mother's purse of rent money and buys drugs and prostitutes with it. 这听起来很像瘾君子从他母亲那里强抢钱包用来买毒品、嫖妓。
But did not know which insurance company buys. 但不知道买哪个保险公司的。
He never buys anything new; even his car came out of the ark. 他从来不买新东西,甚至连他的汽车也是十分陈旧。
Cindy buys some flowers from her mother's shop. 辛迪从她妈妈商店买了些花。
Stan's buildings are largely hollow, with just a few structural supports - also made from the toothpicks he buys direct from a wholesaler. 斯坦的建筑大多为空心,只有少数几个支撑结构,这些支撑结构也是用他直接从一个批发商那里购买的牙签制作的。
A customer buys a pair of sun-glasses in a glasses store. And then she wants to know where a Chinese Tailor's and a cloth store are. 一位顾客在一家眼镜店买了一副太阳镜。之后,她想知道中国的裁缝店和布店在哪儿。
Yet even if die-hard music buffs spend more on albums than the guy who buys one box set a year, they're still buying less than they used to. 然而,即使铁杆音乐发烧友比一年买一个套装的家伙在专集上花更多的钱,他们还是比以往买的少。
Did not know temporarily has buys the urban district map, hoped that my reply has the help to you, wishes your good luck. 暂不知道有没有买市区地图的,希望我的回答对你有所帮助,祝你好运。
When a woman with a chest circumference of 32 inches buys a 36-inch bra, the band often rides up in back, leading to sagging in front. 如果一位胸围32英寸的女士买了36英寸的文胸,文胸后面的横带会老往上跑,导致胸部下垂。
"Clearly. . . money does not buy you experiential happiness, but lack of money certainly buys you misery, " he said. 显然…金钱买不到实际意义上的幸福,但是缺钱会导致痛苦。