
美 [tʃɔɪs]英 [tʃɔɪs]
  • n.选择;抉择;挑选;选择权
  • adj.优质的;上等的;优选的;(质量)中上等的
  • 网络精选的;精选品;特选级

复数:choices 比较级:choicer 最高级:choicest

make choice,face choice,give choice,influence choice,choice affect
inevitable choice,difficult choice,wise choice,final choice,conscious choice


1.[c]~ (between A and B)选择;挑选;抉择an act of choosing between two or more possibilities; something that you can choose

2.[u][sing]选择权;选择的可能性the right to choose or the possibility of choosing

3.[c]入选者;被选中的东西a person or thing that is chosen

4.[sing][u]供选择的品种;可选的范围the number or range of different things from which to choose


by choice

出于自己的选择because you have chosen

of choice (for sb/sth)

精选的;特选的that is chosen by a particular group of people or for a particular purpose

of your choice

自己选择(或选定)的that you choose yourself


选择choice)战中赢了彭格列家族,之后便听从白兰的命令追捕逃亡中的尤尼和彭格列家族众人,还与彭格列等人战斗。初登 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Sophie 索菲(女子名) choice n 选择;抉择;精选品 △ Sophie’s Choice 《索菲的抉择》(电影名…


新概念英语第一册词汇_百度文库 ... chocolate n. 巧克力,巧克力糖 choice a. 精选的 n.挑选 英语学习,口 church n. 教堂 ...


新概念英语词汇表_百度文库 ... chocolate n. 巧克力,巧克力糖 choice a. 精选的 n.挑选 church n. 教堂 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Sophie 索菲(女子名) choice n 选择;抉择;精选品 △ Sophie’s Choice 《索菲的抉择》(电影名…


第二级为特选级Choice),此等级的牛肉在一般超市或量贩店均有贩售,多半切成牛排贩售;第三级则为上选级(select), …


2010年卫生类职称英语考试重点词汇 ... cheap adj. 便宜的,不值钱的; choice n. 选择,抉择;选择权 cease to be……/ 不再 …


《新概念英语》第一册词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... chocolate 巧克力 choice 上等的, 精选的 / church 教堂 ...

The difficulty is always your choice as the choice is simple, please do not consider the issue of choice, just do it. 困难在于你总是把抉择当做抉择,简单在于你别去考虑抉择的问题,只是动手去做。
This representation can then be output in a language of your choice, currently it supports Java, but even Ruby is possible. 这种表示随后会输出成你选择的语言,目前它支持Java,但Ruby也是可以的。
He said: "He is a leader but it (being England captain) will be probably the choice of another manager. " 他说:“他是一个领袖,但他是否(成为英格兰队队长)将会是另一名教练的选择。”
It was another good choice: the easier league suited his waning legs, and the US was the new market he and his wife wanted to exploit. 这又是一次不错的选择:一个踢球更容易的联盟更适合他日渐老迈的双腿,同时美国也是他们夫妇俩想要开发的新市场。
I could sew a rag doll and design it a few choice gowns. 我可以缝制一个布娃娃并设计几套漂亮长袍。
But he also noted that the average age of a Japanese farmer is 70. He said Japan will someday have no choice but to accept more imports. 但是同时他也指出日本农民的平均年龄在七十岁。他表示日本总有一天将别无选择地接受更多的进口产品。
The point is that there is still a chance to present China with a choice: act like a responsible power or face a great wall of resistance. 重点是我们要给中国一个选择题:作一个负责任的国家,还是面对强力反制。
Select a template of your choice from the resources provided or from your own source, for the general look for a layout you would like. 选择你选择,从所提供的资源或从自己的源,给你想要的布局综观模板。
radish salad with a choice of water, also known as white radish radish, tender, crisp and microstrip sweet taste, a bit less spicy. 凉拌用的萝卜选择水萝卜又名白萝卜,肉嫩,口感爽脆微带甜,少了几分辛辣。
Golden lines occasionally sparked underneath it like archaically patterned circuitry, as if to accentuate his choice of words. 皮肤下偶尔闪动着的金线,就像古老的电路图,仿佛在强调他对措辞的选择。
Our plan-of-first-choice is to carry out a first contact with a series of new transitional governments in place. 我们计划选择的首要问题是导致第一次接触发生和开展一个新过渡政府的措施制定。
If I ever return to Bangkok, and plan to pamper myself, Oriental is going to be my only choice! 如果我再回到曼谷,要放松、享受一番的话,东方文华将是我不二的选择!
If God had given me a choice, I would have traded places with her in a second. 如果上帝给我一次选择,我会求他给我与简妮共处一秒也好。
The combination of the type of person he is, the things he's overcome and his passion for Kentucky made it a really easy choice. 考虑到他的品性,还有他所克服的种种困难和他对肯塔基篮球队的热情,使得这个决定做得很容易。
It teaches that living with decline is not always a question of denial: decline can be a seductive choice. 此书给我们传达了这样的讯息:忍受衰落时常不是否定一切的问题---衰落能成为一个有诱惑力的抉择。
It seems to me that you don't have much choice. 在我看来,你没有什么选择。
I have no choice in the matter . I have come here seeking the love of my life . 我别无选择。我来此是为了寻找我终生的爱情。
Made your choice when you spread your lies but we've seen what you'd like to hide on the surface you may appear to be right. 制造你的选择,当你传播你的谎言,但我们已经看到你想隐藏你表面上看起来是正确的。
New Zealand is at best a second or third choice among South Asians seeking a new home, he said. 他说,在寻找新家的南非人之中,纽西兰顶多只是第二或第三选择。
I will not claim it's perfect, but it's a fine default choice until you know better. 我并不是说它是完美的,但在你找到更好的之前确实是一个不错的选择。
There was no choice. They had to leave. 没有别的选择,摩门教徒不得不离开。
They are missing a valuable point; the question of how the choice of a usage scenario applies to the binding style. 他们错过了一个有价值的地方:使用场景的选择如何应用到绑定样式的问题。
If an American president tried to override them in peace out of choice, he would face dissent at home and opprobrium abroad. 倘若某位美国总统处于自由选择和平推翻这些,他将会遭受国内异议和和国际谴责。
The last race wasn't a great race for me, a bit of bad luck but also I have to admit that my tyre choice wasn't great. 对我而言,上一站的比赛并不精彩,运气有些不太好,另外我还必须承认轮胎也没有选择好。
But Richardson said the choice Obama made is just one of difficult decisions a senator -- and a president -- must make. 但理查森说奥巴马作出的选择只是一位参议员,乃至一位总统必须作出的艰难选择之一。
Finally the mouse crouches down, ears flattened against its head, facing the wind which it has no choice but to endure. 最后老鼠蜷缩了起来,头上的耳朵也趴了下来,面对着风别无选择,只能忍耐。
There was a time when ambitious foreigners had little choice but to put up with America's restrictive ways. 曾几何时,心怀梦想的外国人除了忍耐美国的限制之外没有多少可选的余地。
I looked at him for me at this time, he photographs the workplace, I know at the time of his choice and he had to say. 我此时看着他给我发的,他工作地方的照片,我明白了他当时的选择和他说的话。
Whatever happens, it has to be your choice. Take your time over it if you can, and if you can work through it with him, all the better. 无论发生什么,这必须你自己的选择……有可能的话,慢慢来仔细考虑一下。如果你能同他一起解决问题的话,就更好了。
If the sales person says, "Wait a second. Let me ask you a few questions to see if this is a good choice. " 如果这个推销员说,“请等一下,让我问您一些问题,看看这是不是个好的选择。”