
美 [kæp]英 [kæp]
  • n.盖;制服帽;软帽;(大学师生在特别场合戴的)方帽
  • v.用…覆盖顶部(或端部);限额收取(或支出);胜过;超过
  • abbr.(=Common Agricultural Policy)(欧洲经济共同体)共同农业政策
  • 网络封顶;上限;上限的

复数:caps 过去式:capped 现在分词:capping

put cap,wear cap,raise cap,set cap,impose cap
blue cap,peaked cap


n. v.


1.(尤指男用有帽舌的)便帽,制服帽a type of soft flat hat with a peak (= a hard curved part sticking out in front). Caps are worn especially by men and boys, often as part of a uniform.

2.软帽a soft hat that fits closely and is worn for a particular purpose

体育运动in sport

4.(校队、国家队等的)队员帽;(被选入国家队等的)运动员a cap given to sb who is chosen to play for a school, country, etc.; a player chosen to play for their country, etc.

钢笔;瓶子on pen/bottle

5.(钢笔、瓶子等的)帽,盖a cover or top for a pen, bottle, etc.

资金限额limit on money

6.(可用或可借资金的)最高限额an upper limit on an amount of money that can be spent or borrowed by a particular institution or in a particular situation


go cap in hand (to sb)

谦卑地要,恭敬地讨(尤指钱)to ask sb for sth, especially money, in a very polite way that makes you seem less important

if the cap fits (, wear it)

有则改之if you feel that a remark applies to you, you should accept it and take it as a warning or criticism


...,万五为公屋,而剩余五千是居屋。再者,新建之居屋会以出售时的市价为日后报地价的市价,即所谓「封顶」(capped),升 …




有两类分区模式:有上限的 (capped) 和无上限的 (uncapped)。如果共享的分区已经使用了分配给它的所有容量,那么它可以通 …

...同之 armchair (5,5)奈米碳 管中,有(capped)之奈米碳管之功函数为 4.78 eV, 与 实 验 量 测 值 4.8 eV[11] 相 当 接 近 。


所有形容人的形容词的英文拼写_百度知道 ... TOOTH 牙齿 Capped 包过的 Even 整齐的 ...


共享处理器池中的分区可以有两种共享模式:封顶的capped)和不封顶的(uncapped)。封顶的分区是指那些永远不会使用 …


BBC新闻词汇 第87期:Interminable speeches-... ... address vt. 演说 capped v. 除去盖子;胜过 gatherings n. 聚会 ...


... the surface of filler) ;封端 ( capped) ,则反之 ( absence of silanol functional groups with extra polar interac2 tion on...

It was the first of the "Superman" films, showcasing Christopher Reeve as the red capped man of steel. 这是“超人”电影的第一,展示钢的红色斗篷男子克里斯托弗里夫。
Capped 42 times by his country at youth and Olympic levels, he suffered a serious knee injury days before a first call-up to the full squad. 在代表过巴西青年队以及国奥队出场42次之后,奥雷里奥很不幸地在他第一次接受到国家队召唤时受伤了。
We had a great trip to New Zealand and capped it all off with a strong performance against the Oceania All Stars. 我们美妙的新西兰之旅以与大洋洲全明星队的完美表演精彩落幕。
But attitudes are changing and the Special Olympics seem to have capped a turnaround in China, at least at the top. Mr. 但社会对智障者的态度正在发生改变,而夏季特奥会似乎标志着中国态度的明显转变,至少在政府高层如此。
Before that, banks bid for funds in auctions; the ECB capped how much it doled out, giving more to banks that bid at higher rates. 在那之前,银行都是在拍卖中竞购资金;而且欧洲央行为贷款设置了上限,给那些提出更高利率的银行更多的贷款。
Those who have been employed by their sponsor for more than 12 months should be able to stay for up to five years, and will not be capped. 受聘超过一年的非欧盟员工可以最多留在英国5年,而且不会受到签证配额的限制。
Each time I feel lost , I climb up to the top of a snow - capped mountain, look over the vast open land and find my soul again. 每次我感觉失落时,我就登上雪帽山的最高处,看着广阔的大地寻找我的灵魂。
Mr. Kent cited China's massive stimulus package, which he said has boosted manufacturing growth, increased loans and capped unemployment. 穆泰康谈到,中国巨额经济刺激计划推动了制造业增长,增加了银行放贷,遏制了失业问题。
Castle Peak those visible in the plot as if snow mountain and the sky like a towering peaks of snow-capped mountains as the Yunkuai. 看得见那些青山的仿佛积着白雪的山峰,以及山峰上空象是高耸的雪山般的云块。
It was that of a lofty mountain, capped with snow. 这是一座顶端积雪的高山。
Mr Putin's hosting of the forum capped a week in which he dominated the international stage. 上周,普京成为国际舞台上的主角,而出席这次论坛为他的这一周划上了一个句号。
Dynamic pricing with a capped rate would do nothing to ease the RFP process, he said. 动态定价模式与折扣上限的结合,对减轻报价流程的麻烦毫无帮助,他如是说。
This method can only deal with just constitute capped, and if it is stubborn black also suffer from skin tones will be opened to get Ibis. 这种方法也只能对付刚刚构成的黑头,如果是固执的黑头,还患上将表皮调开才能把黑头挤出来。
But, once the fire is out, the well still needs to be covered, or capped, to stop the flow of oil. 但是,一旦火烧起来,还需要盖住油井,挡住流着的石油。
Another potential entry has joined the ranks of those queuing for a place in F1's budget-capped future. 另一个潜在的项目也加入了行列,那些排队的地方在F1的预算覆盖未来。
Hit affects auto-attack, Seal of Blood, Avenger's Shield and Hammer of Wrath. It takes a bit less than 9% hit to be hit capped. 物理命中,影响普通攻击,鲜血圣印,复仇者之盾和愤怒之锤,物理命中在封顶加成9%以下起作用…
Looking ahead, the peacefulness should end in London with a slew of top tier data that will be capped off by the ECB statement at 12: 45GMT. 展望后市,伦敦时段应该不再平静,届时将揭晓一系列顶级数据,并以欧洲央行12:45GMT的货币政策声明结束。
The invention relates to an isotactic polypropylene capped with a styrene group and a preparation method thereof. 本发明涉及一种以苯乙烯基团封端的等规聚丙烯及其制备方法。
Suarez tormented Fulham on Monday evening and he capped a superb display with a fine finish in Liverpool's 5-2 romp. 周一晚苏牙一人摧毁了富勒姆,在利物浦5-2取胜的比赛里拥有超一流的表现,并已一粒入球完美收场。
The trapezoidal command tower stands near the aft end of this island, capped with two geodesic communication and deflection domes. 梯形的指挥塔耸立在这个“岛”的尾部附近,头部是两座网格通讯和偏导球。
In the end, Citigroup's share was capped at 20 per cent, the maximum allowed to any one foreign stakeholder in a Chinese bank. 最终,花旗集团的持股比例被限制在20%,这是外资获准在一家中资银行持股比例的上限。
a moment like the high snow-capped mountains, rising in the air, a moment like sweet cotton candy, drew I DC saliva. 一会儿又像高高的雪山,耸立在空中,一会儿又像甜甜的棉花糖,惹得我直流口水。
Recently, Bob turned to crime after losing all his money. In his job, he capped the books for a small business. 最近,在失去他所有的钱后罪犯。在他的工作中,他。
Suppose that you want to ensure that the maximum discount that your store can give is capped by an upper limit. 假定希望保证商店可以给出的最大折扣有一个最大限度。
Instead, the total number of commissioners will be capped at a rotating two-thirds of the number of member states. 相反,欧盟委员总数将由三分之二的成员国轮流派遣。
He'd had his front teeth filed down and capped, said he'd felt no pain, and to finish the job grew a heavy mustache. 他的门牙也整过,锉了加冠,他说不觉得痛,而且为了把事情做彻底,干脆留起浓密的胡子。
As long as you do not refuse the towering snow-capped mountains, Saussurea holy will not refuse you the purity of heart. 只要你不拒绝雪山的巍峨,圣洁的雪莲就不会拒绝你内心的纯洁。
The president capped off the evening with a welcoming ceremony and cultural program for the 18 other leaders at the summit. 总统通过一次答谢和为18个国家领导人准备的文化节目结束了晚间记者会。
The very next day she was off to have her teeth capped at the dentist. 第二天,她就去找牙医为自己镶了个牙。
Child allowances were to be capped, consumption taxes doubled and corporate taxes cut instead. 儿童津贴要封顶,消费税要加倍,而企业所得税却会削减。