change the world

  • 网络改变世界;改造全世界;犬夜叉

change the worldchange the world

change the world


Angel Beats!_百度百科 ... Goodbye Days 离别的日子 Change the World 改变世界 Knockin' on heaven's door 敲响天堂的大门 ...


犬夜叉 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 4. ANGELUS - 祈祷之钟-/岛谷瞳 “改造全世界”( CHANGE THE WORLD) “掌握!”( …


v6 - 搜索结果 - mp3听“我的” - WoDeMp3 ... Will (截取版) - V6 Change the World 犬夜叉 - V6 GOOD DAY 水晶盒子 - V6 ...


最新全球电影排行榜 - 飞亚网 ... 老无所依 No Country for Old Men L改变世界 L:Change the World 大灌篮 Kung Fu Dunk ...


跪求迈克尔杰克逊的cry的中英文歌词_百度知道 ... cry 哭泣 change the world 改变世界吧! +qq 群85627558 ...


西城的所有歌曲_百度知道 ... 06 I Don't Wanna Fight( 我不想吵) 07 Change The World( 改变这世界) 08 Moments( 真爱时刻) ...


新托福5... ... ü what the world needs is 世界所需要的 ü change the world 改变这个世界 ü feel cool to do sth 做某事非常酷 ...

The 2011 equinox will manifest with a flood of information that will change the world as you know it to be. 2011年春秋分时刻会彰显信息洪流,改变你所知道的世界。
The bank's motto, "Let's Change the World, " served as a marketing device and a rallying cry for progressive community activism. 该银行的座右铭“让我们改变世界”既是一种营销工具,也是进步社区运动的战斗口号。
One of its implications was that if, as an idealistic young person, you wanted to change the world, then become a scientist. 这份报告的含义之一是,作为一个理想主义的年轻人,你要成为一名科学家才能改变世界。
At Noma, he said, "We're not trying to change the world, and I'm not being judgmental. " 在诺玛餐厅的时候,他曾表示说,“我们不是在尝试改变世界,另外,我也不是用来让别人评头论足的。”
She thought that she'd be the one who can change the world. Always trying to pave the way for women in a. . . man's world. 她想她会成为改变世界的哪一个,总是尝试着为妇女们铺设道路…在男人的世界。
I kept trying to do everything I could and I wanted to be somebody, somebody called Miss Big who could change the world. 那时我对新鲜事物都愿意去了解、去尝试,因为我梦想成为一名大人物——一名可以改变世界的大人物。
You are not asked to change the world, but at least start changing YOUR WORLD if there is need to, and that you KNOW. 你没有被要求去改变世界,但是至少开始改变你的世界,如果需要的话,如果你知晓的话。
But I doubt that this crisis will change the world anything like as profoundly. 但这场危机会像那次一样深远地改变世界,我表示怀疑。
I don't think she's trying to change the world or force an opinion down anyone's throat, despite what you moron commentators are saying. 你这白痴说了这么多,我也不认为她要试着改变世界或者压制别人的言论。
If I could, I'd be a billionaire, as it would change the world. 如果我可以的话,我早就成为亿万富翁了,因为它可以改变世界。
Kindness expands the light within us and reaches out to touch the light in others as well. This can change the world. 慈悲心将我们内在的光散发出去,并和他人的光联结而这个过程就能改变世界。
She understood the power of gesture and that her royal charisma could shine a light on very dark places and change the world for the better. 她理解的权力姿态,她的皇室能够魅力光芒照十分黑暗的地方改变世界变得更美好。
"The students had come to see me thinking their congressman could change the world and I, in effect, had told them I couldn't. " 他说,“学生们来看我,以为他们的国会议员能改变世界,而我,实际上是在告诉他们我不能。”
At the age of 32, Fuller set out on a one man quest to change the world for the better. 到了32岁时,富勒开始探寻使世界变得更好的途径。
We will have won the general election, and you and I together, we are gonna change this country, and we are gonna change the world. 我们将赢得大选,你们和我一起,我们将改变这个国家,我们将改变这个世界。
Everyone enjoys music but did you know it could improve the lives of sick kids? A famous musician once said music could change the world! 每个人都很喜欢音乐,但你是否知道它可以提高生活的生病的孩子在一起吗?一位著名的音乐家曾经说过的音乐能改变世界!
Do not give up hope, do not every stop trying to change the world, unless you are satisfied with the world the way it is. 但是请不要放弃希望,不要放弃改变这世界的努力,当然,除非你对现状非常满意了。
It is probably not the time and I don't want to be taken wrongly but I can't help thinking, asking myself did he really change the world? 可能这不是时候,我也不想遭人误解,但是我不禁会思考,会问我自己,他真的改变了世界吗?
We are not so strong to change the world or to turn the tide, but we could create the belief of miracle by human being's nature. 我们不打算力挽狂澜,也无力改变世界,但我们可以在人间的温情中重拾神奇的信念。
If I were you and if I could not change the world, I would change myself. 如果我是你,并且无法改变世界,我会改变自己。(这就是虚拟语气)
Yet the combination of a financial collapse with a huge recession, if not something worse, will surely change the world. 然而,一场金融崩溃与一次严重经济衰退(如果不是什么更糟糕的情形)结合在一起,势必将改变世界。
Even so, a field that was just a curiosity in 1993 is now poised to change the world--all because we invested in basic research. 尽管这样,这个在1993年还是件新奇事物的领域现在将要改变世界——这都是因为我们花精力进行了基础研究。
"We are anxious to see him get to work so we can change the world with him, " President Sarkozy said. 萨科齐说:“我们急切盼望他开始工作,以便我们能和他一起改变这个世界。”
Maybe you had a dream of becoming somebody. An actor, a writer, or just a happy husband. Maybe you wanted to change the world. 也许你的梦想是成为一个名人,一名演员,一名作者或是一位快乐的丈夫;
And they are creating a social networking system that will seek to be a sort of MySpace for the change-the-world crowd. 同时他们也在为这群想改变世界的人建一个类似MySpace的社交网络系统。
And this people would shift the consciousness from mind- consciousness into a heart-consciousness and change the world. 这些人会将头脑意识转换到心灵意识,并改变整个世界
We're not trying to change the world, just help people understand each other a bit better. 我们不是要改变世界,只是想帮助人们增进相互了解。
This sci-tech system consists of almost all the knowledge that people use to understand and change the world. 该体系揭示了现代科学技术发展的整体情况,其内容几乎囊括了人类认识世界、改造世界的全部知识。
She said, "Hey, JR, your wish is not to save the world, but to change the world. " 她说,“嗨,JR,你的心愿不用非得拯救世界,可以是改变世界啊。”
Expect to see amazing things and technologies coming soon that will change the world. 期待能看到更多新奇的东西和科技来改变这个世界。