
美 [tʃik]英 [tʃiːk]
  • n.脸颊;面颊;有…面颊的;面颊…的
  • v.对…粗鲁无礼地说
  • 网络脸蛋;腮红;腮帮子


turn cheek,kiss cheek
left cheek,rosy cheek


n. v.

1.[c]面颊;脸颊either side of the face below the eyes

2.有…面颊的;面颊…的having the type of cheeks mentioned

4.[u][sing]令人讨厌(或粗鲁、无礼)的话(或行为)talk or behaviour that people think is annoying, rude or lacking in respect


cheek by jowl (with sb/sth)

(和…)紧靠着,紧挨着very close to sb/sth

turn the other cheek

(受到伤害或被激怒时)甘心容忍,不予回击to make a deliberate decision to remain calm and not to act in an aggressive way when sb has hurt you or made you angry


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... kiss n 吻 cheek 面颊;脸蛋 celebration n 庆祝;庆典 △ ...


人体器官英语单词_百度文库 ... ear 耳朵 cheek 脸颊 forehead 额头 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... kiss n 吻 cheek 面颊;脸蛋 celebration n 庆祝;庆典 △ ...


首页-水妆落美丽团团转-淘宝网 ... 散粉 powder 腮红 cheek 眼影 eye shadow ...


腮字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 腮 sāi 腮帮子cheek〗 腮红〖 rouge〗 ...


与口腔咀嚼活动相适应,口裂缩小,出现颊部(cheek),使咀嚼的食物碎屑不致掉落。树栖生活类群如松鼠、猴的颊部还发展了 …

She looked up at him with a smile. A soft pink crept over her cheek, and her eyes were kind and frank. 她抬起头,微笑地看着他,脸颊泛出淡淡红晕,眼里流露出温柔和坦诚。
After the Times obit came out, Craig sent me an e mail with the tongue-in-cheek subject line: "How you and I created modeern civilization. " 在Timesobit发表之后,Craig给我发送了一封电子邮件,半开玩笑式的邮件主题是:你我是怎样共同创造了现代文明的。
His mother turned the other cheek when he took the cookie. 他拿饼干的时候,他妈妈假装没看见。
But amazingly the tiger hung his head, stretched a paw out to her hand and rubbed his cheek against where the girl's face was. 让人大跌眼镜的是,老虎垂下头来,张开爪子,与玻璃对面的小女孩互搓着脸颊。
As a guy you should be planning to see her to her cab and then give her a small kiss on the cheek. 作为一个绅士,你应该计划将她护送到出租车,然后在她脸颊上轻吻一下。
She had never struck a slave in all her life, but now she slapped the black cheek with all the force in her tired arm. 她有生以来还没有打过奴仆,可此刻她使出了那只疲乏手臂的全部力气在百里茜的黑脸上抽了一记耳光。
But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 但我要告诉你的是,不要反抗罪恶的人,如果有人打你的右脸,你就转给他你的右脸。
When I kissed her on her cheek, she told me not to come too close to her in case I caught her pneumonia. 我吻她的面颊时,她叫我不要太靠近她,以免感染到她的肺炎。
Paley had the cheek to say that he was one of those who had pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. 佩利厚颜无耻地说,他属于靠自己努力而白手起家的那一类人。
As the two walked away, I looked to the sky. There I saw my answer, too. Tears began to run down my cheek, and with a big sigh I prayed. 爷孙俩走远了。我仰望天空,在那里我也找到了我的答案。泪水开始滑过我的脸颊,我深深地叹了一口气,开始祈祷……
It was the first time that the young man had pronounced her name since he had left Skuytercliff, and he felt the colour rise to his cheek. 自从离开斯库特克利夫后,年轻人这是第一次提她的名字,他感觉脸上泛起一阵红晕。
Sadie had her hand clapped to her cheek as though she had toothache. 沙娣好像牙痛似的,把一只手敲着她的面颊。
When he said he wasn't going to run for office any more, he probably had his tongue in his cheek. 他说他不打算再进行竞选公职时,大概是言不由衷。
I wish I was one of your tears, so I could be born in your eye, rundown your cheek, and die on your lips. 我希望我是你的一滴眼泪,在你的眼睛里诞生,在你的脸颊上流淌,在你的嘴唇上消逝。
Because is away from far, the cheek very is as if all attractive, nobody appears specially prominently. 由于距离较远,脸蛋似乎都很漂亮,谁也不显得特别突出。
At the conclusion of my story, my eyes locked with Mr. Reynold's eyes, and I saw a tear slowly sliding down his cheek. 读完故事,我注视著雷诺兹先生,一颗泪珠沿他的面颊慢慢流下。
The fine print to spurt the code machine is mainly used for smaller characters, Numbers, and graphics on her cheek products spray. 小字喷码机主要用于将较小文字、数字和图形等喷印子产品上。
The procedure also requires the cheek tissue graft to remain over the eye surface, which gives it a strange, skin-like appearance. 这个过程还需要在眼睛表面留下脸颊组织移植物,这使眼部出现了像皮肤奇怪的外观。
But as the picture was being set up, a boy in the back row turned to girl sitting next to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. 不过在拍好的照片中我们可以看到,坐在最后排的小男孩转向他旁边的女同学,在她的脸颊上亲了一口。
The question may be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it relates to a serious discussion as flood-swollen Yangtze River continues to test the dam. 上面的问题或许有点开玩笑的意味,不过在长江洪水继续考验三峡大坝之际,这个问题却关系到一场严肃的讨论。
Benjy hesitated, his small hand going up to cover a bruise on his left cheek and a cut beneath the lower lip. 本杰犹豫不决,他的小手往上把左颊上的一块青肿和下唇下面的一处伤口捂了起来。
He felt something brush his cheek and looked up, startled. It had begun to rain. 麦克斯感到有什么东西从他的脸上滑过,他向上看去,下雨了。
When the wind gently touched my cheek and I pass by, the wisps cool tightly with my heart strings. 当风轻轻地拂过我的面颊与我擦肩而过,那缕缕凉风紧紧扣着心我弦。
The simple kiss is nothing fancy, just a quick smooch on the lips, the cheek, anywhere. 单纯的吻没有什么好想象的就是吻嘴,脸颊,任何地方。
He was asked, tongue in cheek, if he could think of any place he would rather be. 当有人开玩笑问他是否考虑过一些其他他认为更好的地方。
To help you take an umbrella, you for me to ask the cheek of the rain. 帮你收起雨伞,你为我抚去脸颊的雨水。
"No, it's ok. I can deal with that alone, plus you worked all day in the clinic, " said Lisa smiling and kissing Thomas on the cheek. “不,没关系。我可以一个人处理。而且你也在诊所忙了一整天了。”丽莎笑着吻了吻托马斯的脸颊。
Sarah glances away and he can see that she's biting the inside of her cheek, trying to resist the argument. 莎拉的眼睛朝别处看去,他看得出来她正咬着脸颊里面的肉,尽量不和自己吵架。
The enduring image afterward was one of the beaming winner cheek to cheek with her beaming husband. 接下来一个让人难以忘怀的情景是这位笑盈盈的冠军和她同样笑盈盈的丈夫脸拥吻。
The cheek is so dry, and the tear moves so slowly that you focus on it for a while, the tear traveling across the wide desert plain. 脸颊是那么的干,泪水流动是那么的慢,你盯着看了好久,眼泪在广阔的荒原上流淌。