civil rights

  • n.公民权
  • 网络公民权利;民事权利;民权运动

civil rightscivil rights

civil rights


1.公民权the rights that every person in a society has, for example to be treated equally, to be able to vote, work, etc. whatever their sex, race or religion


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  民权运动 (Civil Rights)  从美国南北战争到民权运动,佐治亚州在美国民众争取平等权利的历史中有着无可替代的地位。  民权运 …


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But despite how much social revolution and civil rights movements we've had, we haven't had much of an internal empowerment movement. 但是如今我们又有多少的社会改革和人权运动呢,我们国内并没有很多合法的相关活动。
Given that Mr Lewis really was beaten up during a civil-rights march in the 1960s, he might have shown more of a sense of proportion. 假如刘易斯先生果真在20世纪60年代的一次公民权利游行期间被痛打,他可能表现出更多的是“辨别轻重缓急”的能力。
Then for a number of African Americans the strategy of the Civil Rights Movenent was beginning to appear demeaning and even irrelevant. 对于一些非裔美国人来说,民权运动的策略开始逐渐的被贬低,甚至是无关。
June 21st, 1964 In Philadelphia, Mississippi, three civil rights workers disappear while trying to help blacks register to vote. 1964年6月21日,在费城、密西西比、三民权工人消失而试图帮助黑人选民登记。
Created during the heart of the Civil Rights Movement, this collage depicts a bustling city neighborhood with a serene bird at its center. 民权运动高峰时期的拼贴作品,安祥的鸽子、掠食的猫,拼凑出城市的繁忙与喧嚣。
All his life he believed that it was right and necessary to demand changes in society if people did not have their civil rights. 整个一生他都认为如果人民没有权利的话,要求社会变革是正确的,而且是必要的。
Sit-ins, or sit-downs, had been used by striking workers worldwide for years. But the idea was new to the civil rights movement. 静坐这一方式被全世界的罢工工人沿用了很多年,但是对于民权运动来说这一方式却是以前没用过的。
When I left for Oxford, I gave her a cardboard box full of paperback books on civil rights and urged her to read them. 我离开美国赴牛津大学前给过她一纸盒民权方面的平装书,力劝她多看看。
The stipulations in legislation are nothing but a promise on paper, which don't mean automatic protection of civil rights. 立法上的规定,只是一种纸上的承诺,它并不意味着公民权的自动保护。
The full fruits of the civil rights and women's movements might have made some of her choices easier, but those would come only later. 在公民权利斗争硕果累累和女权运动频繁的阶段可以帮助她更容易的做出选择。但是这些都来得太迟了些。
The majority opinion acknowledged the violation, but held that there was no proof of "deliberate indifference" to civil rights. 多数意见认为之前的误判成立,但也主张并无证据证明法庭“故意漠视”民权。
He was one of the nation's foremost civil rights leaders, and he was a person on whom his friends could always rely. 他是全国民权运动最重要的领袖之一,还是一个在朋友们看来值得依赖的人。
It also said the Civil Rights Act does not give employees a right to cultural expression. 法庭还指出,《民权法案》没有赋予雇员文化表达的权利。
Increasingly, the lines between the militancy of the civil rights movement and that of the anti-war movement were beginning to blur. 民权运动的斗争与反战运动之间的界限变得越来越模糊。
The fledgling attorney said he has started looking into opportunities working for a public-interest group that specializes in civil rights. 这位羽翼未丰的律师说他开始寻找在公民权利方面的公益组织。
Indeed, within a few short years of Stonewall, thousands of gay and lesbian civil rights organizations had sprung up all across America. 事实上,在石墙事件发生后的短短几年中,数以千计的同性恋民权组织就在美国各地如雨后春笋般地建立起来。
I'm trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader. 我在努力做一个歌手,而不是人权运动领袖。
Even intellectuals who gripe about personal-freedom and civil rights issues seem to do so through a filter of sincere patriotism. 即使是知识分子关心个人自由和公民权利问题的抱怨似乎做一个真诚的爱国主义的过滤器。
He announced that Marshall, "an expert on minorities and civil rights, had been retained" by his group to draft a proposed Bill of Rights. 他宣布,他的代表团已经邀请到“少数族裔权利和公民权利专家”马歇尔起草民权法案。
She witnessed more civil rights history than any other African-American leader of her time. 她比同时期的非洲裔领袖见证了更多的民权运动史。
As a lawyer and a Supreme Court justice, he was the legal architect of the civil-rights revolution. 身为律师和最高法院的法官,他是建筑师的民事法律权利革命。
A year later he joined the Tennessean in Nashville, again covering civil rights, in the thick of things and ahead of the game. 一年之后,他加入纳什维尔的《田纳西报》,依然是报道民权运动,他活跃在斗争最激烈的地方,并(在媒体报道中)保持着领先优势。
However, his ideas of civil rights aimed to eliminate the impact of the Communist Party of China, which had strong political purposes. 但其民权主义思想立足于消弭中国共产党的影响,具有浓厚的政治目的。
Clinton said the country is strongest when political leaders emphasize the values the civil rights movement represented. 克林顿则说,只有政界领袖强调民权运动所代表的那些价值观的时候,美国才最强大。
Civic, religious, and civil rights leaders also said the case shows that more needs to be done to improve race relations. 城市、宗教和市民权利领导人表示,这次事件表明为了改善种族关系,还有很多事情要做。
This was difficult because at the time I was his only assistant at the Office of Education -- or Office for Civil Rights. 这是苦难的,因为当时我是他的唯一秘书,在教育学办公室——或民事权利的办公室。
Civil Rights Activists Mender Evers has gunned down in front of his home in Jackson, Mississipi. 民权活动家修理工已枪杀属于自己的家在密西西比州杰克森市。
i. This , he said, deprived him of his civil rights , and he asked for $150, 000in damages. 他说,这等于是剥夺了他的公民权力,因此申请$150,000的赔偿。
remedy for civil rights is an important system of legal society in terms of its value in justice and efficiency, often a unity of opposites. 民事权利救济是法律社会的重要制度,其价值基础在于正义和效益,二者既冲突,又统一。
I was very pleased to hear from Taylor Branch, author of one of the definitive biographies of the civil-rights movement and Dr. King. 我很高兴听到泰勒分行的的民权运动和金博士的权威传记作者之一。