
美 [ˈkɔʃ(ə)n]英 [ˈkɔːʃ(ə)n]
  • n.谨慎;小心;慎重;告诫
  • v.警告;提醒;告诫
  • 网络注意;注意事项

复数:cautions 现在分词:cautioning 过去式:cautioned

extreme caution,great caution,utmost caution
exercise caution,use caution,take caution


n. v.

1.[u]谨慎;小心;慎重care that you take in order to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks

2.[c](警察向犯轻罪的人发出的)警告a warning that is given by the police to sb who has committed a crime that is not too serious

3.[u][c](对危险或风险的)警告,告诫a warning or a piece of advice about a possible danger or risk


throw/cast caution to the wind(s)

不顾危险;鲁莽行事;冒险to stop caring about how dangerous sth might be; to start taking risks


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考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... carpenter 木工,木匠 32. caution n. 谨慎;注意(事项),警告 cautious 小心的,谨 …


职称英语A级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... Catholic a. 天主教的 n.天主教徒 caution n. 小心,谨慎;警告 cautious a. 谨慎的,小心的 ...


民航专业常用词汇指南(ME)[1]_百度文库 ... catalog n. 目录 caution 告诫 警告 ceiling n. 天花板;屋顶 ...


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Throwing caution to the wind, he decided to ride his motorcycle without a helmet. 他决定豁出去了,不带安全帽就骑摩托。
The overriding message was one of caution: the global economy is over the worst, but fragilities remain. 最重要的信息是谨慎的:全球经济最糟糕的时期已经过去,但仍然脆弱。
But they warn that it would be a smaller harvest, and they caution that there may be sugar shortages and higher prices down the road. 但他们警告说规模会小些,而且会出现蔗糖短缺和高物价的问题。
The new numbers should be treated with caution; they do not yet take account of population growth, which is about 1% a year. 应该谨慎对待这些数字——它们未将每年大约1%的人口增长因素纳入考虑范围。
This gives the idea of "risk" , which had been so marginalized, a tangibility, contributing to that New Caution. 这就会使人们意识到他们一直忽视却确实存在的“风险”,从而导致上面提及的新谨慎。
Caution has its place, no doubt, but we cannot refuse our support to a serious venture which challenges the whole of the personality. 谨慎无疑有其价值,但我们不能拒绝支持严肃的勇敢行为——它挑战整个人格。
He said that Russia accepts American primacy in the world, but that this primacy requires prudent restraint and caution. 他表示俄罗斯接受美国在世界上的优越性,但这种优越性需要谨慎克制。
Caution: While this APAR may seem to be a solution for cross-site scripting, it is not. 警告:尽管这个APAR看起来是防御跨站点脚本攻击的解决方案,但它不是。
But his travels have taught him to be cautious. . . and Alfred soon realizes his caution is justifies, even among his own kind. 但是他的旅行经验告诉他该凡事谨慎,而艾福瑞也很快地意识到,即使身处于自己的族人之间,还是小心谨慎为妙。
But my desire to see the sky overruled my caution, I dimmed the lighting again. 不过我还是被强烈的欲望打败了,并再次调暗了照明。
At least they're asking, which suggests some degree of caution and willingness to think through the decision. 至少他们还问了,这表明他们还有所谨慎,希望三思而后行。
He had come up so fast and absolutely without caution that he broke the surface of the blue water and was in the sun. 它窜上来得那么快,全然不顾一切,竟然冲破了蓝色的水面,来到了阳光里。
No doubt I shall rue my caution upon my deathbed, but after a long day in the saddle, a warm room sounds preferable to me. 我临终卧床之时,肯定会后悔今日不该如此谨慎的,不过骑了一整天马,我更想呆在暖和的房间里。
The leader criticized him in the meeting for the whole staff, hoping to caution others. 领导在全体职工大会上批评他,目的是以一儆百。
Though much early evidence pointed to a moderate, if not mild impact, most health officials decided to err on the side of caution. 虽然很多早期证据表明,这次疫情的影响即便不属轻微,也属于中度,但多数卫生官员决定对此采取谨慎做法。
A setting like this, which exempts a connection from security, should be used with great caution, or not at all. 这样的设置—免除连接的安全性—使用时要非常小心,或者根本不要使用。
If one or more slides seems to be unnecessary, hide the slide or slides, and view the slide show a few more times to make sure. Caution|如果一个或多个幻灯片似乎没有必要,隐藏这个幻灯片或这些幻灯片,并查看幻灯片放映几次,以确认。
That said, the possibility of such shocks should always be a counsel for caution when a government embarks on fiscal tightening. 有道是,当一个政府采取财政紧缩的时候,就应当时刻小心这类冲击的可能性。
But I believe that learning one's limits organically is better than making choices out of an excess of caution. 但我相信,了解一个人的极限会比做出多余的选择要好得多。
South Korean officials caution against interpreting Mr. Kim's reported comments as a signal the North is ready to come back to the talks. 韩国官员说,不应急于把报道提及的金正日讲话视为北韩将重返六方会谈的信号。
Always take the long term view and train and race smart, with a bit of caution. 眼光要长远,聪明的训练和比赛,并且注重细节。
However, he said the growth may moderate, and auto analysts said investors should take caution given the sector's high margins. 但他说,销量增长可能会放缓。汽车分析师说,考虑到这个行业的高利润率,投资者应当留意。
Professor Uta Frith, an autism researcher at University College London, said the findings needed to be treated with caution. 身为伦敦大学学院自闭症研究人员的乌塔法瑞斯教授说这一发现需慎重对待。
Still, a word of caution is in order. Brazil's agricultural miracle did not happen through a simple technological fix. 然而值得注意的是,巴西农业奇迹并非完全通过纯粹的技术手段实现的。
I fitted myself up for a battle, as before; though with more caution, knowing I had to do with another kind of enemy than I had at first. 我照旧进行着作战的准备;可是比过去更加小心,因为我知道所要应付的是一种和从前不同的敌人。
All this said, the violent gyrations on the financial markets should be a caution as to how quickly things can change. 照此看来,金融市场的剧烈波动应该是一个警告——事情的变化会是多么快!
The bank's rate-setters decided to err on the side of caution, however. 然而,尽管如此,英格兰银行的利率制定者还是决定稳妥行事。
Too often we throw caution to the wind and run full steam ahead, doing what feels right at the moment. 我们太容易将警示抛之脑后,全力奔跑去完成我们在当时认为正确的事情。
The software in Scopus errs on the side of caution; it only assigns two papers to the same person if it has a high degree of confidence. Scopus内置的软件就因为谨慎而犯错:它只在高信度的情况下标记两篇文章作者为同一人。
It was evident that this excess of caution proceeded from an experience that no subtlety on the part of their enemies could deceive them. 虽然,他们的这种过分的小心,是从经验中得出的,因而不管有多狡猾的敌人,都别想骗过他们。