carry you

  • 网络基督背负你;抱你;陪著你

carry youcarry you

carry you


艾美 葛兰特 万古磐石 ─... ... 01-Anywhere With Jesus 生命与主连结 02-Carry You 基督背负你 03-Sweet Will Of God 神的美旨 ...


从《关雎》到《老子》——双语宝宝牙牙学语记... ... Naughty 淘气 Carry you 抱你 (明显你我不分呢) Tired 累 ...


Carry You by Union J @... ... So you know that 我会陪著你 Carry You 陪著你 Don't ever say you're lonely 永远别说你很寂寞 ...

Victories will continue to come, for you have already built quite a bit of momentum that will carry you forward now without trying so hard. 胜利将持续到来。由于你已经建立的相当多的气势,它现在将带你向前,你将不需要太艰难的努力。
The main idea is to gain the momentum in your hopes, dreams & wishes to be able to carry you through the challenging times. 一个主要的事是你将在你的希望,梦想和愿望中获得力量能带你走过复杂的时间。
Then let us be rid of it , once and for all. Come on , Mr. Frodo, I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you ! Come on. 那么让我们摆脱掉魔戒把,永远的!来吧,弗罗多先生,我不能帮你携带它,但我能扛得动你!来吧!
Standing at the door ready to carry you away. 站在门外准备把你抢去。
Only Idid desire, eventually, to turn into a magic carpet and carry you away to allthose lands you longed to see. 最后,我只渴望变成一条魔毯,带你飞到你想去的任何地方。
Pick something just for you and do not buy it until you finish your assignment. The fun reward will carry you through to the finish line. 这个奖励不要在还未完成任务前就买回来,一个有吸引力的奖品会不断激励你去完成任务达到目标。
Climb on my back and I'll carry you to the top of the snow-silent mountains and let you look out over the rim of the earth. 爬到我的背上来,我会带你到达寂静的雪山之颠,让你俯瞰地球的边缘。
This 8 pouch, then a packet of 50. Easy to carry. You think? 这种有8小袋,那一种有50小包。携带方便。您看呢?
But for all that, the memorial doesn't carry you into a dark place and leave you there. 但所有的纪念不带入一个黑暗的地方你,让你有。
They may help you to harness the power of now, but do they carry you forward to the next moment? 它们帮你利用现在的时刻,但下一刻呢,你要怎么办?
May your holidays be filled with joy, and carry you forth into the next phase of your own awakening and transcendence. 你的假期将被欢乐所充盈,携带你展开进入自我觉醒的下一阶段并超越。
What can can you see on the horizon? Why do the white gulls call? Across the sea a pale moon rises -- The ships have come to carry you home. 你看到了什么在那海平线上为什么白色的海鸥在呼唤穿越大海一轮银月升起船儿已到来带你回家
This basic outline should be enough to carry you through the functional programming examples in this article. 这些基本描述应足以让您完成本文中的函数编程例子。
Because when you happy I accompany you, when you are sad I carry you, so you want the happiness, otherwise I would be very tired. 因为当你快乐时我陪着你,当你悲伤的时候我背着你,所以你要快乐,否则我会很累。
Never think of investment capital as an end in itself, it's simply a tool to carry you and your company forward. 永远不要把获得投资当成是结果,钱永远只是一件简单的工具,一件让你和你的公司前进的工具。
You may want to let the river carry you as long as the current allows, protecting your position with a trailing stop. 你也许希望河流能把你带到你想去的地方,最好用移动止损保护你的仓位。
I said to her, "It seems not difficult to carry you now. " 我对她说:“看起来我现在抱你不费吹灰之力”。
My uncle will come rushing up to me and say, "You will get lost, my boy; let me carry you. " 我的叔叔要是跑过来说道:“你要迷路了,我的孩子,让我领着你罢。”
That fantasy of what your life would be -- white dress, prince charming, who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill. 幻想你的生活是,穿著白衣服,等著白马王子把你带到山上的城堡。
Flounder, get her to that boat as fast as your fins can carry you. 弗劳德,尽快带她到那艘船上去。
Think of what the future holds for you, and we are certain that it will easily carry you through the remainder of your life. 想一想什么样的未来在等待着你们,我们非常的确定,它将轻易的带领你们穿越余下的人生。
Your forward momentum will carry you the length of any object you wish to clear. 你向前滑动的动力会带你越过任何距离和障碍物。
Said the fox, you sit on my back, I carry you across. Gingerbread Man finally cross the river. 狐狸说,你现在坐到我的背上,我背你过河。姜饼人终于过河了。
Royce: I'm not hugging you! I'm trying to carry you! 罗伊斯:谁抱你了,我只是在尝试把你运走!
You cannot even travel. "I can carry you farther than any ship could take you, " said the snake. 我可以把你带到很远的地方去,比一只船能去的地方还要远。
To all Gunners: A big thank you for your unconditional support during the last 8 yrs. Just say that I will always carry you in my heart! 致所有的枪手们:感谢你们在过去的8年里无条件的支持!我将这些始终永远放在我的心中!
Last month you had a lot of developments in your career, and you can let the momentum of what you achieved carry you forward. 上个月,你在事业进展方面颇有建树,你可以让那些冲劲继续保持。
Instead, invest strategically to build the necessary momentum that will carry you to your next major milestone. 相反,有规划的使用资金会使你的公司有足够的动力让你过渡到下一个重要的里程碑。
Mrs. Medlock: What did they do with you in India? Carry you around in a basket? 梅德洛克夫人:他们为什么在印度的时候会这么帮你?把你放在篮子里带来带去吗?
Come on, Mr. Frodo. Come on. I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you. 來吧,佛罗多。我不能替你背负魔戒的重担,但是我可以背你。