
美 [si'e]
  • abbr.【化】元素钙的符号(=chlormadinone)氯地孕酮
  • 网络钙(Calcium);加拿大(Canada);证书颁发机构(Certificate Authority)






中国知识产权杂志 知识产权 商标 版权 专利 ... BZ 伯利兹 CA 加拿大 CH 瑞士 ...

证书颁发机构(Certificate Authority)

证书颁发机构 (Ca) 是组织的公钥基础结构 (PKI) 的中心组件。Ca 配置为存在许多年或几十年来,在这段时间可能升级承载 CA …

尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminatum)

尖锐湿疣(CA)是由人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染人体所引起的表皮肿瘤样增...[详细]女性患尖锐湿疣比男 道,主要症状是尿痛和尿 …

醋酸纤维素(cellulose acetate)

厨房净水器_百度百科 ... 聚砜 PS 醋酸纤维素 CA 再生纤维素 RC ...



化学文摘(Chemical Abstracts)

目前化学文摘CA)、数学评论(MR),俄罗斯的文摘杂志(PЖ),英国的科学文摘(SA),德国的数学文摘(Zb1),剑桥科 …

Due to late acceptance of your baggage, Carriers ca ot a ure that your baggage will travel with you on the same flight to your destination. 由于您的行李晚交运,承运人不能保证将您的行李同机运往您的目的地。
CA: And releasing this caused widespread outrage. What was the key element of this that actually caused the outrage, do you think? CA:这段视频的公布引起了广泛的愤慨你认为引起这些愤怒情绪的关键因素是什么?
CA: Can you picture, in our lifetimes, a politician ever going out on a platform of the kind of full-form global ethic, global citizenship? CA:您能否想象,在您的有生之年里,一个政治家可以支持这种完整意义上的全球伦理,全球公民权?
I'm like the fly which is climbing on the gla , the su hine is in front of me, but i just ca ot find out the outlet. 我就象一只蓝白风暴爬在玻璃上苍蝇,前途一片光明,就是找不到出路。
CA: So, in terms of that diagnostic technology that you've got, where is that, and when do you see that maybe getting rolled out to scale. CA:那么,对于你所掌握的诊断技术而言什么时候,并且你认为什么时候这种诊断方式会规模壮大
And presents the certification authority(CA)system model and system architecture, then presents the question of the Grid CA system. 并给出了CA认证在高能物理网格中的工作模型和体系结构,讨论了其优点和尚存在的问题。
You might have noticed that I don't use a one-to-one mapping between the pixels in the image and the cells in the CA. 您可能会发现我没有利用图像中的像素与CA中的细胞之间的一对一映射关系。
And I know you're not into all that. I heard your lyrics, I feel your spirit. But I still talk that ca-a-ash. 而我知道你根本不在乎。我听过你的歌词,感觉到你的精神。但我仍然谈论金钱。
It might have occurred to you that there is a natural mapping between pixels of an image and cells in a CA. 您可能知道图像像素与CA中的细胞存在映射关系。
If it cannot locate a satellite assembly with fr-CA, it then looks for a satellite assembly with a culture name of fr. 如果找不到具有fr-CA的附属程序集,则会查找区域名称为fr的附属程序集。
When I first started listening to the CA music produced by Monk, some of the best-sounding CAs seemed to me to be examples of the Gnarl. 当我第一次开始聆听Monk生成的CA音乐时,一些最好听的CA对我来说就像是Gnarl的例子。
Statistically, we do not know whether CSs is the cause or result of CA. 从统计角度看,无法知道交际策略是交际畏惧的原因还是结果。
During the lifetime of a digital certificate, the issuing CA might determine that the certificate is no longer to be trusted. 在一张数字证书的生命期中,正在签发的CA可能会决定该证书不再可信。
You ca new great certainly get the money bair conditionerk. But when coming to think of the devil to pay; I tell you to give it up. 你可以把那笔钱要回来,但是商酌到今后的麻烦,我劝你还是不要的好。
Eight of these have been examined by the Scientific Committee on Plants, which in all ca ses deemember States did not justify their bans. 其中8个案例已由植物科学委员会进行审查,委员会认为在所有案例中,成员国提交的资料不能证明它们的禁止是合理的。
As you see in Figure 1, the exception package has an afferent coupling, or Ca, of 4, which in its case isn't such a bad thing. 如图1所示,exception包具有一个值为4的传入耦合(或者叫做Ca),这并非是件坏事。
CA: To do all this, you must have been a genius from the get go, right? 克:要做到这些你可得是个大天才,没错吧?
After she joined CA, her income started to increase, Right after that she began to have the habit of paying for her friends at restaurant. 不久,收入开始增多,就马上养成了个替朋友在饭馆埋单找数的习惯。
CA: Well, Enric, thank you so much for sharing some of that spiritual experience with us all. Thank you. 主持人:安瑞科,非常感谢你与我们分享你的精神体验
The effective quantity of Mg and that of Ca are correlated well with the acidity and the sweet for grape taste, respectively. 土壤中镁与钙的有效量分别与葡萄酸度和甜度密切相关。
CA: And that content is all off the board now . 现在整个板块都是这样的内容吧。
In the light of geologic features of A-nan oilfield, the major factors that ca use reservoir pollution and plug have been analyzed. 针对阿南油田的地质特征,分析了造成油层污染和堵塞的主要原因;
The information comes in the form of a certificate, which is counter-signed by third parties known as certificate authorities (CAs). 该信息以证书的形式出现,由通常叫证书认证机构(CA)的第三方批准的。
CA: Climate skeptics: if you had a sentence or two to say to them, how might you persuade them that they're wrong? 主持人:对气候变化论的怀疑者,如果让你对他们说一两句话你会怎么说服他们?
The installations end a year of significant growth for Lester Lithograph, including a merger with Baldwin Park, CA, based Miller Graphics. 安装结束了一年的显着增长的莱斯特石版画,包括合并,鲍德温公园,加利福尼亚州,根据米勒的图形。
Self-signed certificates can be useful for test environments because you can generate them locally and you do not have to pay fees to a CA. 自签署的证书会对测试环境有帮助,因为您可以从本地生成这些证书,且无需向CA付费。
At this point, transferring that issued certificate back to IIS requires an export and import process from the CA to the IIS Manager. 针对这一点,传输的颁发证书回到IIS需要导出和导入过程从CA到IIS管理器中。
CA: And as you think of your life going forward, you're 19 now, do you -- do you picture continuing with this dream, working in energy? CA:你想过你将来的生活吗,你现在19,你--你想继续这个梦想,在能源领域工作?
We ca recent obtain the same quality through a recent other cha recentnel into a much lower price tha recent thin to you quoted us. 同等质量的货物我们可以议定其它渠道买到,但价格却比你方的报价要低得多。
CA: Five years ago you had an idea. What was that? CA:五年前,你有个想法,什么想法啊?