
美 [tʃeɪn]英 [tʃeɪn]
  • n.链条;链子;锁链;一系列
  • v.用锁链拴住(或束缚、固定)
  • 网络连锁;一连串;项圈

复数:chains 现在分词:chaining 过去式:chained

long chain,gold chain,human chain,own chain,large chain
break chain,form chain,buy chain,base chain,sell chain


n. v.

金属链metal rings

1.[c][u]链子;链条;锁链a series of connected metal rings, used for pulling or fastening things; a length of chain used for a particular purpose

相关连的事connected things

2.[c]一系列,一连串(人或事)a series of connected things or people

商店;旅馆of shops/hotels

3.[c]连锁商店(或旅馆)a group of shops/stores or hotels owned by the same company


4.[c][usupl]约束;束缚a thing that restricts sb's freedom or ability to do sth

机械专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... 联轴器 coupling chain 皮带 strap ...


死飞_百度百科 ... 11. 皮带 Straps 12. 链条 Chain 13. 前轮 Front Wheel ...


连字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 连署〖 countersigned;jointlysigned〗 连锁chain〗 连天〖 fordays〗 ...


最全的词根大全 - 豆丁网 ... (en+cage 笼子) (en+chain 锁链) ② 表示"使…进入状态" (em+power 权力) ...


2013年高考英语词汇表_百度文库 ... century 世纪; chain 链子;连锁; challenge 挑 战; ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... improved improvedadj. 改良的 chain n. 链(条),镣铐, 一连串, 一系列 torture n. 折磨, 痛苦, 拷问, 拷打 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... certificate n. 证书,证件,执照 chain n. 链,链条,项圈 chair n. 椅子;主席 ...


test99_bec_words - 豆丁网 ... CEO n. Chief Executive Officer (美)总经理 chain n. 连锁店 challenger n. 挑战者 ...

"A great deal of them are new customers, " she said, adding they might previously have walked on to a chain. 莎木说道:“很大一部分顾客都是头一次来店里,”“由于以前不接受信用卡,他们会径直去大一点的连锁咖啡店。”
One supporter recently had two chain saws stolen in a parking lot, and he said it would never have happened had he had his gun handy. 其中的一位支持者日前就在一个停车场内被盗走了两个链锯,他说如果他可以随时拔出他的枪,这一切就本不会发生。
Among the Chain Scale segments, the Luxury segment was the only one to report an increase in any of the three key metrics. 在连锁酒店中,唯有豪华酒店的这三个关键指标是有所提高的。
This can be a chain reaction, with the volunteer team then feeling more empowered to go a step further with its own charity efforts. 这是一系列连锁反应,然后志愿者队伍感觉更有影响力,进一步提高了自己的慈善工作。
for a substance to be capable of forming a structural unit of a polymer chain is that it must be difunctional. 显然,对于能成为聚合物链结构单元的物质的基本要求是:它必须是双官能的。
Jack was off the chain when he found out his girlfriend was cheating on him. 当杰克发现他女朋友对他三心二意的时候,他简直疯了。
"I could say that the supply chain design is now upside down. The environment has changed, " he said. “我得说目前的供应链设计完全颠倒了。环境发生了变化。”他表示。
In terms of a supply chain, the total time needed for an order to be processed. 在供给链中,一个订单被处理的总时间。
Last week, after news reports of a chain store limiting basmati rice sales surfaced, his wife headed to a local Indian grocer to snag a bag. 此前有新闻报导称一家连锁店限制顾客的大米购买量,之后他的妻子很快到当地的一家印度食品店里买了一袋大米。
If it is not the last computer in the chain, all the computers that are intermediaries must be trusted for delegation. 如果它不是链中的最后一台计算机,则必须信任中间的所有计算机,使它们可用于委托。
He knew wolves and grizzlies were nearby. And he knew he was no longer at the top of the food chain. 狼群和灰熊就在附近,他深知自己随时有可能被吃掉。
"Well, " said salesman, "Let's see what's the matter, " He then pulled the cable and the chain saw sprang into action. “那好,”推销员说,“让我们去看看是怎么回事。”于是他就拉上电缆和链锯付诸行动。
Now and then he took a gold pencil-case from his watch - chain and made an entry in the margin. 他不时从他的表链上取下一个金铅笔盒,在书边上做个记号。
It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time. 过于为未来担忧是错误的,命运的链条上,我们唯一能抓住的只有现在。
Mr. Chanos grew up in Milwaukee, one of three sons born to the owners of a chain of dry cleaners. Chanos在密尔沃基长大,是干洗店连锁业主的三个儿子之一。
And he took the cloak and the amber chain from the chest where they lay, and showed them to her. 接着他便从衣柜里取出了琥珀项链和金斗篷,拿给女人看。
If it finds that it has, it does no further processing and transfers control to the next filter in the filter chain (see Step 4 below). 如果是的话,它将不再进一步进行处理,并将控制权传输给过滤器链中的下一个过滤器(参见下面的第4个步骤)。
However there is no need to tell the consumer if GM has been used further back in the food chain. 然而,并不需要告诉消费者转基因是否更早的时候已经被用于食物链中。
He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it. 他奋力地拉着链子,想要将其拖上船,然而链子看起来似乎根本没有末端。
The mercury ascends the food chain up to the Yanomami in the form of a neurotoxin that especially affects child development. 水银下楼到雅诺马马食物链的形式,尤其是影响儿童神经发展。
Every now and again a chain of illumination flew across the hills. I imagined it to be the train going round. 不时的还有一串光明从山上横飞过,想是火车周行。
How much defence ability does a iron chain armour have? 铁丝串的琐子甲还有多少防御能力?
Shakti wrenched her pitchfork from the charred flesh of her first victim. The chain of goblins fell into a smoking pile. 沙克提扭转三叉戟,松开她第一个受害者所留下的碳状残骸,然后那一串地精冒着烟倒成一堆。
Experts believe that melamine as pesticides , fertilizers and containers entering the human food chain, but it should be "very low. " 专家认为,三聚氰胺会随着农药、肥料和容器,进入人类食物链,但应该是“极微量”。
near the beginning of a chain of events that led to the Great Depression, a period of economic decline in the industrialized nations. 也是临近一连串引发美国大萧条的事件发生之际,同时是世界上许多工业化国家经济衰退之期。
If you're used to a smoke with your morning coffee, switch to tea, or stop at Starbucks for a cup of java -- the chain is smoke-free. 如果你经常有工作后喝酒或者抽烟的习惯,请换成茶或者干脆停留在星吧客享受下无烟的美妙。
Tips on food packaging industry is relatively mature industry, the industrial chain of mature, the novice industry have to be very careful. 提示食品包装行业是比较成熟的行业,产业链成熟,新手进入这个行业要非常慎重。
Peptides are short oligomer and polymer substances made up of two or more amino acids linked in a chain. 肽是短的寡聚物或两个及以上氨基酸连接成的肽链组成的聚合体。
Things from everyday life. They found a copper mirror. a gold chain and a gold bracelet. 他们发现一面铜镜子。金色的链和一个金色的手镯。
A Web resource can be configured to have no filters associated with it (default), a single filter (typical), or even a chain of filters. Web资源可以配置为没有过滤器与之关联(这是默认情况)、与单个过滤器关联(这是典型情况),甚至是与一个过滤器链相关联。