
美 [tʃest]英 [tʃest]
  • n.胸部;胸膛;有…胸的;胸部…的
  • 网络胸围




1.胸部;胸膛the top part of the front of the body, between the neck and the stomach

2.有…胸的;胸部…的having the type of chest mentioned

3.(常为木制的)大箱子a large strong box, usually made of wood, used for storing things in and/or moving them from one place to another


adidas 的车裤??? - 自行车周边与保养改装 ... ... hip........ 臀围. chest.... 胸围. waist.... 腰围. ...

After she began beating on her chest, she said Toby noticed and got involved. 在她开始拍自己的胸部以后,她说托比注意到了,然后就想帮助她。
The roaring in her ears increased. Her chest muscles jerked, trying to breathe. There wasn't much more time. 她的耳鸣增强。她一试图呼吸她的胸肌便抽蓄不止。时间不能多耽搁了。
Chest bright red scarf will solemnly tell you that, "Today's journey has begun, and tomorrow's better to wait for you to open up. " 胸前鲜艳的红领巾会郑重地告诉你,“今天的旅途已经开始,明天的美好等你去开拓。”
Each downward pulse of your chest should raise your hips above the surface and the same should happen during the single stroke. 每次你的下巴的向下运动都会把你的屁屁送出水面,做每个完整的蝶泳动作时也是一样。
Two days after insertion of chest drains, the patient was able to leave the hospital in a good condition. 两天后胸部插入排水管,病人能够留在条件好的医院。
When his daughter cried, he laid her on her mother's chest and covered them with his coat. 当女儿开始啼哭的时候,杰瑞将她放在她妈*胸前,用外套盖在她身上。
But I really can't find it in the chong ming YP girl, in fact, my focus was on her big chest, which made me neglect to look her eyes. 但是我却没有从崇明硬盘女孩身上找到,事实上,我的注意力集中在她的胸部,这让我忽视了她的眼睛。
When operating , skill action should be spreaded out with arc, tighten up the belly, harbour chest and action should be consistent . 操作时,技术动作呈弧形动作展开,要收腹含胸,动作连贯。
'Pneumonia, following a chill on the chest' was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart. 医生说是‘肺炎,胸部着凉造成的’,但我认为这是典型的伤心过度。
The next day we carted the chest miles away and threw it out. 第二天,我们用马车把衣柜拉到好几英里之外扔了。
With his bowed legs, barrel chest, and prominent ears, he presented a comical appearance, but Jon knew better than to laugh at him. 他相貌特有喜感,罗圈腿,招风耳,胸膛壮如水桶,但琼恩知道最好不要嘲笑他。
While his pale left hand was upon his chest in an attempt to thwart the going of his life, the blood came between his fingers. 他的苍白的左手放在胸前,试图阻止生命消失,血从手指缝中流出。
While lying on the back in this drill, keep the surface of the water level with your chest, stomach, hips and thighs at all times. 本训练始终当以仰泳方式躺平时,让您的胸、腹部、臀部和大腿在水面上。
The pain " went right up my arm and into my chest , and I said, 'Uh- oh, I'm having a heart attack, ' " she said . 那阵疼痛“上窜到我的手臂和胸口,我喊出来‘哦天呐,我心脏病发作了。’”她回想道。
This is why the chest radiograph with tuberculosis or other granulomatous diseases is often described as "reticulonodular" . 这也是肺结核病或其它肉芽肿疾病胸部X线检查被描述为网织结节状的原因。
He worked more carefully, striving to be cool, though his heart was pounding against his chest and his hands were trembling. 后来,他不得不更小心地舀着,尽量让自己冷静,虽然心怦怦直撞,手不住颤抖。
Little Chuan walked slowly out of the inner room, his hands to his chest, coughing repeatedly. 小栓慢慢的从小屋子里走出,两手按了胸口,不住的咳嗽;
It's basically like trying to breath, as a doctor said, while having an elephant standing on your chest. So, that idea disappeared. 但那实在是不太可能,基本上就如医生所说,情况如同一头大象踩住你胸口的同时你还非得呼吸一样。这个法子看来也行不通。
When he reached the ledge, there was no sign of the skeleton, the chest of money, or the hole he had dug the night before. 当他到达了壁架,没有他以前开掘了夜的骨骼、胸口金钱或者孔的标志。
So he seized the chest in his hand and lifted it up a little, as if he were going to throw it into the water. 于是他一只手把箱子略微提起一点,好像真要把它扔到水里去似的。
He shows up in foreign countries in odd dress, with odd make-up and hair-gel preferences, once having pinned a photograph to his chest. 他在海外现身时常常身着异装,怪模怪样,喜欢用发胶,有一次还把一张照片别在胸口。
Hereupon he thought that where the key was, the lock must be also, and dug in the ground and found an iron chest. 他想,既然钥匙在,锁也一定就在附近,便往地里挖,挖出了个铁盒子。
Press your chest up and down in the water as gently and rhythmically as you can. 使你的胸部在水中尽可能轻柔和有节奏地上下运动。
said the farmer, going towards the chest in which his wife had hidden the sexton, who now lay inside, very much frightened. 农夫说。于是他走到箱子那儿。他的妻子早把那个真正的牧师在里面藏好了。
If it's difficult, lie down on your left side, raise your knees up to your chest , then do it. 如果这样做有困难,请向左侧身躺下,抬起膝盖至胸前,再试一次。
He's looking slightly forward, and if you watch Kevin from the side, you can see that the angle of his head mimics the angle of his chest. 凯文的目光略向前方,如果你看他的侧面,他头部的角度与胸部的角度相仿。
The sea was scoured by powerful nets, and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom. 他们用密实的网对大海(海床)进行彻底的搜寻,当一只箱子从海底打捞上来,船上的人们很兴奋(兴奋不已)。
Conventional chest radiography is the means by which lung cancer is often incidentally first identified. 常规的X线胸部摄像检查往往可以偶然地发现肺癌。
For now, rejected by her mother, the palm-size primate is making do with a warm quilt instead of her mum's belly and chest. 眼下,这只被妈妈抛弃的手掌大小的灵长目动物正将就着在一个温暖的被窝里而不是在她妈妈的胸怀里。
She tried to perform the Heimlich maneuver on herself, but it did not work. After she began beating on her chest, she said Toby noticed. 她试著对自己进行哈姆立克急救法,但是没有用,她开始捶自己的胸口后,她表示陶比注意到了。