
美 [kæp]英 [kæp]
  • n.(尤指男用有帽舌的)便帽;软帽;(大学师生在特别场合戴的)方帽
  • v.用…覆盖顶部(或端部);限额收取(或支出);胜过;超过
  • abbr.(=Common Agricultural Policy)(欧洲经济共同体)共同农业政策
  • 网络帽子;社区获得性肺炎(community acquired pneumonia);共同农业政策(Common Agricultural Policy)

复数:caps 过去式:capped 现在分词:capping

put cap,wear cap,raise cap,set cap,impose cap
blue cap,peaked cap


n. v.


1.(尤指男用有帽舌的)便帽,制服帽a type of soft flat hat with a peak (= a hard curved part sticking out in front). Caps are worn especially by men and boys, often as part of a uniform.

2.软帽a soft hat that fits closely and is worn for a particular purpose

体育运动in sport

4.(校队、国家队等的)队员帽;(被选入国家队等的)运动员a cap given to sb who is chosen to play for a school, country, etc.; a player chosen to play for their country, etc.

钢笔;瓶子on pen/bottle

5.(钢笔、瓶子等的)帽,盖a cover or top for a pen, bottle, etc.

资金限额limit on money

6.(可用或可借资金的)最高限额an upper limit on an amount of money that can be spent or borrowed by a particular institution or in a particular situation


go cap in hand (to sb)

谦卑地要,恭敬地讨(尤指钱)to ask sb for sth, especially money, in a very polite way that makes you seem less important

if the cap fits (, wear it)

有则改之if you feel that a remark applies to you, you should accept it and take it as a warning or criticism


小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... cat 猫 cap 帽子 school 学校 ...

社区获得性肺炎(community acquired pneumonia)

社区获得性肺炎(cAP)是一种危害人类健康的常见痰病。为了改进cAP的诊疗工作,各国的相关学术组织先后依据新的循证医学 …


生活常用英语单词_百度文库 ... cravat 领巾 cap 便帽 hat 带沿的帽子 ...

共同农业政策(Common Agricultural Policy)

共同农业政策”(CAP)是欧洲共同体的基石之一,这一政策主要通过高关税等贸易壁垒减少对外部农产品的进口,同时以高额 …

中考英语必背单词_百度知道 ... candy n 糖果 cap n 帽子;(瓶子的);笔套 capital n 首都,省会;大写;资本 ...


金融英语 - 金融学 考研论坛 ... Candlestick chart 阴阳烛图表 Cap 上限 Capacity 生产能力;产能 ...


管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) - 豆丁网 ... 活接头 union 管帽 cap 堵头 plug ...

The dwarf looked down at a little man not half as big as himself, dressed in a green jacket with brass buttons, and a red cap with a tassel. 侏儒往下看到一个身材远不及他自己一半高的小矮人,他穿著一件有铜扣的绿色外套,并戴着一顶垂着流苏的红帽。
Tortured Ice The permanent cap at Mars south pole has been eroded by the wind into a tortured complex of pits, buttes and mesas. 被挤压的冰层永久性覆盖在火星南极的冰帽被风侵蚀成了深坑,平面或孤丘。
Pry slots make it easy to remove the cap for bearing installation and maintenance. 撬棍槽可用来方便地将座罩从轴承上拆下,以便安装和维护。
so I started going faster. He pushed me off of him and got off the bed, held up a baseball cap and said "I was looking for that! " “,所以我运动的更快了,结果他推开我下了床,拿起一个棒球帽说:”直播时间到了!
He took off his Circassian cap to his master and looked scornfully at him. 他在老爷面前摘下切尔克斯高顶帽,鄙夷地向他望了一眼。
I had a great high shapeless cap, made of a goat's skin, with a flap hanging down behind. 我头上戴着一顶山羊皮做的、不成样子的、又高又大的便帽,脑后垂着一块长长的帽缘。
"There was a sense of a ceiling and that likely put a cap on prices, " said Yuichi Ikemizu, Tokyo branch manager for Standard Bank. “市场一度有见顶的感觉,可能会对价格形成限制,”标准银行东京分行经理YuichiIkemizu表示。
Under such a policy, there would be a cap on greenhouse gas emissions from most sources, including electric utilities. 在这种政策的指导下,对于包括电力设施在内的多数温室气体来源,其温室气体排放量会被设置上限。
When he got on the bus, he took off his cap to his friends. 当他上车时,脱帽向他朋友致意。
Furthermore, the CAP? system boasts impressive labelling performance, similar to that of the paper label. 此外,第?系统拥有令人印象深刻的标签性能,类似纸张的标签。
Last summer he said he would vote against a cap-and-trade scheme as a senator, though he had voted for the plan in the House. 去年暑假他曾声称会以参议员身份投票反对总量管制与排放交易方案,而实际上在议会中却投了赞成票。
Gasping, Cathy spun around to see a young man in a trench coat and a stocking cap. Cathy喘息着转过身来,看到一个穿着风衣戴着一顶鸭舌帽的年轻人。
His one fashion concession was that he did not wear his fur cap and instead carried a hat of pure white under his arm. 唯一一个对装扮的让步就是,他并没有戴着皮帽,而是在手臂上夹着纯白装饰的沿边帽。
The pin and cap type insulators have been used since the last quarter of the 18th century. 针和帽式绝缘子已用于自18世纪的最后一个季度。
He said it will be hours before officials can assess how well the cap is working and how much oil is being collected. 他(艾伦)说,官员需要几个小时的时间才能评估顶罩的工作成效以及吸收了多少原油。
We've got the outfits, and the cap and I'm lucky enough to be watching the game tonight with a beautiful woman. . . what else could we need? 我们有了全套装备,还有帽子,而且今晚我也可以幸运地和美女一起看球。我们还需要什么?
Even this season, the England form has been a great turnaround for me and it would cap it all if I was made captain. 即使在本赛季,英格兰队对于我来说已经发生了巨大的转变,如果我当队长的话我将对这一切(进一步)改进。
And given where the NBA salary cap is probably heading, which NBA team is going to be in a position to sign two max players? 而且NBA的工资帽可能是问题,一支NBA球队将怎能同时够签署两个超高额的球员?
This cap, says the company, is now collecting more than 10, 000 barrels of oil a day, ferrying it up to a tanker on the surface. 公司说,这个盖帽现在每天可收集超过10,000桶原油,然后运送到海面上的一艘油轮。
I exceeded the provider's monthly cap on how much data can be transferred from my computer to a remote server and back. 我超出了我的无线服务提供商每月给我的在我的计算机和远端服务器间传输数据的最高限额。
Put a cap to how much the gift can be. Make sure you get the consensus of everyone. 给礼物设置一个最高限额,不过要确定每个人都接受哦。
The battle of the luxury liners commenced. The Carmania was the victor, and the Cap Trafalgar went down in a sea of sharks. 两艘豪华邮轮开战,最后卡曼尼亚号奏捷,特拉法加角号沉进鲨鱼出没的海里。
To understand the CAP and its effects, let us turn to its three key elements in the order listed above. 为了了解共同农业政策及其影响,让我们按照上述列出的顺序来讨论它的三个主要因素。
From this year they are allowed to charge students up to £ 3, 000 a year, and from 2009 the cap may be removed altogether. 今年开始大学被允许每年对每个学生收取最高达3000镑的学费,到2009年该限制将完全取消。
He kept his word, but the poor goldsmith was obliged to carry the two humps as long as he lived, and to cover his bald head with a cap. 他许下了诺言,但那个可怜的金匠不得不带着两个肿块度过余生,并不时用帽子遮住他那光光的脑袋。
But thankfully, my organization has arranged for someone to meet me with a military uniform, a cap, and boots, and even a rifle. 谢天谢地我的组织已经安排了一个人等着我,他给我一套士兵制服,帽子,靴子甚至一把步枪。
President Obama acknowledged that the U. S. has not been able to pass a cap-and-trade system aimed at regulating pollution, but noted U. 奥巴马坦诚表示,美国还没有能够通过一部旨在控制污染的“总量控制与交易制度”的立法。
The NHL canceled what was left of its season after a round of last-gasp negotiations failed to resolve differences over a salary cap. 年,因最后一轮谈判未能解决薪资上线分歧,全国曲棍球联合会的取消接下来的赛季。
Leave the valve protection cap in place until the cylinder has been secured in place and is ready to be used. 让阀门保护帽一直留在原位,直到钢瓶已经固定好,并准备使用。
The utility model relates to a combined easy opening bottle cap which can be easy to be opened and is formed by combining two closed caps. 本实用新型涉及一种容易开启并且由两种合盖组合而成的组合易开瓶盖。