
美 [tʃip]英 [tʃiːp]
  • adj.花钱少的;便宜的;廉价的;收费低廉的
  • adv.低价地;廉价地;便宜地
  • 网络最便宜的;最无耻的人;低价促销

比较级:cheaper 最高级:cheapest

cheap gas,cheap source,cheap fare,cheap imitation,cheap novel


低价low price

1.花钱少的;便宜的;廉价的costing little money or less money than you expected

2.收费低廉的charging low prices

劣质poor quality

3.价低质劣的low in price and quality


4.令人讨厌的;明显不友好的;不和善的unpleasant or unkind and rather obvious

地位低下low status

5.卑微的;卑贱的;可鄙的having a low status and therefore not deserving respect

不大方not generous

6.(informal)小气的;抠门儿的not liking to spend money


cheap at the price

价钱虽高但还合算so good or useful that the cost does not seem too much

on the cheap

低廉地;廉价地spending less money than you usually need to spend to do sth


单词加est和iest什么意思?什么词要加?_百度知道 ... friendliest: 最有善 cheapest 最便宜的 friendliest 最友善的 ...


...f shame),他们也因此是“最不值得尊敬的人/最无耻的人Cheapest)”。


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最低廉 是现时世界上最好 (Best) 及最低廉 (Cheapest) 之 VPN 服务供应商。无论您身处何地,只要有网络 …

It's one of the cheapest times to borrow but it's not as if consumers are flocking to cash in on low interest rates. 尽管现在的借款利率已达最低,但这并不意味着消费者就会趋之若鹜,抓住这一机会大把地借钱。
Mr Ghosn would not be drawn on the eventual price of the Bajaj car but pledged that it would be the cheapest car to make. 戈恩不愿意透露巴贾吉这款汽车的最终定价,但发誓它会是制造成本最低的汽车。
Partly for that reason, Brazil is not the cheapest place in the world to grow soyabeans (Argentina is, followed by the American Midwest). 部分由于这个原因,巴西在在全球范围内不能算作是种植大豆成本最低的地方(阿根廷排第一,其次是美国的中西部)。
For instance, Brazilian coffee is often transported by ocean vessels because these steamships are the cheapest method of transportation. 比如,巴西出口的咖啡经常用远洋货轮来运输,因为其费用最低。
When the wind is blowing, it is usually the cheapest peaking power available, so it keeps the natural gas plants shut off. 当起风的时候,风力通常是最廉价的可用调峰能源,如此一来天然气发电厂就可以关闭。
The cheapest bail-out in the world, as he initially called it, turned into one of the costliest. 世界上最便宜的纾困,正如他最初所叫的,逐渐演变成了最昂贵的纾困之一了。
That year , we seemed to be so rich that we'd rather become the babysitter of our lovers than buy a cheapest pearl necklace for my mum. 那一年我们好像很有钱,成为自己情侣吃穿的保姆,回家的时候却不能给妈妈买一条最便宜的珍珠项链。
Using a light shining on a suspended mirror with a magnet attached to it is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to make a magnetometer. 用一个灯照著悬挂的镜子,镜子上附著一块磁铁。这是制作磁力计最简单也最便宜的方式。
This method may not be perfect, but it must be the cheapest, very easy to start and manage. 这种方法可能不是最完美的,但一定是成本最低的,非常易于启动和管理。
He really is a miser : for my birthday, he gave me a piece of grass because he said it was the cheapest thing he could find! 他真是个吝啬鬼:我过生日的时候,他送我一根草,说是因为那是他能找到的最便宜的东西!
It would be tragic if those jobs simply left again and went to the next cheapest place -- and that cheapest place might be the US. 如果就是简单地将这些职位移至下一个廉价劳动力市场,是悲哀的——而那个廉价劳动力市场也许就是美国。
The cheapest and most convenient method for the exporter to obtain the finance is to obtain loan or over draft assistance from his own bank. 使得出口商取得融资的最便宜和最方便的方法是求助于往来的银行以得到货款或透支。
He never traveled to any place 200 km away from the city. Essentially, everything he used was the cheapest possible. 他没有去过城外200公里以外的任何地方,而且他生活上的任何东西都是不能再便宜的了。
In another sign of a reporter asked salespersons , the cheapest sofa how much money one? 在另外一家小店,记者问售货员,最便宜的沙发多少钱一个?
Thus, if your product's value is perceived as equal to that of others, naturally the cheapest alternative will win. 因此,如果你的产品价值被认为和其他供应商的产品同质,自然那个价格最便宜的供应商就会获胜。
Chinese cigarettes are also among the cheapest in the world, with a packet costing as little as a few cents. 中国的香烟也是世界范围内最便宜的烟草产品之一,而一包香烟也只有几美分而已。
In order to find the cheapest international airline tickets, actually we have to call quite a few travel agencies. 为了拿到最便宜的国际机票,实际上我们得打电话去好几个旅行社查问。
I am going with the cheapest and quickest, like i said if you already have a program like this i will except that as well after i test it. 我将与最便宜,最快,就像我说,如果你已经有了一个这样的我将只是在我的测试,以及它的方案。
One of our clients wants us to ask the cheapest price available for the mechanical equipments as listed under. 我方的一个客户要求我方询问如下规格的机械工具的最优惠实盘价格。
These two suits are the cheapest that you can ever find, but I think this one is better for you, it just the pants are little longer. 这两套西装价格都一样不能再宜了,不过我觉得这套西装很适合你,就裤子长了点。
Either way, just like the cheapest old stogie , it'll be up in smoke. 无论如何,它也像最廉价的老雪茄,终将化为烟雾。
With a 7-inch display, the Fire is about half the size of the iPad. At $199, it's also less than half the price of the cheapest Apple model. Fire那7英寸的屏幕差不多是iPad的一半大小,199美元的定价也比苹果最便宜的型号优惠一半。
9, Because while a franchise might be the least risky way to set up a business, it is certainly not the cheapest. 因为加盟店是风险最小的创业形式,所以它当然不是最便宜的。
This amazing product was the fastest sheetfed colour digital printer at the show as well as being one of the cheapest. 该机是当时展出的速度最快、价格最便宜的单张纸彩色数码印刷机。
How much is your cheapest room per night? 最便宜的一晚上多少钱?
The cheapest fares do not allow you to make any changes to your booking. 最便宜的机票不允许你对预定做任何改变。
I personally have the bottom-line model which I got for free when I signed up for the cheapest cell phone plan. 我自己的手机就是我参与最便宜手机计划时免费获得的最便宜的款型。
Since saving forests is often the cheapest way to tackle carbon emissions, funding it this way makes sense. 既然减少碳排放量最经济的方法是保护雨林,那么用这种方法集资是合理的。
A: She told me off for about ten minutes, told me that I was the cheapest guy she has ever met, called me loser, and then stormed off. 她骂了我将近十分钟,说我是她见过的最小气的男人,说我是失败者,然后就摔门走了。
Cairo is not only the cheapest for buyers, but it may even be a good prospect for buy-to-let investors. 在开罗不仅买房便宜,对于那些“买后租”的投资者也会是一个好去处。