
美 [.si 'di]英 [.siː 'diː]
  • abbr.(=certificate deposit)定期存款
  • 网络镉;光盘(compact disc);文件大小





1.光盘,激光唱片,光碟(全写为 compact disc)the abbreviation forcompact disc (a small disc on which sound or information is recorded. CDs are played on a special machine called aCD player )

化学元素周期表_ 化工助手-中国化工网 ... 47 Ag 银 48 Cd 49 In 铟 ...

光盘(compact disc)

人教版初一英语单词 ... hello int. 喂 CD n. 光盘 BBC 英国广播公司 ...


绝不后悔_百度百科 ... ◎片 名 NoRegret ◎文件大小 2 CD ◎主 演 金静华 KimJeong-hwa ...


音乐表情术语大全(五线谱音乐符号大全) ... 94. caprioso 的,随想的 96. cd 光碟 97. celesta 钢片琴 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 590 back adv 回(原处) ;向后 592 CD n 激光唱片(缩写词) 593 lot n 许多 ...


开始运行中的快捷键 - 紫月的日志 - 网易博客 ... > Windows scrīpting Utility 脚本工具 > cd 播放器 > sql 客户网络工具 ...

Inside, there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper, out fell a piece of paper. 包装纸里面是一张CD,当她拿起CD时,一张小纸片掉到了地上。
How nice of him to give me a CD that will remind me. 这家伙竟然送我一张CD让我想起。
Once you have booted with the install CD, with a bit of luck it should have recognized your drive. 一旦已经使用安装CD引导,如果幸运的话,它应该已经识别了您的驱动器。
Yesterday Rodrick got a new heavy metal CD, and it had one of those "Parental Warning" stickers on it. 昨天,罗德里克买了一张重金属摇滚CD,上面还贴着“家长警告”的标签。
If I could go back in time to tell myself one thing, I'd almost certainly wind up harassing teenager me about buying CDs. 如果能回到过去,我一定会告诉自己不要使买CD了。
Mom Mix-Make a CD for her, a collection of all the songs that remind her of you and you growing up. 妈妈的混音专辑——做一张专辑给妈妈。专辑中收集能够让妈妈想起你或者唤起养育你的记忆的所有的歌曲。
I admit I haven't listened to a whole lot of MJ's songs but I have heard all his popular old jams and this CD is a bit different. 我承认我没有听过一兆焦耳的歌曲一大堆,但我听到他的所有流行的旧果酱,这CD是一个有点不同。
When Snowball was given to a bird rescue shelter a few months ago, there was a CD and instructions to watch Snowball's reaction. 雪球几个月前被送到鸟类收容所时,还伴随著一张音乐光碟,和如何去观察牠反应的指示。
There have been a few small but extremely useful changes to the installer on the Ubuntu CD. Ubuntu光盘的安装程序进行了一些小却非常有用的改进。
They asked students to choose between things like a pair of CDs or two flavors of jam. 他们要求学生在一些物品当中进行选择,例如一对CD或两种口味的果酱。
If an official CD-ROM is in the drive at this point, then that CD-ROM should automatically be configured as an apt source without prompting. 如果此时驱动器内放有官方发布的CD-ROM,那么CD-ROM将会被自动配置为apt源,而不会有提示。
It was one of your friends who copied a CD onto a tape for you last week. 正是你的一位朋友上星期替你把磁盘内容复制到磁带上。
With a few link modifications to your existing web site, it could be run from CD or downloaded to the end user to run on their computer. 与数链接修改到您现有的网站,可以从CD运行或下载到最终用户来说,他们的电脑上。
Once complete, a CD is to be provided and sent to me with all files used or created. 一旦完成,一张CD是要提供和发送使用或创建的所有文件给我。
The boot drive is usually the first hard drive on the system, but may also be a diskette, CD, or USB key. 引动驱动器通常是系统上的第一个硬盘驱动器,但也可以是一个磁盘、CD或USB密匙。
We finally decided to get rid of the references to electricity and the final design represented the concept of development by a CD-ROM. 我们最终决定放弃电流,最终用一个CD-ROM代表了开发的概念。
The result of that expression is then used to create a new expression and select all the cd elements with that ID. 然后使用该表达式的结果创建一个新的表达式,选择具有此ID的所有cd元素。
If you're giving a present to someone you were at school with as a child, how about a CD of a band that was popular at the time? 如果你要送礼物给一个你儿时在学校的伙伴,那么送一张当时流行乐队的CD如何呢?
He passed a CD store and looked through the front door for a second as he walked. 经过一家CD店,当他走过的时候透过前门向里面看了一下。
Whether going to see a movie in a cinema or watching a movie at home on videotape or CD is a question open to debate. 到底是去电影院看电影,还是在家里自己用播放器放电影来看总是一个能够引起争论的问题。
The documentary film and music of Korea especially need, but the best is the CD, easy to spread like this. 朝鲜的纪录片和音乐尤其需要,但最好是光碟,这样才便于传播。电影。
I didn't know whether it was the newest version or not, but I was impressed with the CD as it came from ShipIt. 我并不知道这是新版本还是旧版本,但我被这张CD吸引了,因为它是免费派送的。
An easy to use interface, providing the user with a single tool for " cd free " gaming . 容易使用界面提供用户单一的“无光驱”游戏工具。
Patent protection is likely to have been obtained for various technical parts of a CD player. CD播放机的各个技术部分很可能都已经获得了专利保护。
This was the only selection to feature massed choral music in state-of-the-art two-channel CD sound. 这是唯一的选择,以特色集结演唱多首歌曲,在国家利用最先进的双通道的CD声音。
If you and your partner have a favorite song, get a copy of it on CD and take it with you when you go away for a romantic weekend. 如果你和对方都喜欢同一首歌,那么将它拷贝,并在浪漫周末时携带在身旁。
Installing Linux is usually as easy as downloading a CD image, burning it to a disk, and booting from it on your project system. 安装Linux非常简单,只需要下载一个CD映像,将其烧录到磁盘中,然后在项目系统上启动它。
One of my friends let me burn his CD, and now I cannot stop listening to this song. 我的一位朋友让我烧了他的CD,现在我不能停止听这首歌曲。
The CD version of the too many to choose from, and I do not know which version better. 可供选择的CD版本太多了,我不知道哪一个版本更好。
If I made a tape or CD for a girl then it was a certain sign of something. 如果我制作一个磁带或CD给一个女生的话,那无疑意味着一些事情。