
美 [ˈsɪti]英 ['sɪti]
  • n.城市;都市;(由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市
  • 网络伦敦城市大学;所在城市;居住城市


beautiful city,ancient city,chinese city,modern city,capital city
come city,flee city



1.[c]都市;城市a large and important town

2.[c](由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市a town that has been given special rights by a king or queen, usually one that has a cathedral

4.[singspv]全市居民all the people who live in a city

5.[sing]伦敦商业区,伦敦城(伦敦最古老的金融商务中心)Britain's financial and business centre, in the oldest part of London

6.[u](informal)(用于其他名词之后)充满…的地方used after other nouns to say that a place is full of a particular thing


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TOEIC--职业英语考试 ... 所在省份/ Province 所在城市/ City 材料类- Materials ...


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Its canals made it easy to ship goods to the big industrial port city of Shanghai, downstream. 它的运河使用船装运货物到下游的大工业城市上海更为方便。
The first of these limitations was the obsession of the Greek mind by the idea of the city as the ultimate state. 这些局限的第一项是希腊人在心理上把城邦作为国家的最终形式的成见。
David Beckham will visit every Major League Soccer city after his U. S. arrival in mid-July, and television viewers will see lots of him. 大卫.贝克汉姆在七月中旬到达美国后将走遍美国职业大联盟足球队所在的每一个城市,电视观众将有幸目睹他的风采。
A long moved to Zhuhai from a remote countryside in Guangxi province in 1994. He began to make a living in this hurly-burly of modern city. 阿龙,1994年从广西一个偏远的农村来到了珠海,开始在忙碌的城市忙碌地工作。
It had begun to snow, a soft, windblown powder that dusted the city. 天开始下起雪来,一阵轻柔的被风吹乱的白絮撒满了这座城市。
Many immigrants in Salt Lake City were angered by the arrests and said they felt as if they were being treated like disposable goods. 盐湖城的许多移民都对这次逮捕表示愤慨,他们说感觉自己就像是一次性商品一样被对待。
He said my safe return from the jungle called for a celebration and would lunchme well at the best restaurant in the city. 他说我从丛林中安全返回值得庆贺,他将在城中最好的饭店招待我吃丰盛的午餐。
Leonard: Okay, uh, if I get lucky, I'll take her to my stately manner outside Gotham City, and. 好啊,如果我走运的话,我会带她去哥谭市外的豪宅,
Weekly, holding his hands in front of his face, refused to speak to reporters as he was taken into the City Courthouse. 维克莱,指控他犯有一系列贪污罪行。维克莱在被押进市法院时,举起双手遮住脸部,拒不和记者讲话。
The residents in turn called it a raid on their land by insatiable city officials, and paraded a few poor old folk. 当地居民则还以颜色,称贪得无厌的市政府官员侵略侵略了他们的土地,且有数名老年居民进行了游行。
If you're based away from the city, but would like a bit more action, some of the suggestions above also apply. 如果你住在郊外,而又想多一些自由的话,上面那条建议也同样适合你。
It is now host to one of 16 "pacifying police units" , or UPPs, that have been set up in the city in recent years. 在最近几年中,里约16支“维和警察部队”(亦称作皇家海关反走私组),而如今的上帝之城就驻扎着一支。
"I can't really feel bad for this rich kid with a weekend free in New York City, " said one teacher, paraphrasing some of her students. 一位老师转述学生的话:“一位富家子在纽约自由自在的过周末,我真的不会为此感到难过。”
Outside our hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a seemingly ancient woman on crutches waited beside the door with her hand outstretched . 在越南胡志明市里旅馆外面,有一个颇似古代人的老妇人倚着拐杖,伸手在门口等着。
A brother offended [is harder to be won] than a strong city: and [their] contentions [are] like the bars of a castle. 弟兄结怨,劝他和好,比取坚固城还难,这样的争竞,如同坚寨的门闩。
Hospitals throughout the city started issuing lists of the dead and wounded as Mumbai began to count the cost of the massacre. 全城的医院开始统计伤亡名单,而孟买,也开始统计这场屠杀带来的伤痛究竟有多深。
For a couple of months, I waited until she contacted me to tell me about life as an illegally employed adolescent in the big city. 有几个月的时间,我一直等她的消息,直到她联系我并告诉我她在大城市身为非法移民童工的生活。
When the Spanish took Naples in 1503, they found it "a very rundown city whose whole infrastructure badly needed making over" . 1503年西班牙占领此地时,他们发现它是“一座整体的基础设施亟需改造的破败之城”。
He was born in Mecca, the holiest of Muslim places and was the only person to be born within the Kaaba sanctuary inside the city. 他出生于穆斯林最神圣的地方麦加,是唯一出生在恺阿白庇护城内的人。
He was outstanding against Wigan and outstanding against Arsenal. And against Tottenham and Manchester City, you want him in the midfield. 对维根和阿森纳的比赛他都踢得很好。对热刺和曼城你也会希望他在场。
The name "city" was given to a settlement because it had achieved a certain degree of political autonomy from the central government. 一片居住区之所以能被冠以“城市”的名称,是因为它从中央政府那里取得了一定程度的政治自治权。
In the City, there is a uniform for doing business. The bow tie is something of a statement of non-uniformity. 在金融城,做生意有统一风格的着装,而领结则是非统一的一种表达。
Mercer consultants said the city's top ranking is due to the extreme cost of secure high-end rental accommodations there. 美世的顾问说,罗安达排在第一,是因为那里的高档出租房的房租高得吓人。
The number of rabies infections of humans in the city has decreased since the program started, he said. 他说,自这项行动开始以来,汉中市感染狂犬病的人数已经减少。
The monuments, the streets, seem to be unchanged but the city itself that we wandered through is no longer ours. 纪念碑和街道看上去并无变化,但我们正漫步其中的城市本身,它已不再属于我们。
He left behind him an immense city plunged into darkness, where the only lights were the reflections of his headlamps. 他驶出伦敦市,这个大都市一下就陷入一片黑暗之中,只有他的车的前灯反射出光亮。
City Defense - The Road is going to be Unpublished. The new version: CITY DEFENSE RELOAD is NOW AVAILABLE on MARKET. 城防-道路是已经发表。新版本:城防再装现已上市。
Mexico's consul in Salt Lake City, Salvador Jimenez, said he spoke with Huntsman and urged him to continue the rescue effort. 墨西哥在盐湖城的领事,杰姆丽资说,他已和汉特斯曼对过话,敦促他继续营救行动。
Toronto is such a multicultural city that there are many religious holidays, to the point where there is almost one after another. 多伦多是一个多元化城市,有着种类甚多的宗教性节日,在某种程度上说,节日几乎是一个挨着一个。
Money talks and, for City, it has said goodbye to the days when they were made to feel like second-class citizens. 对曼城来说,金钱的魔力开始显现,他们已经向感觉自己是二等公民的时期说再见了。