
美 [ker]英 [keə(r)]
  • n.护理;照顾;小心;照料
  • v.关心;关怀;在意;关注
  • abbr.(=Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere)美国援外合作组织
  • 网络在乎;注意

复数:cares 现在分词:caring 过去式:cared

take care,need care,provide care,exercise care,give care
good care,great care,special care,extra care,meticulous care


n. v.

1.[u]照料;照顾;照看;护理the process of caring for sb/sth and providing what they need for their health or protection

2.[u]小心;谨慎attention or thought that you give to sth that you are doing so that you will do it well and avoid mistakes or damage

3.[c][usupl][u]忧虑;焦虑;引起烦恼的事;令人焦虑的事a feeling of worry or anxiety; something that causes problems or anxiety


care of sb

(以别人的地址给某人写信时用)由某人转交used when writing to sb at another person's address

in care

由福利院收养living in an institution run by the local authority rather than with their parents

in the care of sb/in sbs care

由…照管being cared for by sb

take care

(告别用语)走好,保重used when saying goodbye

take care (that…/to do sth)

小心;当心to be careful

take care of sb/sth/yourself

照顾;照料;爱护;小心to care for sb/sth/yourself; to be careful about sth

under the care of sb

接受某人的治疗receiving medical care from sb


巧克力_互动百科 ... 理由4:力量( Energy) 理由5:关心( Care) 理由6:博爱( Love) ...


理律以关怀(Care)、服务(Serve)及卓越(Excel) 为核心价值,并以广纳优秀人才、重视经验传承、强调专业创新、发挥团队合作…


LOL常用术语 - 搜搜百科 ... push: 推进,进攻。 care = 小心,他们可能想搞你。 AD: 是指以物理伤害为主的一类英雄。 ...


全面照顾 (Care) 指为长者提供全方位专业护理、深层护理服务、老年痴呆症服务、转院辅导服务及身故处理服务等,不单照顾 …


带英文的QQ女生网名_温唇°sunshine -皇朝QQ网名 ... Eason Chan 浮夸. Care [在乎] Paranoid. 偏执 ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... importance 重要性 care 照料 care about 关心 ...


吴邪_百度百科 ... Bantered 风趣的 Care 在意 Dawn 破晓 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Wood 木头 Care 注意 Comfortable 舒适的 ...

I didn't know if there was something brewing, and if it was, I didn't know how much I'd care. . . 我不知是否有一些东西正慢慢在发酵,亦不知倘若如此,我又会有几分在意…
The fact that the medical-industrial complex is trying to shape health care reform rather than block it is a tremendously good omen. 现在的事实是,医疗-产业联合体正在支持而不是破坏医改,这是个非常好的兆头。
We have prepared this Birth Plan to help you understand our philosophy and the kind of care we hope to have for the birth of our child. 我们准备了这份生产计划书,希望能够帮助你们理解我们生孩子的理念以及我们在孩子出生这个问题上所希望得到的照料方式。
My first care was to run to the door; he had left the key in it, taking the simple precaution of turning it twice in the lock. 我做的第一件事就是跑去看看那扇门,原来他把钥匙留在了门上,但为小心起见,他把钥匙在锁孔里连转了两次。
No way. Your viewpoint is too selfish. You are not at all ready to take care of a dog. 不行,你这种想法太自私了。你根本没有做好养狗的准备。
i miss you so much, but, i can't speak to you, i can only care about you silently, don't push me out of the door, ok? 我真的好想你,但是,却不能对你说,只想默默的关心你,不要把我拒之于门外好吗?!
Before big performances it's easy to let taking care of yourself slip as you spend too much time on rehearsals and practice. 在大型表演之前,由于花了很多时间在排演和练习上,你很容易忽略对自己的照顾。
My uncle and aunt took her in a year ago, after her mother died. Her job is to take care of the yaks. 一年前她妈妈死后,我叔叔婶婶收养了她,现在她帮着看牦牛。
If you think Linda Evangelista is over-paying for child care in New York, imagine what she would be paying in London. 果你认为琳达•伊万格丽斯塔(LindaEvangelista)在纽约为幼托服务花的钱太多,想想她在伦敦会花多少钱。
Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to help stabilize fragrances in personal care products as well as making plastics more pliable. 邻苯二甲酸是一组用来稳定用于个人护理产品中芳香剂的化学物质,而且还被用来软化塑料。
"No man is fit to be a naturalist, " said he, "who does not know how to take care of specimens. " 不知道爱护标本的人,”他说“是绝不能做博物学家的。
The accident was an indirect result of her lack of care. 这事故是她不小心的间接后果。
But also, unreformed China seems to have done a more impressive job than India did in educating and providing health care for its poor. 不过,没有进行改革的中国似乎在为穷人提供教育和医疗服务上面比印度做的更出色。
Our insurance policy, which had paid for Michael's care so far, had a 12-month waiting period on benefits related to organ transplants. 一直为迈克尔支付医疗费用的保险单规定有12个月的等候期,然后才能享受有关器官移植的保险金。
Ripley: What makes you think they're gonna care about a bunch of lifers who found God at the ass end of space? 里普利:是什么让你觉得他们是要去关心一群无期徒刑谁发现上帝在驴子年底空间吗?
Plague with a lie, how shall i do? shelved moths into a flame, or do not care about that? I do not know, maybe the same. 被一个谎言困绕,飞蛾扑火还是束之高阁,我不知道,或者,都一样。
In the hermit's care, our happy little maniac rests up for a year until the next Halloween rolls around. 一年里隐士对他十分关心,我们的凶手愉快的休息到下一个万圣节来临。
No one seemed to care that in a few months the Treasury would be relieving banks of the mortgages that had started all the trouble. 此时似乎没有人去关心财政部数月之后对银行抵押贷款的搭救,而这引来所有麻烦。
Zahida did not seek care for an ulcer on her foot and she ultimately lost her leg below the knee. Zahida未对其足部溃疡寻求医疗,最终失去下肢膝部以下。
But a year later, James with dedicated performance and smart style of care, won the trust of shareholders, firmly secured this seat. 然而一年之后,詹姆斯凭借兢兢业业的工作表现和谨慎精明的作风,赢得股东们的信任,坐稳了这个位子。
Americans, relieved to be getting out of Iraq, and caught up in a national row about health care, are paying little attention to the place. 美国人,刚从伊拉克脱身,才松口气,又沉缅于一场有关医疗保健的全国性论战中,无暇关注此地。
Get out of the cold immediately and slowly warm the affected area. If numbness continues, seek emergency care. 立即回到温暖的室内,慢慢暖和受创的部位,如果仍然觉得麻木,去看急诊。
They probably do not know or care about WSDL and XML, and all the quirks that they bring to the table. 他们可能不知道或者不关心WSDL和XML,以及所有他们摆到台面上的异常事件。
He said he did not care, but in fact he was very unhappy. 他说他不在乎,但事实上他很不高兴。
This must be resisted at all costs, and care must also be taken to see that the ardent male doesn't "talk" the lyrics of songs. 一定要不惜任何代价抑制这种冲动,而且一定注意,不要让热情洋溢的男士把歌词“说”出来。
Finally, they require a great deal of supportive care that can be very expensive for their families and for their communities. 最终,他们需要大量支持疗法,这对于他们的家庭和社区来说是昂贵的医疗负担。
My husband, however, doesn't care how much I spend and our marriage never became a business because it already was one. 但是,我的丈夫并不在意我花多少钱。我们的婚姻从未变成交易,因为它本来就是交易。
And let me add that this does not count some of the longer-term savings that will come about from health care reform. 让我补充一句,这还完全没有考虑医疗改革将为我们带来的长期花费节省。
It seems that no matter how much care you take, sooner or later, your code will become a maze. 似乎看起来不管你采取什么方式,编码之路迟早会走向迷途。
The shepherd dog does not know as much about most things as some other dogs, and yet he understands very well how to take care of sheep. 虽然牧羊犬不懂得基他种狗所懂的绝大部分事物,可是牧羊犬却精通于怎样看护好羊群。