
美 [ˈtʃɪkən]英 [ˈtʃɪkɪn]
  • n.〈非正式〉胆小鬼;【动】鸡;【食】鸡肉;涉世未深的年轻人
  • adj.〈非正式〉胆怯的
  • 网络小鸡;雏鸡;鸡肉类


eat chicken,kill chicken,hatch chicken,raise chicken
skinless chicken


1.[c]鸡a large bird that is often kept for its eggs or meat

2.[u]鸡肉meat from a chicken


a chicken-and-egg situation, problem, etc.

鸡与蛋孰先难定的情况;因果难定的问题a situation in which it is difficult to tell which one of two things was the cause of the other

play chicken

比试胆量to play a game in which people do sth dangerous for as long as they can to show how brave they are. The person who stops first has lost the game.


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... carrot n. 胡萝卜 chicken n. 鸡;鸡肉 breakfast n. 早餐 ...


地牢守护者_百度百科 ... 07、Zippy Terror( 迅捷之殇) 08、Chicken小鸡) 09、Move Core( 移动核心) ...


雏字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 雏鸽〖 squab〗 雏鸡〖 chick;chicken〗 雏形〖 embryonicform〗 ...


Angry Editor ... 吸血鬼– vampire 胆小鬼– coward;chicken 短命鬼– someone who dies at a young age ...


Mini Buffet Menu ... Thai Style Green Curry Chicken 泰式咖喱鸡 CHICKEN (鸡肉类) Pandan Chicken 香兰叶鸡 ...


Seng Kang Catering Services ... 2. Fish 鱼类 3. Chicken 鸡类 4. Meat 肉类 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... chew vt. 咀嚼,嚼碎 chicken n. 小鸡,小鸟;鸡肉 chief a. 主要的;首席的 ...

I said, "What percentage of your feed is chicken? " thinking, you know, two percent. 我说:“鸡在饲料中的比例是多少?”想一下,你知道,2%。
The chicken is cooked perfectly, still light pink at the bone, soft but with a bit of chew, and absolutely silky. 鸡肉做的可真好,仍旧粉粉的连在骨架上,嫩嫩的却有劲道,绝对的柔滑。
The living organism inside the eggshell would have had the same DNA as the chicken it would develop into, he said. 他说,蛋壳内的活体应当拥有与鸡相同的基因,即使它成为鸡的基因。
" The scoundrel had a brainwave and said: " The chicken is bathing in the river, and I am looking after its clothes. 歹徒“灵机”一动,说道:“鸡子在河里洗澡,我给它看着衣服。”
It had a pretty footloose and fancy-free life in the great outdoors - certainly better than that of a factory-farmed chicken or pig. 它们自由自在、无拘无束地在野外生活,当然要比集约养殖的鸡和猪好。
Whether he likes chicken enchiladas or tripe stew, look up a recipe online and give it a whirl. 不管他喜欢辣子鸡丁还是炖牛肚,去网上找个菜谱,试着给他做一份。
Another 40 people to stay if wood chicken sat up in bed and a pair of letting catastrophizing dismemberment. . . 另外有40人木若呆鸡地坐在床上,一副大祸临头任由宰割的样子……。
I even played chicken with a huge bus, its horn blaring like an out-of-tune concerto. The bus was bigger, and I was defeated. 我甚至和大客车较劲,其喇叭声就像是一首走了调的协奏曲。在庞大的汽车前面我败下阵来。
Actually the partially frozen chicken felt cold against my back but the rest of me was beginning to sweat as the hot air rushed by me. 而事实上当我在炎热中穿行的时候,除了冻鸡肉紧贴后背的那点地方感觉很凉之外,我周身的其余部分都开始出汗了。
An ornamental chicken. Said the mother, and did not dare ask the price, for fear someone told me to buy, haha. 一只观赏鸡。说是母的,没敢多问价格,怕别人叫我买,哈哈。
The mother was abusing the maid for having forgotten to make the dressing for the chicken salad which had been prepared for the watchers. 女佣忘记了给为守灵人准备的凉拌鸡打佐料,母亲正在那儿责骂。
The last straw came when Paige's eldest son Bruce came to stay. He asked her to buy chicken, and Paige ended up eating half of it. Paige大儿子留下来是最后一根稻草(起到关键作用),他让她买些鸡肉,结果Paige吃了一半。
He picked through some leftover chips. He found a chicken bone that had been picked clean. 他在吃剩的洋芋片里仔细搜寻,后来找到一块鸡骨头,但已经被啃得一乾二净半点肉都不剩。
Chicken is often cooked with a SAGE and onion stuffing . 烹饪鸡肉时常放洋苏叶、洋葱等填料。
When I buy chicken and you ask me if I'd like it in a plastic bag, and I tell you no, please do not look at me as if I'm disgusting. 当我买了一只鸡准备结账时你问我要不要塑料袋,我说不要。
I wanted out, but simply scolded myself for being such a chicken every time I got a little scared. 我开始发抖,想赶紧走出浴缸,但又不禁责怪自己,每次受点惊吓就会表现得像个胆小鬼。
To prove their point they scaled up a chicken to the size of T. Rex and found the giant chicken probably would not have been able to stand . 为了证明他们的观点,他们按比例把一只鸡放大到像霸王龙一样大,结果发现这只巨鸡可能站都站不住。
Jeremy told me that chicken parmesan is one of your favorites, and I happen to be a good cook. The Italian roots demand it. Jeremy说你最喜欢是番茄奶酪鸡排,我碰巧是个好厨子,意大利人必须的。
After the race, Bailey told Canadian television what he thought of Johnson: "He's just a chicken. " 赛后贝利告诉加拿大电视台他对于约翰的看法:“他只是个胆小鬼”
Don't try to be fancy with your meal; opt for a delicious, juicy and succulent chicken dish versus a more expensive veal, beef or lamb. 饭菜不用太昂贵。可选用美味多汁的鸡肉代替更贵的牛肉或羊肉。
Producing a calorie of chicken protein requires only a fraction of the energy that it takes to churn out a calorie of beef protein. 生产一卡路里的鸡肉蛋白质只占生产等量牛肉所需能量的一小部分。
Cooked rice, and potatoes together in the wok, the salt, oil, stir fry about one side and a bit of chicken powder. 米饭煮好后,和土豆一起放在炒锅里,在放盐,油,翻炒一下,一边再加一点鸡粉。
Do any of them seem to be a kind of chicken soup for your soul? 它们对你来说,是否也似乎是一种「心灵鸡汤」呢?
You caught me a bit unprepared. We've only got cold chicken and a bit of pickle. 只是我有点措手不及家里只有冻鸡和腌黄瓜
Mr Murdoch might be getting on a bit, but he still makes a fearsome opponent in a game of chicken. 默多克可能有些老了,但在博弈游戏中,他仍然是一个可怕的对手。
He felt flavor also as a physical shape in his hands, and the chicken had come out "too round. " 他觉得味道也为他的手的身体状况,和鸡已经走出来“太圆。”
I remember that the last time I ate chicken it just felt so uncomfortable that I almost felt as if it were poison. 记得最后一次吃鸡肉时,我觉得非常不舒服,好像它是有毒的。
After about a mile of running the chicken ran up a farm lane and into a barn behind an old farm house. 跑了很久之后,那只小鸡穿过农场的田间小路,最后跑进了农场一间旧房子后面的鸡笼里。
Doctors urged her to eat chicken for protein and take vitamin pills to help her baby, but her stomach wasn't used to them. 医生建议她多吃鸡肉摄取蛋白质,并服用维生素药物来帮助她的孩子成长,但她的胃无法接受。
PETA is outfitting a Hummer with a driver in a chicken suit and a vinyl banner proclaiming meat as the top cause of global warming. PETA装备了一辆悍马,其司机穿着了一套鸡服,塑料横幅上标有“肉是造成全球暖化的首因”。