central park

  • 网络中央公园;纽约中央公园;中心公园

central parkcentral park

central park


中央公园Central Park)是全世界大都市中最美的城市公园,有湖,树,花,鸟等迷人景观。在第五大道和中央公园西道,从5…


纽约中央公园(Central Park)不只是纽约市民的休闲空间,更是全球人民所喜爱的旅游胜地。1850年新闻记者威廉·布莱恩特在《 …


中心公园Central park)打开长凳上的箱子,得到两个装有钚的容器。


无标题文档 ... zhujiang Rome Garden 珠江罗马花园 Central Park 新城国际 Genertime Int'l Centre 通用时代国际公寓 ...


114 中央公园大厦(Central Park) 伯斯 249米 52层 1992年 115 城峰中心(CitySpire Center) [旧版] 纽约 248米 75层 1987年 116 …


hiroshiken+:高雄捷运地图 - 乐多日志 ... 五块厝站 Wukuaicuo 中央公园站 Central Park 技击馆站 Martial Arts Stadium ...

They brought me to the central park to see the special children's show and then bought me a toy cat as present. 他们带我去中央公园看那里的儿童节特别秀然后还给我买了一只玩具猫做礼物。
Passing Fifty-ninth Street, he took the west side of Central Park, which he followed to Seventy-eighth Street. 过了五十九街,他沿着中央公园的西边走到七十八街。
Drew ended up proposing on a bridge in Central Park, a week after I gave him my great-grandmother's ring. Drew后来是在中央公园的一座桥上向我求婚的,就在我给了他那枚戒指一周以后。
A few days ago , after a quick rainstorm , I walked across Central Park near the lake and I thought I had never seen a city so lovely . 几星期前,在一场急促的暴风雨后,我从湖边穿过中央公园,我觉得自己从没有发现纽约如此明艳动人。
A well-dressed man in a suit sat on a bench in Central Park, his head bowed, his hands clasped between his knees. 一位穿着套装的衣着讲究的男士坐在中央公园的一个长凳上,他低着头,双手手指交叉放置在膝盖中间。
Every dawn, as I thud around New York City's Central Park reservoir, I am reminded of how much I hate it. 每天黎明,当我拖着沉重的脚步绕着纽约中央公园的人工湖慢跑时,我就更明白了我有多么讨厌慢跑。
Then we place these mountains on the island, surrounding this sort of central green valley. Almost like a central park. 然后我们把这些山放到岛上去,把中心围成绿色山谷,就像是中央公园。
The fact that it tells the true story of two gay penguins at the Central Park zoo in New York does not appear to have placated opponents. 这本书虽然讲述的是纽约中央公园动物里一对雄性同性恋企鹅的真实故事,但它似乎也没能让反对者们罢休。
He said he lives next door in a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park South and pays $22, 000 a month in rent. 他住在隔壁的一个复式公寓,那里可以俯瞰南中央公园,月租是2.2万美元。
No fakes And I love to rowboat with you and your wife in Central Park lake. 没有假的我还喜欢在中心公园的湖上和你们夫妇划船
A runner made his way through the morning snow in Central Park in New York. 美国,纽约:一个下雪的早晨,一名跑步者正在中央公园锻炼。
I was walking around Central Park, and I saw one of these expensive apartment buildings. 我当时沿着中心公园走过,看到一栋很高级的公寓楼。
Environmentalists had tried to stop the Love Parade, as they feared Berlin Central Park would be damaged. 环境保护主义者试图阻止“爱之狂欢节”,因为他们担心柏林中央公园遭到破坏。
The evening was strained but friendly enough that we agreed to meet again the next day in Central Park. 那天晚上气氛有些紧张,但是大家都很客气,并且约好第二天在中央公园再见面。
Who knew there were men like you Wandering around central park, lost? Eleanor, good morning, And, Jack, nice to see you. good morning. 谁能想到像你这样的男人,会在中央公园里闲晃而迷路呢?埃莉诺,早上好,还有杰克,很高兴见到你,-早上好。
But in more recent years, until the very recent years, Central Park came to be a place where you wouldn't dare to do that, it wasn't safe. 但这些年里,尤其是近几年,中央公园变成了令人不敢停留的场所,它不再安全了。
She'd tried dating men earning $250, 000, but that wasn't 'getting me to Central Park West, ' she said. 她说,她曾试着和年薪25万美元的男士约会,但是那仍不足以让她过上住在中央公园西部的舒适生活。
Now the penguins must compete against him for the supreme leader of Central Park Zoo. 现在企鹅们必须为动物园首领的宝座与之展开角逐…
Lee spent most of her years in Central Park West, but when she visited Botswana she had an epiphany. 丽在西部中心公园渡过了大半的日子,但是当她访问博茨瓦纳她有顿悟了。
Plato: It is called New York and the plan for Central Park was done by a landscape architect called Frederick Law Olmsted. 柏拉图:是的,这是纽约,它的中心公园的设计是由一位名叫弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德的风景园林师完成的。
Binhe Park is the largest urban central park in area in Baoding city and one of the main recreational places for the elderly of the city. 滨河公园是保定市区面积最大的城市街心公园,也是保定市区老年人休闲游憩的主要场所之一。
This picture, of Central Park's Great Lawn, was an emotive moment of reflection taken just weeks before I graduated. 这张相片是在中央公园的大草地拍得,是我毕业前几周的真情流露。
To try to reach more parents, a coalition called Play for Tomorrow this fall staged what amounted to a giant play date in Central Park. 为了争取更多家长,今年秋天,在中央公园举行了一场名为“为明天而玩”的大型玩乐聚会。
Kermit, one of the most beloved characters in the parade's history, has a great view flying over Central Park West in Manhattan. 科米特,感恩节游行史上最受欢迎的角色之一,飞过曼哈顿的中央公园。
A butterfly in New York's Central Park on a small yellow wings flapping a bit, so Tokyo by storm lightning. 一只蝴蝶在纽约中央公园的小黄花上扇动了一下翅膀,于是东京掀起风暴电闪雷鸣。
Oh, do come. They're awful nice boys. We'll get you back in time. We're only going for a drive in Central Park. 哦,去吧,他们是些好小伙子。我们会准时送你回去的。我们只去中央公园兜兜风。
"We live on Central Park West, " she said. "Come and see us sometime. " “我们住在中央公园西路,”她说,“有空来拜访我们。”
No wonder, with so many multimillionaires packed into a country smaller than New York's Central Park. 这也难怪,毕竟这个面积比纽约中央公园还小的国家富豪云集。
Build your own New York with its most famous monuments and sites: the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park and more! 修建您自己的纽约与它的最著名的纪念碑和建筑物:帝国大厦、自由女神象,中央公园和其它的!
We went for a bus to ride up Fifth Avenue and then walked for a while around Central Park Lake. 我们乘公共汽车来到五号大街,在中央公园湖畔蹓跶一会儿。