call of duty

  • 网络使命召唤;决胜时刻;使命的召唤

call of dutycall of duty

call of duty


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决胜时刻(CALL of DUTY)密技:捷径中加入:+set monkeytoy 0 +set sv_cheats 1 +set thereisacow 1337在游戏中按: ( ~ )God = …


使命的召唤CALL OF DUTY)免CD补丁(本补丁仅用于保护光驱之用)及非官方服务器连接补丁攻略热点 资讯热点 近期补 …


6款大作预... ... 抵抗2/ Resistance 2 使命召唤4:现代战争/ Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare 虚幻锦标赛III/ Unreal Tournament 3 ...


决战时刻》(Call of Duty):一款第一人称射击游戏。 《斯大林格勒:狗,你可想永生?》(Hunde, wollt ihr ewig leben?)


在FPS类游戏中,如果说使命召唤系列CALL OF DUTY)是集大成者,那么荣誉勋章系列(MEDAL OF HONOR)便是FPS …


职业电子竞技联盟CPL历届赛事及比赛项目... ... 魔兽争霸3( Warcraft III) 使命与召唤( Call of Duty) 反恐精英( Counter-Strike) ...

Sept members that stay for more than a season or two are usually old enough for the call of duty to drown out the call of the road. 呆在一个地方超过一两个季度的氏族成员往往很老了,老到觉得职责的征召压过了道路的呼唤。
They were all incredibly nice to me, especially Terry Brooks, who really goes above and beyond the call of duty to help new authors. 贝尔,及其他的人。他们对我都很好。特别是特瑞。布如可,他真是尽心尽力帮象我一样的新作者。
Regardless of what you work on, do you think there's a market saturation of the type of game that you broke out with, in Call of Duty? 不管怎样,你们不觉得这种类型的游戏已经市场饱和了么,特别是随着COD的爆发?
Raising two teenagers is rough all on its own, but taking in what many believed to be an alien is above and beyond the call of duty. 独自抚养两个孩子是非常艰苦的,但接受一个在别人看来是一个怪物的孩子就已经完全超出责任之外了。
After her studies were completed, she planned to answer the call of duty to country and family, and return to Poland to care for her father. 在完成了她的学业以后,本来当她打算回波兰去尽自己的责任,并照顾她的父亲。
A first-person and third-person shooter game, Call of Duty has emerged in recent years to be one of the most popular game series ever. 作为系列第一人称及第三人称射击游戏,使命召唤近年来已成为最受欢迎的游戏之一。
Due to her performance above and beyond the call of duty, she was given a wonderful promotion. 她对工作主动而认真,表现非凡,因此获得了升迁。
There remained one final call of duty for Armand to answer, which was to rejoin his father. Once more, he asked me to accompany him. 阿尔芒还有最后一件必须要办的事情,就是到他父亲那儿去。他还希望我能陪他去。
However, price and release date are unknown at this point. It's the true original Call of Duty including full multiplayer. 然而,价格和发布日期是在这一点不得而知。它是真正的责任,包括原来的呼叫充分多人。
Mr. Randol admits that over the last three years he's indulged in too much beer and 'Call of Duty, ' the popular war-simulation videogame. 兰多尔承认,过去三年他喝了太多的啤酒,还过分沉迷于热门战争模仿视频游戏“使命召唤”(CallofDuty)。
It appears that Call of Duty 4: Modem Warfare did not quit properly the last time it ran. 呵呵,电脑报错信息吧。我意译如下:系统显示上次《使命召唤4:现代战争》运行时没有正确退出。
if you ' ve played action games like call of duty or brothers in arms , you should find many of the plot elements here to be very familiar. 如果你曾经玩过《使命召唤》或《战火兄弟连》之类的动作游戏,那么你将发现这些地图里的环境是多么似曾相识。
ENGLAND'S footballers are going to war as they battle each other to be named Call of Duty king. 英格兰球员们正准备通过激战来确立自己使命召唤之王的称号。
One of my younger cousins loves video games, particularly war games like Call of Duty and Halo. 我一个小表弟爱玩电子游戏,特别是像《使命召唤》和《光环战争》这类战争游戏。
If Call of Duty can rig up an urban-warfare videogame, presumably one of the world's largest defense companies can too. 如果《使命的召唤(CallofDuty)》推出城市巷战版的新游戏,也许只有世界上最大的国防公司才能做的出来。
While shooting people is absolutely NOT okay, never underestimate the stress relief you can get from a few rounds of Call of Duty. 尽管强杀人是绝对不可行的,但你永远无法估量这带给你带来的压力顿减的感受。
He has also proved, far beyond the call of duty, his affection for the US and his loyalty as an ally. 他同时也证明了,他对美国的热爱和作为一个盟友的忠贞,都远远超过了职责要求。
Grumbling meanwhile at the call of duty, he was thankful to be coming into H an inheritance. 虽然在召唤他去履行这种职责时他有所怨言,但对即将继承伯父的遗产也不无感激。
The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loud call of duty. 美人的吴侬软语,较诸大声疾呼的义务之声,更可以传诸远方。
But then I realized it was just the day the new Call of Duty game comes out. 不一会儿我就明白了原来这个是游戏《使命召唤》即将发布的日期。
Give me an example of a situation where you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get something done. 请举例说明,什么状态下你可以去做超越工作职责去以外的事。
Ordinary men and women of extraordinary courage have, since our earliest days, answered the call of duty with valor and unwavering devotion. 从我国成立伊始,平凡的男女国民以非凡的勇气,勇敢和坚定忠贞地响应了责任的召唤。
Every time I drop him off at his tutor's house, they play Call of Duty until I pick him up. 每次我送他去家教教师那,他们就一同玩任务召唤(电子游戏)直到我去接他。
Still, Ms. Halloran says M-rated games like Call of Duty, Halo and Fallout are the most popular games in the store. 尽管如此,哈洛伦女士称,M级游戏,例如《使命召唤CallofDuty》,《光晕Halo》和《辐射Fallout》一类的M级游戏是店里最受欢迎的。
Name one way in which you have provided extraordinarily good service-above the call of duty-to a customer or client. 举出一种您向顾客或客户提供的优质服务方法,而它往往会超出您工作的义务范围。
we're making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience. 我们正在让更先进的更深入的使命的召唤经验。
According to my performance reports and commendations, I had served with valor and diligence, "beyond the call of duty. " 根据我部队表现的报告和我获得的嘉奖,我战斗英勇工作勤奋,“超越了职责的要求”。
But the developer changed the setting to current times in 'Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, ' released two years ago. 但在两年前发售的《使命召唤4:现代战争》(CallofDuty4:ModernWarfare)中,游戏开发者将背景调整到了当代。
Find out what the boss wants from you first, and then brainstorm ways to go above and beyond the call of duty. 首先,找出你的老板对你的希望是什么,然后,想尽方法做好本职工作之外做出高水平,超范围的表现。
EA already has a handful of military shooters, mostly designed to compete with Call of Duty, strangely enough. EA已经有一大堆军事射击类游戏了,大多数都是设计来和COD对抗的,这已经够诡异了。