
美 [kæst]英 [kɑːst]
  • v.铸造;抛;浇铸;扔
  • n.投;铸件;铸模;模子
  • 网络圆柱体;管型;演员

第三人称单数:casts 现在分词:casting

cast shadow,cast vote,cast spell,lot cast


v. n.

瞧;瞥;笑a look/glance/smile

1.[t]~ (sb) sth向…投以(视线、笑容等)to look, smile, etc. in a particular direction

光;影子light/a shadow

2.[t]~ sth (over sth)投射(光、影子等)to make light, a shadow, etc. appear in a particular place


3.[t]~ doubt/aspersions (on/upon sth)使人怀疑;造谣中伤to say, do or suggest sth that makes people doubt sth or think that sb is less honest, good, etc.


5.[t]~ sb/sth扔;掷;抛to throw sb/sth somewhere, especially using force


8.[t]分配角色;选派角色to choose actors to play the different parts in a film/movie, play, etc.; to choose an actor to play a particular role


9.[t]把某人描写成;把某人表现为to describe or present sb/yourself in a particular way

模铸金属shape metal

11.[t]~ sth (in sth)浇铸;铸造to shape hot liquid metal, etc. by pouring it into a hollow container (called a mould )


cast your mind back (to sth)

回顾;回想to make yourself think about sth that happened in the past

cast your net wide

撒开大网(搜寻时考虑面要宽)to consider a lot of different people, activities, possibilities, etc. when you are looking for sth

cast a spell (on sb/sth)

(对…)施魔法,念咒语to use words that are thought to be magic and have the power to change or influence sb/sth


...细胞(Epithelial cell) /HPF 圆柱体(Casts) /LPF 结晶体(Crystals) 其他(Others) 粪便检查(Stool Examination) 粪便潜血反应检查...


管型casts)为尿沉渣中有重要意义的成分,它的出现往往提示有肾实质性损害。它是尿液中的蛋白在肾小管、集合管内凝固 …


DO . 延戏 ... 活动 . Event: 演员 . Casts: 白素贞:徐燕妮 . Bai Suzhen:Jenny See ...


Mike Cheda... ... 演员: 小古巴古汀 Cuba Gooding Jr. ... 开眼 >电影 >明星资料. 演员表 CASTS. 4 导演: 休强森 Hugh Johnson. ...


Visual C++除错手册__目录 ... 3.9 例外( Exception) 3.14 类型转换( Casts) 6.3 代码管理系统( Code Management System) ...


- 新托福iBT词汇分类突破044... ... lightproof 不透光) casts 投射) subject 对象) ...


  不能用在铸型(casts)、instanceof、或 new 运算上。   不能使用在定义 class 时的 implements 或 extends 子句内   不能用来建立 …


那个夏天 | Timeless Love ... 剧情介绍 Synopsis 演员列表 Casts 新闻 News ...

Dale is one of the few firms that casts metal type for use in handset printing, and has provided her with a supply of virgin type. Dale是现存少数几家为手工印刷术铸造金属字模的公司之一,它为达里女士提供了一套全新的字模。
If I were out dragging soft plastics around and making fewer casts, I might have missed those opportunities. 如果我在别的地方拖软饵,不那么大量的抛投,我极有可能错过类似的机会。
I also learned from my study of sexual abuse that it casts a shadow of guilt and a hatred of body over the next generation. 根据我对性虐待的研究表明,性侵害会对罪恶感产生印象并且对下一代的厌恶蒙上阴影。
However, you are allowed to use superfluous casts in to make a point or to make your code more clear. 当然,仍然可以设置一个造型,提醒自己留意,也使程序更清楚。
The Cleveland Cavaliers give James one of the league's best supporting casts, he said, but that's not the cast with Durant. 克利夫兰骑士队给雅各成为联盟中最好的支持,他说,但那不是演员和杜兰特。
He stops and looks down at his hands, fingers twining and untwining in his lap. He casts around for something else to talk about. 他停了下来,垂下眼看着他放在大腿的手,两手的指尖顶着。他四处看着,想要找些什么话题来说。
I was told in school to put a patient in a gown when he isn't listening or cooperating. It casts him in a position of subservience. 学校里我学到的是如果病人不听话或者不合作,就让他穿上大袍子。这对他反而是有益的。
After all, casts are a hint to the compiler that you think you know what you're doing. 毕竟,强制类型转换对于编译器来说就是一个提示,表明您清楚自己正在做些什么。
The only available seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts, a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. 另外唯一的座位在一个女孩旁边,她的手臂打着石膏,脸上又青有紫,一副难过的表情。
Yet, despite the long shadow that the septuagenarian casts over his country's politics, Mr Chirac's is not the only France. 然而,尽管这位七十岁的老人在法国政坛投下了一条长长的影子,但并非是唯一之人。
The resulting image casts light, as it were, on the question of how "dark matter" was distributed in the early universe. 这些图像,就像他们上面的光一样,给解决暗物质如何构建早期宇宙带来了希望。
The sample tests to see if the message is one of those objects, and if so, casts it to that class. 该示例将进行测试,查看该消息是否为那些对象中的一种,如果是,则将之强制转换成那一类。
The only other available seat was next to a woman with both arms in casts, a black-and-blue-face, and a gloomy aura. 只见剩下唯一的空位旁边是个女人,双臂打了石膏,脸上一块青一块黑,笼罩着一片愁云惨雾。
Not entirely surprisingly, education secretary Michael Gove casts all this as a matter of copper-bottomed common sense. 教育大臣MichaelGove对此完全不吃惊,他希望将此融入大众的常识中去。
Three crescent moons are embedded in the structure, and a fourth can be seen when the sun casts shadows on the interior base. 这个建筑包含三个新月的形状,当阳光投射时,内侧底部会显现出第四个新月的影像。
Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. 希望像太阳,我们向它走去时,它在我们身后投下我们负担的影子。
the wicked witch comes down. She casts cyclone around the entire room that launch people into the air. Simple tank and spank will do her in. 他们都挂掉以后,坏巫婆出现了。她在屋子里吹龙卷风,把每个人都吹了起来。简单的坦克战术就能干掉她。
This generally takes two or three days for plaster casts, and an hour for fiberglass casts. 对于石膏板,大约要两三天,而玻璃纤维夹板则仅仅只用一个小时。
Mr Cameron himself casts his views on Europe as a function of his liberalism, rather than as a symptom of little-Englander parochialism . 卡梅隆将欧洲视为自由主义的产物,而不是小英格兰主义者狭隘主义的表现。
Its light casts a cone shape and illuminates objects where the cone meets with the surface. 其光线呈锥形,与圆锥相交的平面上的对象会被照亮。
The surface of the mantle is specially texturized: the light casts after multiple diffuse reflections to gain homogeneous emission. 灯罩表面采用特殊纹理处理:光线经过多次漫反射,再投射出来,透光均匀。
When a spider wants to travel long distances, it simply casts out a strand of silk, captures the breeze and " flies" away. 当蜘蛛要长途旅行,它就吐出一条长丝,乘着微风“飞”去。
Fitch said the recall and sales suspension casts a negative light on Toyota's reputation for quality. 惠誉说,召回和暂停销售给丰田的质量声誉带来了不利影响。
That these breakages occurred after death is among the considerable evidence that casts doubt on the early disaster theory. 这些死后才发生的骨折,令人怀疑早先的灾难理论。
Because mono floats, you can keep the spinner bait closer to the surface more easily, especially on long casts. 因为尼龙浮水,所以你可以更容易把spinnerbait保持在水的表层,尤其是远投的时候。
Python contains a mixture of casts and coercions, with a usual preference for the former ( "explicit is better than implicit" ). Python中既有强制类型转换也有强迫同型,通常使用更多的是前者(“显式优于隐式”)。
It is a beautiful and quiet night. The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky , which casts its light on everything. 一个美丽而宁静的夜晚,月亮像一个圆盘挂在黑暗的夜空中,淡淡的月光普照万物。
Whatever happens, Ms. Wu's imminent departure casts doubt over the long-term future of the talks. 不论发生什么,吴女士的即将离任为会谈的长期远景带来了怀疑。
The secret code that puts a site on top of Google's search results, or casts it to the bottom, is invaluable. 如何把一个网站顶到Google搜索结果的前列或是踩到最末的诀窍才是最宝贵的。
A natural way to eliminate casts like the one above is to augment the Java type system with what are known as generic types. 要消除如上所述的数据类型转换,有一种普遍的方法,就是用泛型类型来增大Java类型系统。