
美 [kən]英 [kən]
  • auxv.能;行;难道会;(可)能
  • modalv.会;得;难道会;(表示知道如何做)懂得
  • n.(盛食品或饮料的)金属罐;一罐(的量);塑料容器;喷雾罐
  • v.把(食品)装罐保存;解雇;让…卷铺盖走人;炒…的鱿鱼
  • 网络控制器局域网(Controller Area Network);能够;可以

复数:cans 现在分词:canning 过去式:canned

way can,everything can
probably can


1.(表示有能力做或能够发生)能,会used to say that it is possible for sb/sth to do sth, or for sth to happen

2.(表示知道如何做)懂得,会used to say that sb knows how to do sth

3.(与动词 feel、hear、see、smell、taste 连用)used with the verbs ‘feel’, ‘hear’, ‘see’, ‘smell’, ‘taste’

4.(表示允许)可以used to show that sb is allowed to do sth

5.(informal)(请求允许)可以used to ask permission to do sth

6.(informal)(请求帮助)能used to ask sb to help you

7.(用于否定句,表示某事肯定不真实)used in the negative for saying that you are sure sth is not true

8.(表示疑惑或惊讶)究竟能,难道会,到底是used to express doubt or surprise

9.(表示常有的行为和情形)有时会,时而可能used to say what sb/sth is often like

10.(提出建议)可以used to make suggestions

11.(informal)(表示对方必须做,常指说话人在生气时)必须,得used to say that sb must do sth, usually when you are angry

人教版初一英语单词 ... mom n. (非正式用语)妈妈 can v. ;可以;会 bring v. 拿来;取来;带来 ...

控制器局域网(Controller Area Network)

⑶系统控制器局域网CAN)作为系统内部通信网络,并通过双CAN总线进行数据交换。 ⑷采用车载计算机预先存储地面线路 …


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... howmany 多少 can 能够,可以 fly 放(风筝) ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... howmany 多少 can 能够,可以 fly 放(风筝) ...


注册页面 ... 中非/ CAF 加拿大/ CAN 瑞士/ CHE ...


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 坛子 jar 罐头 can 水龙头 tap ...

人教版初一英语单词 ... mom n. (非正式用语)妈妈 can v. 能;可以; bring v. 拿来;取来;带来 ...

And fourth, because they were ready to do hard things, they earned global leadership the only way you can, by saying: "Follow me. " 第四,由于他们随时准备做艰难之事,并表示“跟我走”,于是就获得了全球领导地位,这也是你获取全球领导地位的唯一方法。
But the natural label is neither enforced or regulated, and can be (as it is often) used without any USDA approval. 但“天然”这一标签,既不是强制粘贴,也不是硬性规定的,同时可以(经常如此)在不经过美国农业部的情况下使用的。
You can verbally communicate what you are viewing into the tape recorder or to someone who records the information received. 你可以与录音机,或者与记录信息的人口头交流你所见之事。
The physical concept of those formulas is definitude . The formula can be used as a reference for the design of engineering. 该公式计算简单,物理概念明确,可为工程设计提供参考。
When the stampede has passed, someone will give up a tap on the shoulder to let you know you can get up in safety. 当混乱情况过去时,有人会拍拍你的肩让你知道你可以安全地起来了。
In the interest of your own personal development, you need to be able to identify your sources of stress so you can control them. 鉴于你的个人发展,你必需具备鉴别你的压力来源的能力,以便你能控制他们。
A wild ass used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure; in her occasion who can turn her away? 你是野驴,惯在旷野,欲心发动就吸风。起性的时候谁能使它转去呢。
bacteria can be considered as a type of plant, secreting poisonous substances into the body of the organism they attack, . . . 细菌可以被认为是一种植物形式,把有毒的物质藏匿到受它们侵袭的有机体里,……
I have spent the past three days trying to discover, from legal experts all over Europe, where the crime of aggression can be prosecuted. 在过去的三天中,我一直在通过全欧洲的法律专家,试图找到在哪国可以起诉侵略罪。
Fox's new hit show Lie to Me has all of us wondering exactly how much we can learn about someone simply by reading their facial expressions. 福斯电视台新的热门节目“说谎”完全讲到所有我们的疑问;仅仅借由审视人的脸部表情我们可以知道多少东西?
Brick and tile has superior mechanical properties than the soil can be from local materials, yet easy to manufacture. 砖和瓦具有比土更优越的力学性能,可以就地取材,而又易于加工制作。
In fact, cosmological redshifts can happen even when there seems to be no relative motion at all, as the following thought experiment shows. 事实上,宇宙学的红移,在没有相对运动的情况下也是存在的,就如同下面的思想实验(ThoughtExperiment)所显示的。(待续…)
Before any provider can be built, the existence of some sort of domain-specific parser is required. 在创建任何种类的Provider之前,需要有一些特定领域的剖析器存在。
The methods of the invention can be used to induce T cell tolerance to a soluble antigen or to an allogeneic cell. 本发明的方法可用于诱导T细胞对可溶性抗原或同种异体细胞的耐受。
"The only thing worth fighting for is family, and I'm going to do everything and anything I can to end this. " Lincoln says. 林肯说:“只有家人才值得我为之奋斗,我要把一切做个了断。”
Yes, a driver can delay its return from a suspend or resume request until the device is ready to handle requests. 是的。驱动可延缓从一个暂停或是恢复请求的返回,直到设备准备好处理请求。
Rather than just a snapshot, event monitors can be thought of a movie capturing what occurred over time. 事件监视器不只是拍一张快照,可以将它看作是一部电影,这部电影可以捕捉随时间流逝而发生的事情。
Water can be a problem, but luckily a water plant has been working [in Haiti], so we've been able to get a certain amount of water in there. 水可能成为问题。但幸运的是,[海地有]一家水厂一直在运转,因此我们能够从那里获得一定量的水。
Working for an Apple store can be a competitive process usually requiring at least two rounds of interviews. 到苹果店工作,这一过程可能充满竞争,一般至少要经过两轮面试。
With teams in different time zones, companies can realize a longer workday with what is often called "follow the sun" development. 有了在不同时区的团队,公司可以利用经常被称为“跟随太阳”的开发来实现更长的工作日。
Van Gogh painted a young man in the store when the clerk, which can be considered by his earliest "art education. " 梵高年轻时在画店里当店员,这算是他最早受的“艺术教育”。
The distinction between the two can be quite narrow. A remote administration tool used by an intruder becomes a RAT. 这两者间的差别可能是非常小的,远程管理工具被入侵者使用就成了RAT病毒。
If you know how much money you have left, then you will know how much you can spend. 如果你知道自己还剩多少钱,就会知道可以花多少钱。
HOW much golden leisure can you expect at the end of your working life? 在你工作生活即将结束之时,你预期还有多长的黄金休闲时光呢?
And, if blood sugar levels are too high, many areas in the body, including the eyes, kidneys and the heart, can be damaged. 如果血糖水平过高,身体许多部位,包括眼睛、肾脏和心脏都会受到损害。
Forgiveness ought to be like a canceled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one. 原谅应该像一张废弃的契约,撕成两半,烧掉,永不示人。
One of the key parts of the Masdar research project is determining just how much carbon can be economically sequestered. 马斯达尔研究项目的一个重要部分就是确定到底有多少碳可以被商业性地隔离开来。
So in an attempt to see if I can change my reaction to this common condiment I thought I'd try a not very scientific experiment. 所以说就算要做个测试来看我能不能改变我对普遍调味品的反应,我宁愿选择一个不那么科学的实验。
Note that this also implies that you can specify different behaviors for the same event, depending on which file is being edited. 要注意的是,这也意味着您可以对同一个事件指定不同的行为,这取决于当前正在编辑哪个文件。
I can't work out how much time it'll take me. 我说不准这要花多少时间。