check in

  • v.〈美〉报到;(旅馆)登记
  • 网络入住;办理登记手续;签到

第三人称单数:checks in 现在分词:checking in 过去式:checked in

check incheck in

check in


Photoshop中英文对照列表 ... Manage Workflow 管理工作流程 1 Check In 登记 2 Undo Check Out 还原注销 3 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... under the charge of 在…掌管(或看管)之下 check in 办理登记手续,报到 check out 结账后离开;检 …


团团团致入住CHECK IN ) 自团手团分配房号 房团团付团 房团免打团 房团早叫醒 未团其人,先知其名 房团名字 - 房 团团 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... under the charge of 在…掌管(或看管)之下 check in 办理登记手续,报到 check out 结账后离开;检 …


签到(check in)变成一种习惯 袁楚;(37) 移动支付2011年或升温 高媛;(38) 行业恶性事件引发社会关注 袁楚;(39-40) 地方和行业 …


在执行签入(check in)、签出(check out)、撤消签出(undo check out)、取出最新版本(get latest version)和文件合并(merge branc…


普吉岛中英泰常用词汇对照表(非常实用) ... 登记牌 boarding pass 办理登机手续 check in 候机室 departure lounge ...


Welcome to Shanghai - 豆丁网 ... 接待 ● reception 登记入住check in 填表 ● fill in the form ...

I decided to check in early with Madame and go to bed, and I put the yearbooks away. 我收好了年刊,我要提前向法国夫人报名,然后上床。
Check in staff tried to overcharge when checking in and then took half an hour to sort it out. 我们入住的时候,办理入住登记的工作人员竟然想对我们乱要价,于是我们花了半个小时才把事情解决。
I was agonisingly close to leaving Russia but I had no idea where I should check in, or what time the ship would depart. 对于将要离开俄罗斯我不无惆怅,但是我还没有弄清楚上船的码头在哪里,开船是什么时间。
The plug-in does everything you want from a source-code management tool, making it easy to check in and check out files. 该插件将通过源代码管理工具使您可以轻松地检入和检出文件,实现您想要的一切。
Keep your rhythm steady and check in with her about how much pressure to use and if she likes direct stimulation of her clitoris. 保持稳定的节奏并向她确认需要多大的压力,或是她喜欢直接刺激阴蒂。
He said the incident occurred during a maintenance check in preparation for the plane's departure. 事故发生时,此机械员正在做该机离开前的保养检查。
The clerk at the hotel office had commented to me at check-in that we were one of the youngest couples she had ever seen there. 旅馆办事处的工作人员在我们登记入住时告诉我,我们是她在那儿工作以来看到的最年轻的住客。
Be sure to check in regularly on this websites as I will be writing in all season long to tell you about my life on and off the court. 大家一定要常来这儿看看,我会在整个赛季中在博客上记录我球场内外的生活。
We were able to check in right away and the front desk staff were very helpful. 我们能够马上登记入住,前台服务员非常有帮助。
Establish a check-in policy that determines whether a user is trying to check in a binary file from a particular folder structure. 建立一个签入策略,以确定用户是否正尝试从特定的文件夹结构签入二进制文件。
When we arrived we were greeted warmly and since we were early to check in, we were allowed to leave our luggage with the receptionist. 我们抵达的时候,他们热情地招待我们,由于来的时间早于我们预定的时间,我们把行李存放在前台接待处。
Check-in notes can be configured as mandatory fields by an administrator and must be completed during the check- in process . 签入说明可配置为管理员必填的字段,并且必须在签入过程期间完成。
Police officials said the detained man was not on any international no-fly lists and that he had cleared a security check in Canada. 警方说,被拘留的男子并不在任何国际禁飞名单上,而他也通过了加拿大的安全检查。
Airport have to tell you which flight display in which the counter, tickets, identification cards to airport check-in staff. 机场都有显示屏告诉你哪个航班在哪个柜台,将机票、身份证交给机场值机人员。
When they got to the airport and ran up to the check- in counter, they were both out of breath. 他们到了机场,冲向登机报到柜台,两个人都上气不接下气。
Check in with your gut first, then your shoulders, arms, legs, and any other part of your body that calls your awareness. 首先注意的是你的胃,然后是你的肩膀、手臂、腿和任何唤来你意识的其它部位。
I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I'll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. 我希望这是许多中的其中一次,在我们开始着手把《破晓》搬上大荧幕时,我能向你们汇报。
You will check in a minute to see if it was added in the code. 很快您将要检查它是否被添加到了代码中。
Check in with her -- her sensitivity may only be limited to her nipples or other parts of her breasts. 和她讨论一下-她的敏感区可能仅限于她的乳头或是她胸的某些部分。
Efficient check-in: An efficient check-in script was used to put the binary directories into Subversion. 高效签入:使用一个高效签入脚本将二进制目录存入Subversion中。
Also can consider ZhangJiang scenic areas of the hotel check-in, can more convenient the next day in size seven holes for leisure. 也可以考虑入住樟江风景区的旅馆,可以更方便第二天到大小七孔游玩。
ENTER key to check: In the input directly after the ENTER key to see how the system reacts, whether throws some error. 回车键检查:在输入后直接回车键,看看系统的反应,是提示一些错误。
The Royale Lounge provides personalized check-in and check-out services, continental breakfast, all-day refreshments and evening cocktails. 行政楼层提供快速入住和退房服务,自助餐早点,点心饮料及晚间鸡尾酒。
All of these steps, which take only a few moments in a smoothly functioning system, make up the check-in or registration procedure. 住宿和登记的所有手续,如果办事顺畅,只消片刻即可全部办完。
Thank you for choosing our hotel check-in and willing to put our hotel to recommend to your more friends. 非常感谢您选择我酒店入住及愿意把我们酒店推荐给您更多的朋友。
Sam: Just a sec sweetheart, I need to call the office first to check in. 等一下就好,甜心,我需要先打电话到公司报到。
It was expected to check in with air traffic controllers at a. m. GMT but did not do so, the Brazilian air force said in a statement. 巴西空军在一份声明中说,原本应该在格林尼治时间早上3:20分与空中交通管制的负责人进行联系的,但是飞机却没有再联系空中交通管协站。
Encouraging receptionist escorting guest up to room after check in whenever is possible. 鼓励员工尽可能在办完入住登记手续后带客人进房间。
Think of how much more frequently and confidently developers could check in their code -- thus further enhancing overall team efficiency. 想想开发人员会多频繁且多有信心地检入他们的代码——从而进一步提高了整个团队的效率。
Shelve your pending changes when you are not ready to or cannot check in a set of pending changes. 在您未准备好或者无法签入一组挂起的更改时,可以搁置挂起的更改。