
  • n.
  • 网络氧化钙(Calcium oxide);生石灰;首席行政官(Chief Administrative Officer)



氧化钙(Calcium oxide)

氧化钙(CaO)、氢氧化钠(NaOH)和浓硫酸溶于水都放出热量,而且氧化钙CaO)溶于水是与水发生了反应,生成了氢氧 …


生石灰CaO)是由石灰石(CaCO3)在石灰窑内于1200℃左右的高温煅烧分解制得:CaCO3→CaO+CO2 ⑵ 电石生产 电石…

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 智 zhi cao 廖 liao ...

首席行政官(Chief Administrative Officer)

惠普首席行政官CAO)皮特·博西昂(PeterBocian)和首席信息官(CI0)兰迪·莫特(RandyMott)将离职,他们的离职已即 …


...氧化镁含量(NGO)%95 灼烧失重 %3.50 氧化钙含量CAO)%0.75 盐酸不溶物含量 %0.100 氧化物含量(以C计)%0.03…


c.用食品干燥剂(cao)加入水中制取石灰水 d.用冷碟子放在蜡烛火焰上方制取炭黑 2. (07常州)硫代硫酸钠晶体是一种恒温 …

Currently, there are few high-tech solutions being used in China to find problems or to analyze and draw correlations between them, Dr. Cao博士说,当前中国很少采用高科技解决方案来发现问题,或者是分析问题、寻找关联。
Opinions in the literature, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi on the surface seems to be different. 在文学的意见上,曹丕和曹植表面上似乎是不同的。
He said he expected to welcome Cao Gangchuan, his Chinese counterpart, to Tokyo this year. 他表示,欢迎中国国防部长曹刚川今年访问东京。
My Lord, Mister Zhu-ge has come before you with a plan for fighting Cao Cao. It would not hurt to hear him out. 主公,诸葛先生早已胸怀破曹之策,不妨先听一听他的意见。
"What was it Cao Cao came out to discuss with you today ? " Ma Chao questioned. 超忙来问韩遂曰:“今日曹操阵前所言何事?”
Through a textual research on the extant edition of Qin Cao, this paper holds that the book actually came out in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. 然而,通过对今本《琴操》作者问题的考证,可知此书实出于晋代。
Cao Cao was not just a statesman and general; he was a man of cultured tastes too, as were his two sons Cao Pi and Cao Zhi. 此外,曹操还很重视文化,他多才多艺,他的两个儿子曹丕、曹植也都是有名的文学家。
Cao Chong ordered the elephant to an empty boat, to see how deep draft vessels, inscribed with marks on both sides of the ship's side. 曹冲命人把大象牵到空船上,看船吃水有多深,在船舷两边刻上记号。
Cao is one of the sea, like the broad-minded gentleman I would like to, I mean, and what? 曹操就是这样一个大海一样宽阔的胸怀,君子我要,小人我也用,用什么?
Cao, infuriated, ordered him to the battle front, hoping the enemy's sword would kill him. 曹操一气之下,命他立即出征,希望借敌人的刀杀了祢衡。
"It's smaller than here, " Cao Peng said, "but at least you can breathe some good air, and there's a bit of sunshine. " “那儿面积比这儿小,”高鹏说,“不过起码能呼吸到新鲜空气,而且还能有点阳光。”
Cao Xueqin might have woven his own life experiences into Jia Baoyubut no one except the scholar would have noticed. 曹雪芹或许把自己的生活经验加诸在贾宝玉身上,但是只有红学专家才会看穿这点。
Although Jian'an writers generally had a strong sense of hero complex, nobody but Cao Cao truly had heroic temperament and made heroic acts. 建安文人虽然有着强烈的英雄情结,但是真正具备英雄气质并作出英雄行为的,除了曹操再无他人。
Cao Cao is still a warlord, but he's no longer as treacherous. He starts from scratch and strives to leave his mark on history. 曹操仍是诸侯,但他并非阴险狡诈,而是白手起家,力图名垂青史。
Cao Ming , a 30 -year-old financial controller who works for a Japanese pharmaceutical company, said he felt constant pressure . 曹鸣,一位30岁的日本制药公司的财务总监,表示他一直承受着压力。
Cao from Analysys International said the new rules are likely to mean stricter requirements for foreign funded online payment companies. 来自国际分析中心的曹先生说,对于外资的网上支付公司,央行将会采取更为严格的规定。
CAO-The Internet is the most viable, efficient and cost-effective platform for art bloggers, and bloggers of any other subject. 对艺术或是其他的博客来说,网际网路是一个最易实行、最有效率且最划算的平台。
Mr. Cao, the Beijing flight company owner, said the state meteorological agency also must be consulted. 北京航空公司所有人曹先生说,还必须咨询国家气象局。
When the King of Lu prepared to start the offensive, Cao Gui, his general, stopped him and said: "Wait a moment! The time has not come. " 鲁王正准备下令发动进攻,他的将军曹刽阻止道:“等等,现在还不行。”
Flowers in the sun's shining, the show was filled with smiles which the red, Cao Er Dou exposed to see a better world for all. 花儿在阳光的照耀下,露出了洋溢这笑容的红脸,草儿露出了钭,看看世界的美好的一切。
His weeping wife: "I Liu family's messed up but you honest, I do not know which zhi fu Lee and Cao Cao adults are what have him go? " 他的老婆哭哭啼啼道:“我家刘景升可是规规矩矩的良民呀,不知这与李知府和曹操大人又要他去是何事?”
Even as he spoke, drums thundered from both sides and flames shot upward. Cao nearly fell from his horse. 说犹未了,两边鼓声震响,火光竟天而起,惊得曹操几乎坠马。
Cao Cao's commanders, Xiahou Dun and Yu Jin, neared Bowang. They assigned half of their troops to the front, half to guard the grain wagons. 却说夏侯惇与于禁等引兵至博望,分一半精兵作前队,其余尽护粮车而行。
Fellow Southern Weekend reporter Li Haipeng said the things that made Cao's reporting stand out were its accuracy and its balance. 曹筠武的同事,《南方周末》高级记者李海鹏说,使曹筠武的报道脱颖而出的是其报道的准确性和客观性。
Mr. Cao himself was a very amiable person; moreover, he had a small family with only a wife and little son. 曹先生是非常和气的人,而且家中人口不多,只有一位太太,和一个小男孩。
But Cao Cao in the Zhuge Liang eye is "the Chinesethief" , how can Zhuge Liang cooperate with him and for his potency? 但曹操在诸葛亮眼中是“汉贼”,诸葛亮怎么能同他合作并为他效力呢?
Cao Liqun, a Ministry of Agriculture researcher, added that the NRCMS program failed to live up to the propaganda. 中国农业部农村经济研究中心研究员曹立群表示,新型农村合作医疗制度并未能达到当初宣传时的目标。
With a cry, Ma Chao set his spear and rode over toward Cas Cao as if to slay him. 随着一声喊叫,马超放好他的长矛并纵马向曹操冲去,像是要杀死他一样。
This was later known as the famous Battle of Guandu, in which Cao Cao defeated the Yuan army when the Yuan army outnumbered his greatly. 在后来著名的官渡之战中,曹操打败了兵力数倍于自己的敌人。
Perhaps the rebellion was a bit like "Romance of Three Kingdoms" in Cao Cao, want to love their parents are not left to a sub-pocketing. 也许叛逆得有点像《三国演义》中的曹操,想把父母的爱一分也不剩地收入囊中。