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教你如何取英文名(另附4个在线取英文名的网站) ... 湛- -Tsan - -Chung 庄- -Chong ...

越南人的姓氏_清抹侃英语_天涯博客 ... 刁 Điêu Chung 邱 Khâu ...

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郑文忠的香港式英文名怎么打?_百度知道 ... 文= man = chung 郑= cheng ...

常见字粤式拼音_百度文库 ... CHUN 蓁 4 CHUNG CHUNG 冲 ...

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民国之精华 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 1.2.109 乐 Yo 1.2.110 Chung 1.2.111 蔡 Tsai ...

(Chung)建立了信息质量模型并用于香港饭店网站的性能评价,模型由设施信息、客户联系信息、预订信息、周围环境信息、 …

It's not clear how much damage Chung has done. 现在还不清楚钟到底做了多少破坏。
After two years of hard support, Chung decided to extend the operation of the project to gather popularity. 辛苦支撑了两年后,郑某决定扩展经营项目,以聚集人气。
A week later, Maj. Gen. Park Chung-hee staged a coup, the beginning of his 18-year iron-fisted rule. 1周后,朴正熙发动政变上台,开始了长达18年的铁腕统治。
I grew up in China, Chung-hing, a scientific age, and is considered to be a smart students should be the most formal education. 我成长在中国重兴科学的年代里,并且被认为是一个聪明学生所应当得到的最正统的教育。
When Tai Cho arrived, Siu Hor told him to help think of an idea to have Wing Chung return to her. 当泰祖到达时,笑荷向他坦言要他想办法将永中交回给她慢慢教导。
However, disillusionment - Meilen his wife were killed when the executioner England, home of a Shashi Jian Qiu hate Chung and on. 但当理想破灭——他的妻子美伦被英格兰刽子手杀害时,家仇国恨刹时间一涌而上。
Southern Chung Rong said: "The air of the animals, the moving object, it passes temperament, form and spirit dance Wing. " 南朝的锺嵘说:“气之动物,物之感人,故摇荡性情,形诸舞咏。”
The timing also makes sense because it's been a year since the last Chung Jung Won fan signing. 并且时间也很合适,因为距离上次的清景园的粉丝签名会已经有一年的时间了。
Dam, dam foundation of anti-plugging, excavation around the gushing water and basal sand Chung grouting can be used to deal with. 坝体、坝基的防渗堵漏、基坑周边渗水和基底涌水涌沙都可采用注浆法处理。
Chung Yeung Festival is a long history of the festival, as the old, the festival is not easy to form a clear inspection. 重阳节是个历史悠久的节日,由于年代久远,节日的形成不易考察明确。
Speaking to reporters after the auction, Nan Fung Managing Director Donald Choi said the price for the Tung Chung site was reasonable. 南丰集团董事总经理蔡宏兴(DonaldChoi)在拍卖后对记者说,东涌的这块地价格合理。
Wu Chung-tai, the National Teachers' Union secretary-general, said the exams had failed in their primary task of reducing students' stress. 全国教师会秘书长吴忠泰说,这个考试要减轻学生压力的本意已经失败了。
an ecologically sensitive area , the seagrass bed in san tau , is only a kilometre away from the river mouth of the tung chung stream. 此外属于生态敏感地区的汕头海草丛距离东涌河口仅一公里,亦容易遭受波及。
Police arrested a man and a woman in connection with a criminal damage case in Kwai Chung. 警方拘捕一男一女,他们涉嫌与一宗葵涌的刑事毁坏案有关。
CHUNG mistakes TONG for an illegal immigrant at first. With her passionate entreaties, he eventually agrees to put her up temporarily. 冲误会当为偷渡者,但最终经不起她的恳求而暂时收留她。
But Antony Leung Kam-chung said the outlook remained optimistic due to China's accession to the World Trade Organisation. 但梁锦松说前景仍然是乐观的,因为中国加入世贸组织。
We returned to Peking, and shortly Yu Chung-ching and I joined a group of correspondents for a nine-day trip southwest to Sian and Yenan. 我们回到了北京,接着我和禹春卿参加了一个记者团,去西安和云南的9天西南之旅。
Foshan earliest smelting iron point of the new Chung is said to be in Foshan, Foshan Eight Sights edge of the old one, "Gu Cun Zhu Lian. " 佛山最早的冶铁点,据说是在佛山新涌边的旧佛山八景之一的“孤村铸炼”。
Mr. Chung gave MVP an order for a few motor homes that got the company working again. 钟先生向MVP下了一个订单,订购一批房车,这使得公司可以重新投产。
Samuel Chung. This was due to his outstanding dissertation named "A perfect marriage: modern hypnotism and ancient Chinese wisdom" . 这是由于他极为优秀的论文:「完美的组合:现代催眠学与古中华民族的智慧」。
Later, a chance, by Taiwan's jay Chou chung-hsien wu "phase" , the company entered the miss assistant producer for music. 后来,一个偶然的机会,周杰伦被台湾乐坛老大吴宗宪“相中”,进入吴的公司作音乐制片助理。
Since The Divinity School of Chung Chi College is a privately funded unit in The University, this project will also be privately funded. 由于崇基学院神学院乃自行筹款单位,故是项工程也不会获得大学资助。
The suits by Susanna Chung Forest were sewn up in a new palette of colours and luxurious fabrics. 出自SusannaChungForest之手的衣服采用了全新的色调和奢华的布料。
Pai Chung-hsi and the Hupeh Provincial Council immediately brought the question of peace before the generalissimo. 白崇禧和湖北省参议会立即向蒋提出实现和平的问题。
The wind Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, rain, cold light dry eyes, only a trickle of chung. 风也萧萧,雨也萧萧,寒灯枯尽,只剩秋水一江涓涌。
For Chung Hwa Book a veteran known for the publication of ancient society, the reputation of any errors such errors occur. 对于中华书局这样一个以出版古籍见长的老社来说,出现这类错误有失声誉。
Mr. Chung led an attempt to block plans to move half the national government to a new city, an effort that Mr. Lee supported. 郑云灿牵头试图阻止将半数政府部门转移到新城市的计划,得到李明博的支持。
While Lin likes to present overtly female perspectives in her creations, Chung draws from, and focuses on, nature in his artwork. 林雪卿喜欢在她的创作中展现过度女性化的观点,但是钟有辉的画作却是取材并集中于大自然。
Festival legends, and the majority of traditional festivals like, the Chung Yeung Festival is an ancient legend. 和大多数传统节日一样,重阳节也有古老的传说。
Kim Hyun-chung, a psychiatrist at the National Medical Center in Seoul, says more than half of her patients have suicidal thoughts. 金辉畅是首尔国家医疗中心的精神病医生,她说她医治的病人过半都有自杀的念头。