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  • 网络卡莎;计算机辅助精液分析(computer aided semen analysis);澳大利亚民航安全局(Civil Aviation Safety Authority)




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计算机辅助精液分析(computer aided semen analysis)

计算机辅助精液分析(casa)系统不仅能够准确地测定精液常规指标,还可快速分析多项精子动态参数[包括曲线速度(vcl)、直线 …

澳大利亚民航安全局(Civil Aviation Safety Authority)

Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Australia 澳大利亚民航安全局 Cleveland Soaring Society 克利夫兰滑翔社团 Deutscher …

计算机辅助精子分析(computer assisted sperm analysis)

  计算机辅助精子分析CASA)是利用计算机视屏技术,通过一台与显微镜相连接的录像机,确定和跟踪个体精子细胞的活动和 …

Between them, African Minerals and expansion at Casa de Pedra will add almost as much iron ore to global supply as India now exports. 这其中,单只非洲矿业及卡萨德佩德拉铁矿的扩产,增加的铁矿石供应就相当于印度目前出口的总量。
New additions are nearby Casa Badiola, a 14-room (each with its own kitchenette) outpost of the main hotel, and a children's club. 有个新地方,附件的CasaBadiola,一间有14个房间(每个房间都配有小厨房)的主旅馆哨站,和一个儿童俱乐部。
Prosecutors say the problems at Casa Quivira include illegal payments to at least one birth mother and stolen identities. 检方说,卡沙奎维拉的问题包括违法付款给至少一位生母和身分被盗用。
Back in Puebla, head to the Casa de la Cultura to view the indigenous and modern altar-building contest entries and visit with the artists. 回到普埃布拉后,可以到德拉卡其屋去看看当地的现代祭坛比赛作品及创作者们。
A few months earlier, towards the end of 1407, Genoa's Council of Ancients had authorised the Casa di San Giorgio to carry out this job. 几个月前,也就是在1407年年末,热那亚长老议会(CouncilofAncients)授权圣乔治大楼执行这个工作。
Before the rearrangement, it was easy to pass under the superb painted trompe-l'oeil ceiling from Casa Maffi without noticing it. 这里重新布置以前,人们从卡萨•马菲绘制的精美天花板下走过,会毫不留意。
A court in Portugal has found six people guilty of sexually abusing children in a state-run orphanage in Casa Pia. 葡萄牙法庭发现,6人在卡沙比亚一家国营孤儿院中犯有虐童罪。
The company also has satellite warehouses in Yuma, AZ, Casa Grande, AZ and Las Cruces , NM. 公司还拥有卫星仓库尤马,亚利桑那,卡萨格兰德,AZ和拉斯克鲁塞斯,纳米。
Even so, some vineyards got off lightly. One of the lucky ones was Casa Lapostolle, a Franco-Chilean joint venture. 即便如此,有些葡萄园受损程度轻微,法国与智利合资的卡莎博斯特酒庄便是幸运儿之一。
The Spanish Socialist Worker's Party is founded in Casa Labra Pub (city of Madrid) by the historical Spanish workers' leader Pablo Iglesias. 西班牙社会主义工人党由历史的西班牙工人领袖巴勃罗西亚斯于卡萨Labra酒吧(马德里市)成立。
Cas A will allow researchers to test models of how the strong nuclear force, which binds subatomic particles, behaves in ultradense matter. CasA让研究者可以检测核力强度的模型,这种作用力将超密物质中的亚原子粒子束缚在了一起。
Leaving the airport, my backpack was next to me on the back seat of the taxi and in my hand I held the address card for Casa de Margarita. 离开机场时,我把背包放在了一旁的出租车后座上,手里握着玛格瑞特的地址卡片。
Bill Buford, editor, author and newly trained cook, sits in Casa Mono, a restaurant in downtown Manhattan, looking pleased with himself. 比尔•布福德(BillBuford)有三个身份:编辑、作家以及刚刚受过培训的厨师。此刻他坐在曼哈顿下城区的CasaMono餐厅里,看起来洋洋自得。
Two cubicles away is Casa Couture, which makes expandable shoes which it says are ideal for pregnant women and fast-growing children. 两墙之隔是卡萨时装,为孕妇和长身体的孩子制作宽松的鞋子。
Heat exhaustion can often be treated on the field, whereas heat stroke requires immediate medical attention, Casa said. 中暑可以在运动场进行治疗,然而热中风需要立即的医疗介入。
Nowadays, Casa Guidi, the Brownings' home in Florence, Italy, has been preserved and is open to visitors. 今天,布朗宁夫妇在意大利佛罗伦萨的故居——加萨古伊迪被保留了下来,并对公众开放。
Casa de Natsu is a cosy guesthouse in northern Kyoto near the botanical gardens, ideal for escaping the hubbub. 夏之家(CasadeNatsu)是一间温馨舒适的小旅馆,位于京都北部,靠近植物园,是远离城市喧闹的理想去处。
The youngest known neutron star in the Milky Way, Cas A was born in a supernova explosion that astronomers may have spotted 330 years ago. 作为银河系中已知的最年轻的中子星,CasA诞生于330年前天文学家可能观测到的一次超新星爆发中。
In a word, the Casa Mila apartment appears very strange inside and outside, and even a little ridiculous. 总之,米拉公寓里里外外都显得非常怪异,甚至有些荒诞不经。
This latest news from Cas A unveils new information about the ultra-dense inner region of the neutron star. CasA的新发现揭露出了更多中子星超密内区新的信息。
Methods Sperm density was detected by computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA). 方法采用计算机辅助精液分析进行精液常规参数检测;
Casa Roma is a fabulous place to spend your nights to get some rest in the hustle and bustle of Mexico City. 卡撒罗马就是你在熙熙攘攘的墨西哥城里过一夜,好好休息一下的胜地。
Cas A is the remnant of a star that exploded about 300 years ago in the constellation Cassiopeia. CasA是300年前在仙后座星群中爆炸的一颗恒星的残骸。
The supermarket Casa Dos Frescos sold a melon for $100 shortly before Christmas to an irate Frenchman. CasaDosFrescos超市在圣诞前夕将一个甜瓜以100美元高价卖给了一个愤怒的法国人。
Marty: Welcome to Casa del Wild. Take a load off. Hey, hey, wipe your feet. 马蒂:欢迎来到野外之家。!请来休息一下。嘿,嘿,先擦擦脚。
Major Hasan was paying $300 a month for the one-bedroom unit on the second floor of the Casa Del Norte Apartments in Killeen. 在基林的“夜之家”公寓楼,哈桑少校每月为他的一居室单元付300美元房租。
"It should look more like lemonade than apple juice, " he explained. Casa表示,锻炼者必须保证饮水,并观察尿液颜色。他解释说:“尿液看起来应该更像柠檬水而不是苹果汁。”
He was its governor from 1991 until he moved into the Casa Rosada, the presidential palace. 他自1991年起担任该省省长,直到当选总统入主玫瑰宫之前。
The whole facade of Casa Mila is wavy and consists of wall and balconies. 整个立面为波浪式曲面由墙体和阳台构成
Likewise, it can't go on forever because Cas A would get far colder than neutron stars generally do. 同样,这种效应无法永远持续下去,因为否则CasA将远比普通中子星的温度低。