
美 [səˈment]英 [sə'ment]
  • n.水泥;(干燥后硬化的)水泥;胶合剂;胶接剂
  • v.加强;胶合
  • 网络水门汀;接合剂;胶泥

第三人称单数:cements 现在分词:cementing 过去式:cemented

cement relationship


n. v.

2.(干燥后硬化的)水泥the hard substance that is formed when cement becomes dry and hard

3.胶合剂;胶接剂;黏固剂a soft substance that becomes hard when dry and is used for sticking things together or filling in holes

4.(共同利益联合起来的)纽带,凝聚力something that unites people in a common interest


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C开头的单词_百度文库 ... cellar n. 地窑,地下室 cement n. 水泥;胶泥 cent n. 分;分币;百 ...


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... achievement n. 成就 cement v. 巩固,加强 status n. 地位 ...


考博词汇下载(10000词汇完整版) - 豆丁网 ... cellulose n. 纤维素 cement n. 水泥; 牙骨质 centennial a. 一百周年的 ...


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Iron foundries, smelting plants, and cement factories loomed in and out of the haze as I traveled along the roads leading into Linfen. 在我前往临汾的路上,铸铁厂、冶炼厂、水泥厂在阴霾中隐隐出现。
He tells Michael to take some rubber cement that he's using to build the Pope's Taj Mahal and coat the bottom of a coffee pot with it. 他告诉Michael在帮狱长制作泰姬陵模型时拿些橡胶胶水出来,涂在咖啡壶的底部。
To do so, he does not cause surface layer and cement mortar is inconsistent, surface water mud too much, easy to the problem of craze. 这样做,就不致造成表面与里层砂浆配合比不一致,表面水泥浆太多,易于开裂的问题。
He possessed the only known samples of these strains, and he patented his revivification process to further cement his control over them. 他拥有已知的这些菌株的唯一样本,他还为复活的过程申请了专利,以进一步加强控制。
Lixia, I deal with all day and cement, which is always peeling hands, you give I a glove it. 丽霞,俺整天和水泥打交道,这手上总是脱皮,你也给俺一幅手套吧。
But the problem is that as long as she touches something, the matter will be melt, whatever it is metal, wood, or plastic cement. 可是问题是任何东西只要被公主摸到都会融化,不管是金属啦,木头啦,塑胶啦,只要被她摸到,一定溶化!
There was also, running the length of the left wall, a giant waist-high cement trough filled with water and dead mosquitoes. 另外一口半人高的巨大水槽一直通到左边的墙壁,里面装满了水以及死去的蚊子尸体。
So like I said, the way that you go through and build on the game layer is not with glass and steal and cement. 就像我刚才说的,我们建设这个游戏社交圈的方式并不是用玻璃、钢筋和水泥。
Tepco spokesman said the sample had been taken just beyond the cement containment foundation of reactor No. 1 at a depth of about 15 meters. 东电发言人说,地下水样本是在一号反应堆水泥密封地基以下、地面以下约15米处采集的。
Maybe it diligently looking for the flowers, through the many cement steel beam and busy busy street, finally is flying did not move. 也许它努力地寻找着花丛,穿过了许多的水泥钢梁和热闹繁华的大街,终于是飞不动了。
"Oh, sure, " agreed Wilson hurriedly, and went toward the little office, mingling immediately with the cement color of the walls. “对,对。”威尔逊连忙答应,随即向小办公室走去,他的身影马上就跟墙壁的水泥色打成一片了。
If you've got a little time, actually writing out a few paragraphs using your new words can really cement their meanings in your mind. 如果你时间比较充裕,不妨还可以用你学到的新词写上一小段文字,它们的意思会深深刻进你脑子里。
A witness in a penthouse apartment called it a perfect landing, as if on cement. 棚屋公寓中的目击者称之为“完美的降落”仿佛粘合。
"Now go clean it up! " Mother and I began cleaning the road. Tears ran down my cheeks as I saw my beautiful rainbow turn into black cement. “现在去把它弄干净!”妈妈和我开始洗路。当我看着漂亮的彩虹成了黑水泥时,眼泪顺着我的脸颊流了下来。
Back in Portugal, I was hired by an engineering company for a grandiose project to remodel all our cement plants. 回到葡萄牙后,我受聘于一家工程公司,参与了一项宏大的工程:改装所有水泥厂。
Blandford felt as though his heart was being compressed into a small cement ball. 布兰福德感觉自己的心好象被压缩成了一个小水泥球。
We are ready to cement our friendship and cooperation with Islamic countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. 我们愿意在和平共处五项原则的基础上进一步加强同伊斯兰国家的友谊与合作。
The Obama administration said it was ready to work together "to further cement this indispensable alliance" . 奥巴马政府表示,美国准备与日本携手,“进一步加强这一不可或缺的联盟关系”。
Carved on the chair after that love, will, like cement on the flowers, not out of the wind, lonely forest. 那些刻在椅子后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有的风,寂寞的森林。
His boy had run ahead of him and climbed high on to a nearby cement factory tower. 那时,儿子比他先跑一会儿,高高地爬上了附近一家水泥厂的塔台上;
The moral structure, created by the mind to hold social relationships together, is not love, but a hardening process like that of cement. 由头脑建立的用来维系社会关系的道德构架,它不是爱,而是一个像水泥一样的硬化过程。
The damage to a concrete specimen was gradually serious with a decrease in concrete strength and a gradual increase in water cement ratio. 随着混凝土强度的降低,水灰比逐渐加大,混凝土试件在冻融循环后损伤也逐渐严重;
The word cement seems to have come into Middle English from Old French and ultimately from Latin. 水泥这个词似乎最早是由拉丁语演变为古法语,随后进入中世纪英语。
The coating of cement with a strong penetration and excellent adhesion, high hardness, good adhesion between the layers. 该涂料对水泥具有极强的渗透力和极好的附着力,硬度高,层间附着力好。
Finishing with a wooden float, instead of a steel float, avoids overworking of the surface and bringing an excess of cement to the top. 最后以木质浮动,而不是一个钢铁浮动,避免过度工作的表面和过多的水泥的顶部。
There was a group of us on the western side who used to all try to knock off the top level of the wall before the cement had time to try. 在西柏林这边,我们是一大伙子,一直尝试着在柏林墙上的水泥干燥前敲掉最上面的墙块。
Bone cement is often used to cover the canal after it is plugged. 堵塞之后,骨结合剂常用于覆盖在声道的表面。
It turned out to be a cement crusher, which had illegally set up and operated in some back yard and blown all over, she explains. 原来是一个水泥破碎机,其中非法设立和运作,在一些后院,并炸毁所有,她解释说。
Until now the new technology of waste consolidated fill by cement grout has never been used in China's mines. 目前,块石水泥砂浆胶结充填新工艺在我国矿山尚无实际应用先例。
A component installed near the bottom of the casing string on which the cement plugs land during the primary cementing operation. 安装在套管柱底部附近的一个部件,在初次注水泥作业期间水泥塞坐放于其上。