
英 [tʃɪŋ]
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络清;晴;秦



主要放置管理人(Ching)及QR的作品及地下支部的HIT图。GUEST 我们的宝藏库,除了来自大家的爱心之外,还有我们额外 …

晓 。晴。这两个字 粤语翻译中文读音_百度知道 ... 晓\ Hiu \ Ching 晓 xiao ...

如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 钱- -Chien - -Ching 裘/仇/邱- -Chiu ...

香港姓氏都有哪些?-资讯-娱乐-天涯问答 ... Chin 钱 Ching Chiu 赵,招 ...

HTC 手机香港买会便宜一点吗?_深圳_天涯论坛 ... ching 2011-11-29 13:58:00 ...

真系高登(Ching)仔黎一堆r卡换都厌烦, r+差木大叔就齐, sr见都未见过 早几日6张R+有肥德多鲁都收唔到 想金劵出sr就咪刷bs …

◆维尼夫妇◇◆110619|改文◇冷艳妈咪的天才宝贝... ... ching ...

...Ching's Piano Duo”,除了名字都有Ching)字外,两人的英文译名第一个字母分别为M与Y,合在一起正好是MY(我的)…

Not listen to her mother, then just change the child-ching. 不如听妈妈的话,更改为清儿罢了。
Between the taste of life in this beautiful sunrise and sunset, in which San-ching Shuilv pleasure between the harvest of a state of mind. 在这日出日落间品味生命的美好,于那山青水绿间收获一种心境享乐。
Chen Ching Lee also made of wood, thanks to which "a strong and dignified in the election. " 李显龙同样致电陈清木,感谢后者“参与一次有力且有尊严的选举”。
At the time, I did not know of Supreme Master Ching Hai, but She nonetheless knew me and was taking care of me. 当时我并不知道清海无上师,可是她已经默默在照顾我了。
The representative of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association said that the intent of their visit was to help anyone in need. 清海无上师世界会的代表此行主要目的是帮助任何需要帮助的人们。
Around the end of their career, the beginning of a profound anti-death-ching hing Siming painful lessons of history. 他们在结束了奔波生涯后,开始深刻反思明亡清兴沉痛的历史教训。
Ching-wan is our team leader this time. He'd come over to tell me: 'Ah, your look is really good. ' He gave a lot of encouragement. 吴:这次青云是我们这个团队的领袖。他会过来跟我说“啊,你看起来真不错。”他给了很多鼓励。
At the end, he said that to his own great surprise, on this full moon night, he found his true idol - Suma Ching Hai! 他还说:令他自己也非常吃惊的是,在这个月圆的夜晚,他找到了他真正的偶像清海无上师!
A well-known local chemists, openly ridiculed Wang Yung-ching did not know what the plastic, plastic plant start-up money to be sure! 当地一个有名的化学家,公然嘲笑王永庆根本不知道塑胶为何物,开办塑胶厂肯定要倾家荡产!
Then, after thirty years of pursuing the Truth, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the Supreme Master Ching Hai by a friend. 经过了长达三十年的真理追寻之后,很幸运地,一位朋友向我介绍清海无上师。
The waveguide may be formed by into*ching two 3D photonic crystal regions, with at least one of the regions having a channel formed therein. 可以通过以下方法来所述波导:令两个光子晶体的区域对接,而其中至少一个区域具有形成在其中的通道。
"Divination" is to predict future developments, and "I Ching" is the theory of summing up the law books of these projections. “卜筮”就是对未来事态的发展进行预测,而《易经》便是总结这些预测规律理论的书。
Mr Chiu said he recommended the Foreign Ministry pay Mr Ching because he had been introduced to him by a trusted friend. 邱义仁表示,他建议外交部付款给金纪玖,是因为金纪玖是他信任的一位朋友介绍给他的。
the next volume of its essays, from which can be clearly demonstrated Chu Lu-ching calligraphy teaching philosophy and methods of ideology. 下卷是其自撰,从中能清晰的体现出朱履贞的书法教学理念和方法等思想体系。
cried Mei-ching faintly, leaning back against the back of the chair. Holding her face in her hands, she began giggling uncontrollably. 眉卿低喊一声,就靠在椅子背上,两手捧住了脸,格格地笑个不住。
As one of the Chinese classics, Tao Te Ching attracts a great number of Western as well as Chinese scholars to interpret it in a new way. 作为中国的经典著作,《道德经》吸引着中外众多的学者对其进行新的阐释。
As a result , some of his students are practicing the Convenient Method of meditation, as taught by Suma Ching Hai, at the moment . 也因为这样,他的一些学生现在正修习清海无上师所教的方便法。
We returned to Peking, and shortly Yu Chung-ching and I joined a group of correspondents for a nine-day trip southwest to Sian and Yenan. 我们回到了北京,接着我和禹春卿参加了一个记者团,去西安和云南的9天西南之旅。
You know, most of the collection here was put together during the Ching dynasty. 这里大部份的收藏品是在清朝时期整理集中的。
This is how so many religions came into existence. I beg you not to call us the Ching Hai religion after I die! 就是这样子,产生很多宗教出来,拜托我死了以后不要说清海教。
You can now enjoy the infinite wisdom of Supreme Master Ching Hai as She answers questions from spiritual practitioners in an easier way . 您现在可以用一种更方便的方式来享受清海无上师回答修行人问题时的无边智慧了。
With thousands of years of history, "I-Ching, " or "Book of Changes, " remains popular in China with its naive philosophy of changes. 历史数千年以来,随着朴素哲学思想的变化发展,“易经”在中国仍然非常流行。
Known as "coconut Township, " said Wen, is the ancestral home of Soong Ching Ling, the sea along the riverside. 素有“椰乡”之称的文昌,是宋庆龄的祖居地,临海傍河。
Ching Ming, as if one has nothing to do with my day. 清明,一个仿佛与我无关的节日。
It was a thrilling experience and a wonderful present for us on Ching Hai Day that lasted a full fifteen minutes! 这不仅是一个令人兴奋的体验,更是一份美好的清海日礼物!
The walled city of Hengchun was a city built by the Ching government's capital as a result of the MuDan Incident. 恒春县城是台湾清代晚期,因牡丹社事件而由国家出资兴建而成的城墙城市。
Wen Ching-chu creates a sophisticated , cultured style of clothing from her design studio in Ta-an Road . 具特色的大安路服装工作室中,温庆珠擅长细腻文艺气息设计风格。
The Supreme Master Ching Hai eNews Nowadays many sicknesses, different diseases, kill people, about eighteen million a year. 即使到现在,仍然有很多疾病夺走了人们的生命,每年大约有一千八百万人死于不同的疾病。
The beginning era of the city means the time that Ching government reigned over Hengchun region officially. 城市创始期指清国统治力正式进入恒春地区的期间。
Objective: To investigate the evolution of the meaning and concept of tongue color before the end of the Ching dynasty. 目的:探讨清末以前诊舌色的含义及其概念的演变。