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汉姓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 潘 Pan Cheng 施 Shi ...

中文翻译英文名_百度文库 ... CHEN 陈 CHENG CHEONG 张 ...

太宗世民——吴王恪——成王仁(千里)——天水郡王禧——cheng)国公峒(dong)——唐凤翔府司录参军定——映——景 …

如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 百里--Pai- li C - -Cheng 崔- -Tsui ...

...en)oor ;角(Chiao):Corner ;(Cheng):Uprightness ,其中的其 (Chi):Thi s 指的就是「这个」,「门」 (Door)与「角」 (Cor…

A HA! 心情杂物间: 地址英译 - yam天空部落 ... 乡 Hsiang Cheng 乡、镇 Township ...


Tunghai Chem 1982-2002 latest_directory ... 陈俊宏 Chen,Jyun-Hung 郑秀瑶 Cheng, 戚明志 Chi, ...


郑富森 (Cheng) (1998)。浅谈国中基本学力测验之评监原则。

The speaker was a young political worker, on his way, like me, to the headquarters of General Liu Po-cheng. 说话的人是一位年轻的政工干部,他和我一样也是前往刘伯承将军总部去的。
Big S tells Cheng Fang that she used to have cancer and her cancer may return anytime. She is unable to say what will happen in the future. 大S对程方说出自己曾经患癌的事,虽然病情受到控制,但已经不能生育,又不知何时会复发,是一个没有明天的人。
'Our legal counsel is still studying the matter and we're still trying to understand the details of the case, ' Mr. Cheng said. 郑慧明说,公司的法律顾问还在研究这件事,而且我们也在努力了解案件详情。
During the Ming dynasty, a Buddhist called Wang Cheng was always willing to help others, especially orphans and the poor. 明代的时候,有一位佛教徒,叫王成,他总是乐意助人,尤其是孤儿和穷人。
" You better than I imagine the beautiful. " Cheng Yakun say in the heart truth. “你比我想象中漂亮。”成亚坤说出心中的实话。
Cheng Fumin, president of the China Gold Association, said sales of gold had risen since the beginning of the year. 中国黄金协会会长成辅民说,从今年年初以来黄金的销售量呈上升态势。
Mr Cheng's backing is likely to be seen as a vote of confidence in London's already booming property market. 郑家纯的支持可能被看成是对已经很繁荣的伦敦地产市场投出的一张信任票。
Thoughts Pianfei Cheng Po Kong out of thousands of butterflies, and the total number of speechless moved. 思绪翩飞成彩蝶万千破空而出,总有许多说不出地感动。
" He says it is not ready to dispose of my thought, and then call me. " Cheng Ze gnash the teeth in anger. “他说现在还没想好怎么处置我,等想到了再打电话给我。”成泽咬牙切齿的说。
Cheng, the only child in her family, is 29, a borderline "old maid" as far as her mother is concerned. 程,家里的独身子女,29岁,处在“老处女”的边缘,正如她母亲所担心的。
But Cheng's life changed dramatically after an amateur photographer posted pictures of him walking the streets onto the Chinese internet. 但是当一名业余摄影师把程国荣在街上行走的照片放到互联网上后,程国荣的生活发生了巨大的变化。
"If they were allowed to attend senior secondary schools in the city, the results would be very different, " said Prof Cheng. 他们如果被允许在上海上高中,那么结果会非常不同。
Cheng Ze curious with behind Cheng Ze, with him to a remote suburb, a dilapidated shack in the immediate present. 成泽好奇的跟在成泽身后,随他来到一个偏远的郊区,一个破旧的小木屋呈现在眼前。
Moon Geun Young is the child actress in Autumn Sonata, Queen Ming Cheng and lead actress in Painter of the Wind and Cinderella's Sister. 文根英就是《秋之奏鸣曲》里的那个小童星,也是《风之画员》和《灰姑娘的姐妹》的主演。
It was a far cry from just a month ago, when no one even bothered to give Cheng a second look - let alone a piece of bread. 这简直是天壤之别,一个月之前,甚至没有人肯多看程一眼,更不用说给他一片面包之类的了。
Cheng then returned to China to see her parents, for what she feared might be the last time. 程接着回到中国去看望双亲,她恐怕这可能是最后一次了。
One day, a scholar named Yang Shi was going to ask some questions from Master Cheng Yi with one of his friends. 一天,有位叫杨时的学者和他的一位友人打算去向老师程颐求教。
Cheng says her mother was an advocate of this style of clothing. 沈婆婆说她母亲是这种服装的支持者。
Mr Cheng said he believed the fall in Chinese demand was just a "blip in the uptrend" . 郑良豪表示,他相信中国黄金需求的下降只是“上升大势中的小插曲”。
With the greetings for a moment, Cheng Yakun was really boring, was ready to go back, but he suddenly saw taking fruit Han cold moon. 跟那些人寒暄了一会后,成亚坤实在很无聊,本来准备回去了,可他突然看到了正在拿水果的韩冷月。
It was during this detainment that Lo was turned and sent back to Taiwan to convince his handler, Lo Chi-Cheng, to sell out his country. 就在这段时期里,罗彬成了反间谍并且回到台湾说服他的长官,罗正奇,出卖自己的国家。
Yang Shi, a man in the Song Dynasty, once went together with a schoolmate to ask their teacher, Cheng Yi, for advice. 宋代人杨时,有一次和同学一起去向他们的老师程颐请教问题。
(Stare at him in astonishment) Cheng, you must have fallen in love with Heidi. (怔怔地看着他)郑正,我看你是喜欢上海蒂喽。
" Yes, you first sit down, if it was done by Cheng Yakun, he 'd call. " Han Lengyan frowned, looked out of the window, floating in the air. “是啊,你先坐下来,如果真的是成亚坤干的,他肯定会打电话来的。”韩冷烟皱着眉头,目光看着窗外,思绪漂浮在空气中。
At the sight, fear seized upon Cheng Yuanzhi, and before he could defend himself, the great saber fell, cutting him in halves. 看,恐惧抓住程的和之前,他为自己辩护,伟大的马刀砍了一刀,削掉他的一半。
Through the wind and technically more than once, Cheng step of starting at every stage of the race " " have gone a step further in. 历经多次技改后,郑步良的企业开始在每个阶段的“赛跑”中都领先一步。
On weak far-away look let Cheng Ze 's tight, he reached out his hand and took from her eyes glistening tears fall, heart is full up. 月月柔弱无力的茫然神情让成泽心头一紧,他伸手拂去她眼角垂落的晶莹泪珠,心中是满满的不舍。
"When we ask our students why they picked us, ranking is often cited as the number one reason, " says Prof Cheng. “当我们询问学员们为何选择科大时,排名常常被作为首要原因,”郑国汉表示。
"My name is Spring. " she said to Cheng beside her, but her eyes stared at unknown place in the darkness. 我叫春天。她对身边的城说话,可是眼睛却望着前面夜色中不可知的地方。
'I embrace my family values and heritage, ' says Mr. Cheng. 'But I'm also trying to create a new platform for the family with a new style. 郑志刚说,我信奉我们家族的价值观和传统,但我也在努力为家族创造一个具有新风格的新平台;