catch up

  • na.与…并驾齐驱 (to with);扰乱(说话人)
  • 网络赶上;追上;跟上

第三人称单数:catches up 现在分词:catching up 过去式:caught up

catch upcatch up

catch up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... catch at 想抓住;立即接受 catch up 赶上;打断…的话 be cautious of 留心…,谨防… ...


up 前面可以加什么 表示什么意思_百度知道 ... match up 匹配 catch up 追上 warm up 热 ...


风险投资词汇-风险投资研究-搜狐博客 ... Carried Interest 附带收益 Catch Up 跟上 Certification 认证 ...


只有在快速竞赛(QUICK RACE)里可以把追赶(CATCH UP)关了也算是降低难度了其他类似问题 相关知识 更多等待您来回答的 …


《实用高中英语用法详解词典》_免费论文_当知网... ... catch it 受罚,挨骂 / catch up 抓住;赶上,追上 / catch up with 赶上, …


...e quality of…”表象化,认为 应该抓紧赶上同学catch up)。答案D 才是正确答案,问题症结在于multitasking 难以 让人集中 …


铁路词汇7 - drj08的日志 - 网易博客 ... 静态长度 car space 追钩 catch up 侧撞 cornoring ...


口语小词catch的高频用法... ... 1. understand 理解 3. catch up (抓紧赶上进度) 4. catch up (叙旧) ...

At its current growth rates, China will likely catch up to Brazil, Mexico, and Russia around the year 2020 in terms of per capita GDP. 按目前的发展速度,中国人均GDP将有可能在2020年前后赶上巴西、墨西哥和俄罗斯。
To catch up in the armaments race, that country has decided to take a page from the competition's book. 为了在军备竞赛中赶上去,那个国家决定效法敌方的作风。
Phase II of the bull market should have already started. China, one of the worst performers this year should be able to catch up. 第二阶段的牛市应该已经展开。中国,是今年表现最差的其中之一,亦应该能赶上。
We had a catch up to see what his ideas are and what he is up to. 我们进行了一次交谈来看看他的想法,他想要做些什么决定。
Should not be called me to be shy for you, you catch up with stealthily these matters hide the truth from me. 2`别叫我替你们害臊了,你们鬼鬼祟祟赶的那些事瞒不过我。
"Go eat, " I encouraged her, waving toward the fast food. I didn't like the way she looked at me. "I'll catch up in a minute. " “去吃东西吧,”我鼓励她,挥手指向快餐店。我不喜欢她看我的眼神。“我一会去找你。”
He said hurriedly: "that asks you to deliver these baggages the train station, I walk catch up with. " 他急忙说:“那请你把这些行李送到火车站,我本身步行赶来。”
Participants felt a generation gap with the new technology. "I'm always trying to catch up to my younger staff members. " 参与者对于新科技感到有世代落差,「我总是试著去跟上年轻工作成员的脚步」。
Of course, the statistics system still plays catch-up to an economy that is sprinting ahead of it, making the data far from perfect. 当然,统计系统现在仍然只能亦步亦趋的跟在高速发展的经济之后,离完美还差的远呢。
It would be great to see you to catch up all our news. 它将会看到你迎头赶上我们所有的消息。
Wan Jun was such a fast runner that he could almost catch up with a deer. =Wan Jun ran so fast that he could almost catch up with a deer. 万军跑得这么的快,以至于他的速度几乎能赶上鹿。
Sony's price cut on digital books and the new devices may not be enough to help it catch up to Amazon. 索尼在电子书和阅读器上的降价行为并没有为其追赶亚马孙公司提供足够的帮助。
Out of the corner of my eye I could see the car, reversing in an attempt to catch up with me. Perhaps they wanted to give me a receipt. 我用眼角余光看见那两汽车正在掉头,他们想过来追我,也许是想给我一张发票吧。
Oh, and as a warning: more likely than not, it will seem like one player is so far ahead that no one can catch up to them in points. 作为一个警告:很可能也不是这样,可能某玩家远远超前,其他玩家无法追上分数。
Well, I'm going to have to go but it's been great to catch up. Nice to catch up with you again and I'll see you soon! 我要走了,总也聊不完,但是我得走了。很高兴再次遇到你,我们会很快再见面的!
He does catch up to him in the morgue, talking to a dead body. 医生在他太平间再次遇到了正在和一具尸体说话的他。
Struggling to catch up with him, but the whereabouts of the red block and can only stay at cars off, do nothing. 他奋力追赶,却被红灯阻挡去向,只能呆望着车扬长而去,无可奈何。
``Society has changed, '' Stillman says, ``but the ovaries will take another million years or two to catch up to that. '' 斯蒂尔曼说:“社会在变,但是女性卵巢可能需要百万年才能赶上这样的变化。”
He seems to be one of those rare people who find that age and injuries don't catch up with them. 他似乎是一个少有的人,很少有人能在他这个年龄,还几乎没什么伤病的。
They are not agile or fast ships. If the enemy decides to make a run for it, ship-of-the-line would have hard time to catch up. 他们并不是快速轻巧的船只,如果敌舰决定脱离海战,轻型战列舰很难在第一时间追上。
Anyway, it seems to be impossible for me to catch up with other people in such a short period of time. 不管怎么说,要我在这么短的时间内赶上其他人似乎是不可能的。
By early February, Obama seemed to catch up with the trend, at least as it played out in Cairo's Tahrir Square. 今年二月初,奥巴马总统似乎顺应了这个潮流,至少在开罗的解放广场出现抗议时是如此。
But computer division head Kunimasa Suzuki said the company had ambitions to catch up quickly. 但索尼电脑部主管KunimasaSuzuki称,该公司有信心能很快地迎头赶上。
After being in the hospital for a year, she had a lot of living to catch up on. 住院一年之签,她必须尽力维持生计。
She ran on and on, down the hill, up the next, trying to catch up with her daughter. 她跑啊跑。跑下一个山坡,又跑上另一个山坡,努力地想追上女儿。
If you live in New Orleans, you may live as if you are ahead of time, just taking things easy and waiting for the time to catch up with you. 如果你生活在新奥尔良,你的生活方式就好象你永远领先于时间,凡事不慌不忙,总等著时间来追赶你。
No matter how fast you run, it is impossible for you to catch up with him. 无论你跑得多快,你都不可能赶上他。
Not everyone will have your vision or determination to "get going, " so you will have to be a bit patient while others catch up. 不是每个人都能有你的先见之明或者决心去做那些正在进行的事情,所以你需要有些耐心等待别人赶上来。
Yet again, it is now racing to catch up in a part of the market where the Japanese overwhelmingly dominate. 然而现在,它不得不再次奋起直追,争夺已让日本人占主导地位的那部分市场。
Both parents helped their daughter put on the dinosaur costume , then ran with her to catch up with the others. 两人赶紧给女儿穿上恐龙装,跟她一起追上了游行队伍。